They’re already here, so much Nazi apologia has appeared all of a sudden.
Yeah, I have seen a few “Roman salute… throwing his heart… autistic… etc” people in the threads about Edolf Muskler’s salute.
Also seen plenty centrist democrats blame protest voters as if that had more of an effect than the democrats bending over for republicans.
Glad I am not the only one to have noticed.
Honestly, I kind of hope they do.
Every time they experience the slightest indication that their views aren’t normal or reasonable, they lose a little bit of confidence and a little bit of power.
Think about the “weird” moment last summer. Walz had Republicans sputtering and whining about how they totally aren’t weird at all. The best Trump could come up with was “no u!” I think, if Harris had maintained that energy, she’d have been inaugurated this week. And speaking of this week, Trump is all offended and in a tizzy because an Episcopal priest read him the words of Jesus on Tuesday.
The slightest speedbump or disfavor spins them out.
Now. What community on the internet is more disfavorable toward conservatives than Lemmy? It’s nothing but speedbumps for them over here. They’d last approximately an hour and a half, and they’d see a more united resistance than they’ve ever imagined from corporate-owned media. Some of them might even realize that the mainstream socials are actually preferential toward them, and maybe reevaluate some opinions. For a moment, they’d see how weird they are.
Filter bubbles aren’t inherently bad. But when they’re holding together an odious group in a terrible shared delusion, they need to be popped. Lemmy might pop their bubble, at least a little bit.
Let them come. I pity their bar tabs.
The moderation practices on that subreddit have created an environment where dissenting opinions are swiftly and permanently banned. This approach has fostered an echo chamber where only one perspective is allowed to thrive, reinforcing a cycle of confirmation bias and groupthink. As a result, most conservative posts lack depth and often resemble oversimplified memes rather than meaningful discourse.
Even when an opposing viewpoint manages to slip through, it’s often dismissed as artificial or the work of bots. This mindset reveals how deeply entrenched their worldview has become—so much so that they struggle to believe that differing opinions could be genuine. It’s a surreal and unfortunate dynamic that stifles any chance of productive discussion.
A sure sign of their self delusion is that this sub admits “satire” posts, in what is supposed to be for discussing conservative topics.
Because leftists are not as inconsiderate as them, they have to make up imaginary stories to expel their rancor.
Indeed! Which is why they need to be shown the real world. Lemmy isn’t that, but it could shock their systems into believing that /r/conservative isn’t, either.
I’ve been aware of the fediverse since the api-lypse but have just been lurking for a good while. I really hope we manage to find a social media system that doesn’t bow to censorship. We need to find a way that lets us decentralize servers to not rely on AWS.
That costs a lot of money. “Finding” that sort of thing is basically just going to involve donating a bunch of cash, on an ongoing basis.
Finding could also mean letting users share hosting responsibilities. Like making fediverse similar to torrenting.
Interesting idea. I don’t know if we have a robust enough infrastructure for that right now, but it’s conceptually interesting.
Yeah i’m no programmer but being forced to rely on AWS or any other company for hosting sucks.
At first I thought you meant pitching in for the cost, but you mean more like lending cpu cycles or memory.
People are so fucking stupid. Liberals complain that Reddit is too conservative now. Conservatives complain that it’s too liberal. Well which is it?
Its both because they pander to the popular, which is why anything thays actually useful, funny, or satirical gets banned on that site.
That’s the problem with reddit
Mods have complete control of how left or right a given community is so you will always see the one you don’t like if you look for it
Like someone said below, it’s the mods that are the problem.
thats that controversy feeding algorithim
It could be that people are just getting more polarized or at least more vocal about all political beliefs? Maybe? I’m not really sure, tbh.
depends on which sub you go to.
People are so fucking stupid. Liberals complain that Reddit is shit now because of the conservatives. Conservatives complain that it’s shit because of the liberals. Well which is it?
Slightly rephrased.
I’m not interested in having a civil conversation with fascists either
Unless they come out the gate swinging, please be careful. I don’t know about you, but I want to get as many people as possible on board with combating the far right.
Attacking somebody who is legitimately trying to learn will only entrench them deeper in their prior beliefs. It might take a few sentences to find out if they are being genuine, but if you can change their perspective, it is worth it.
