• nekbardrun@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I ask you to also be careful!

    you don’t need to feed the trolls to help them see the light.

    Treat it like an authoritative (but not authoritarian) parent:

    You don’t let the kid do whatever inappropriate shit (that is a neglecting parent style), but you do state firmly the rules and give the consequence (authoritative) without making them fear you through spanking or other kinds of abuse (authoritarian).


    I agree we should not be authoritarian.

    But we should also not be neglectful!


    Specific example:

    If someone comes saying that trump did a roman salute, the authoritative answer is: “The nazi salute is a roman salute and both are used to promote fascism (link to wikipedia)”.

    Simply and blunt, yet “non-judgemental” answer

    Now if they reply saying shit like how they are actually different, then just call their bullshit off by saying things like: “I see no reason for someone to defend a roman or nazi salute unless that someone is a nazi. I really hope you aren’t a nazi, but if you are, know that you’re in the wrong. Period.”

    Then stop any sort of further replies and start reporting if they keep harping on this (it would be similar to the time out that parents do to younger child).