You basically can’t teach conservatives. If they were capable of learning and changing they wouldn’t be conservatives in the first place. Consider that the majority of self avowed conservatives in the US literally believe the world is less than 10,000 years old created as is and jeebus is coming back real soon now. Literally 30% of the US population believes this!
White supremacy and the flat earth are actually gaining ground in this group.
People do wake up from cults. It takes a lot of work on themselves to reach that point, however, and the most transformative moments (i.e. any epiphanies about their behavior or beliefs) will likely happen when they’re alone, outside of the public sphere.
That is to say, you’re unlikely to personally witness somebody break out of a cult. Yet, it still happens.
Does that make it worth helping them “see the light”? I can’t say. What I can say is that there are people who’ve been there, and there are resources available to help those in cult recovery. (Make no mistake, this is absolutely a cult.)
The best hope we’ve got right now is that as more things turn to shit, more people will begin to question things. Instead of reflexively downvoting or attacking someone who admits to having once voted for Trump, we’ve got to listen to what they say happened afterward. I want to hear people share their stories of disenchantment. I want those stories to be spread far and wide, to people who might be questioning Trumpism but who’re surrounded by his supporters and scared to make a move. They’re the people who need to know that it’s okay to change their minds. They’re going to need to know that they’ll be accepted by someone if they “deflect,” and we need to be prepared to welcome them to sanity.
We shouldn’t respond with comments like, “iT’s aBouT tiMe” or “Where have you BEEN the last 8 years?” (Both are paraphrased from comments I read elsewhere on here this morning.) I know it’s tempting to give out some sort of I told you so, but it’s not constructive and can push an ex-cult member away. We want people to turn a new leaf, and that means supporting those who admit to having been wrong.
(I know this took a turn from the original comment. I don’t intend this personally for you, OP. But after seeing how people react so aggressively to everything lately, I felt something like this needed to be said to Lemmy.)
We couldn’t defeat the Nazis or the Confederates with dialogue. They are not going to even let us vote them out no matter how badly they do.
Yes, I agree. At no point did I ever propose such a dialogue. I’m talking about supporting those that already chose to leave.
With the coming govt. actions starting to more directly and visibly affect people’s lives, it will probably wake up (lol) at least a few people. Assuming they are all evil will harm us more than help us. At the end of the day, we are all human. We need all the help we can get and if they are offering, it would be rude to dismiss them.
And that’s not even getting to climate change denial.
These people are incapable of critical thought.
legitimately trying to learn
Legitimately trying to learn is the vaccine against fascism. I’m not sure there’s a cure.
There is only the one cure that we’ve found so far…
I ask you to also be careful!
you don’t need to feed the trolls to help them see the light.
Treat it like an authoritative (but not authoritarian) parent:
You don’t let the kid do whatever inappropriate shit (that is a neglecting parent style), but you do state firmly the rules and give the consequence (authoritative) without making them fear you through spanking or other kinds of abuse (authoritarian).
I agree we should not be authoritarian.
But we should also not be neglectful!
Specific example:
If someone comes saying that trump did a roman salute, the authoritative answer is: “The nazi salute is a roman salute and both are used to promote fascism (link to wikipedia)”.
Simply and blunt, yet “non-judgemental” answer
Now if they reply saying shit like how they are actually different, then just call their bullshit off by saying things like: “I see no reason for someone to defend a roman or nazi salute unless that someone is a nazi. I really hope you aren’t a nazi, but if you are, know that you’re in the wrong. Period.”
Then stop any sort of further replies and start reporting if they keep harping on this (it would be similar to the time out that parents do to younger child).
Conservatives lie in their very word choices.
“Somebody pointed out I was wrong about something” = propaganda
“Conservatives lost” = it wasn’t fair
Stuff like that. Take the opportunity to talk about things in ways that leave the reader understanding more clearly when you see lying word choices like the ones in this screencap.
Every once in a great while the people of Reddit do the right thing and I’m proud of every one of them that took a stand. Even the BBC is calling it an awkward gesture and they aren’t owned by right wing billionaires in the US. Not ONE media news org here has called the obvious. Sanewashing. Wish I’d never heard the term.
I will play devil’s advocate. Media outlets are scared of being sued for defamation or scrutinised for what may turn out to be misleading news. That’s why there are always referring to “sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity” or adopt a mild language to refer to something. But if I am a news publisher, I would describe Musk’s gesture as “appears to be Nazi salute” or to that effect. It is still calling it out as it is, but I would still have plausible deniability.
I see your point … Fear of retribution through the FCC is now a real thing. This is how it begins though - first they ban free speech and any dissent and then the ones that still stand up will be disappeared.
Plus it’s likely that if you post any criticism of Musk whatsoever you get a lawsuit automatically. That’s what rich people do. They can afford it. Its like having a VPN or an alarm system on your house. They send their lawyers.
The biggest issue is that the media is focusing on just this one incident in specific. They’re acting as if whether or not musk is a nazi hinges exclusively on if it was meant as a seig heil or not.
Ultimately his nazi salute is just the latest in a very very long line of racist and intolerant shit he’s said, done, and perpetuated. Regardless or whether he seig heiled or not, he’s still a nazi.
Who else is fully expecting Reddit admins to come out in a few days banning twitter bans, and banning anyone that tries to enforce them?
A hilarious part of this thread was that they convinced themselves that X couldn’t possibly be that unpopular and it had to be a bunch of bots posting and upvoting these threads to ban X.
In support of this they said “This post about banning X is the [n]th most popular post ever on /r/LiverpoolFC, even higher than when they won the champions league! It can’t be real”. They didn’t even consider that the post about banning X made it to the top of /r/all where a lot of people who couldn’t care less about football/futbol/soccer upvoted it. They couldn’t care less about that team, but they also supported banning X, so they upvoted.
context? did i miss reddit drama?
I dunno, the story seems pretty self-contained lol…
Why would they come to lemmy if they’re sick of the left? Lemmy is the most left place on the internet
“So nice to be out of that frying pan!”
“Hey Lemmy, do you guys accept conserv–”
you know how nazis ruin everything?
Yeah. Germany for example. If it weren’t for the mercy of the victors, and the massive development aid Germany received under the Marshal plan, then Germany would be much poorer today. You just need to compare the territory for the former DDR to the rest of Germany to get an idea.
Exactly, one look at All would probably be enough to make them faint lmao
They should just make their own Lemmy instance and stop bitching.
But then they would get defederated and have to face the fact that everybody hates them, and that wouldn’t be as fun as doing their hate speech with a big daddy corporation to shield them from the consequences.
Iirc truth social is just a mastadon instance or something.
That’s basically correct, it’s based on mastodon code and not federated.
They are far too stupid and disorganized to create.
A whole lot of their worldview seems centered on their inability to create or improve things.
It’s kind of funny; I remember conservative messaging about personal responsibility. But when they’re on the receiving end of that same messaging it’s just a personal insult, apparently.
u/MountainMan88 blocked me after calling his thinly veiled bullshit out over on reddit and was crying about it on r/Conservative.
So much for not needing safe spaces and echo chambers.
I support any efforts to point out who the real snowflakes are. “Waahh I can’t be a racist Nazi in public sobs it’s just not fair!!1!”
They will not join mainstream instances obviously, and we can defederate them.
Why is that obvious?
Well, I hear LW described as “people that want it to be like reddit” so maybe because LW is large and seen as very reddit-like in terms of rules/policy they wouldn’t want to join current popular instances.
Oh, nice! I’m not yet banned from that subreddit!
Lets change that :D
That subreddit is an absolute dumpster fire of stupidity.
??? their guy put a literal neo-nazi in a position of power and they’re calling acknowledging this “propaganda”
Conservatism is for people who can’t think for them selves. They Can’t comprehend there are different needs for many different peoples. They need to be told how to live, love, and even act. Education can solve the issue but those kinds of people don’t want education they want everything to be under their control their ideology.
It’s the definitian of the Hobbesean “right”, that human nature is monstrous, beastly and war-like, and that we need to rely on a “better few” to monopolize violence to keep everyone in order. They don’t believe that people are capable of self-governance because they don’t do it themselves. The Rousseau “left” believe that we’re egalitarian by nature, and that we’re innately good in small populations but have naturally strayed from our egalitarian origins because of civilization. Anarchists understand that both of these are incorrect.