Don’t doxx me
Yo that’s my name, give it back
…this is not from an obscure king of the hill youtube poop from like, 15 years ago is it?
it’s a children’s song that’s well known in some parts of the english-speaking world:
Joooohn Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt,
His name is my name too!
Whenever we go out,
The people always shout:
“There goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt!”Wtf is this lol. Is this what American culture is? It’s actually kinda cute for once
My understanding is it originates with german-american vaudeville in the early 20th century.
It’s a really old song
One of the most common family names in Germany.
I was doing a bit
Norman conquest :bop:
We’re keeping it alive in the Dugnutt family. I’m actually Bobson Dugnutt IV.
Dugnutt you say? Of the BingBong Dugnutts?
No, we don’t talk to them anymore. It’s a long story.
So many of these names, imagine looking down at your newborn infant, the warmth and preciousness of newly created life changing you forever and then you say ‘Bertha’
no one’s ever done that intentionally. the doctor asked the mother what they wanted to name the kid but she was so tired she thought the doctor asked what’s she’s been doing for the last 6 hours.
Extremely NY Eye-talian voice
Eyyy, I’ma givin’ birtha 'ere!
Gen-z person seeing Orly Taitz:
It’s giving birther
My work BFF has a geology degree and I legit call him that from time to time. I’ve got an ongoing bit where I am juggling several secret lives and have 2 families I’m trying to keep hidden from one another and part of it is calling people.the wrong name on purpose or pretending to forget their name. I’ve been there like 3 and a half years and the joke is that I’m basically a drifter stuck in a rut and in denial about it. It’s a complex bit but ‘errrrr…Mr. geodude there…’ had been a line. We’ve got a server who’s working in a teaching degree who spends months at a time off and the running gag for him is he gets fired and spends 2 months begging for his job back and gets rehired each time and I give him a new name and act like he’s a new hire each time. He was Marcus last time, I’m thinking Siegfried for March. I have a skill for giving people totally normal names that are really funny cause they don’t match the person. Nomenclative deteimism is sorts real. Like someone named Todd for sure owns a bucket hat.
Lmao good bit
I’m at a point where false modesty is pointless, I am absolutely hilarious in person. I’ve got bits down and have a guy who works with me and plays the straight man amazingly and the rest is extremely deadpan situational wit, puns, song parodies based around whatever food I’m making if it matches a rhyme and the main one, absolutely dehydrated sarcasm that I can only get away with because everything else I say is a really sweaty joke and those hit like sniper fire amidst a mortar barrage of the rest. The Simpsons and Seinfeld are on like 6 times a day with a basic cable package when I was a kid, it’s a hard thing to bring to something like stand up and improv comedy is a cesspool, but give me a sketch troupe or as a dream, let me write for and with the kids in the hall. That’s really the core of my jokes.
Totally. There’s this immense psychological chasm between people who tell jokes hoping that others will laugh and people who tell jokes knowing that others will laugh. It’s also not reducible to just ‘confidence’ cos fuck if there aren’t legions of people who can confidently recite a joke or tired pun that absolutely bombs and they think they’re gods gift to comedy. Also the ability to make someone laugh by projecting the opposite of confidence e.g. being willing to take the fall guy/butt of the joke position to set someone up. People who never test the other side the coin will never appreciate the ineffable relationships between comedic partners and audience (if present). It’s dialectics
That might be the nicest thing someone has said about my joke making just cause you analyzed what I’m doing damn well. I’ve got Bender from Futurama lovable scamp appeal, so I’d be breaking kayfabe to be self deprecating in certain situations, I have reminding everyone that I’m secretly dumb as hell any time I fuck up part of an order (I work the window in aa kitchen). While doing buts it’s my job to take take fall by being too confident when it’s my turn. If you’re an rlm fan, I’m a Mike and I have my own rich Evans at work and we got thatt rhythm. And then there’s just asking people Eric Andre interview questions during super quiet periods. I was recently impressed by a guy who when the place was empty and it has been dead silence and chopping forever he just deadpanned “So, no judgement, what’s your favorite race?” He’s Cuban, I was the only white guy there, and the other 2 there were Japanese and Phillipino. I felt like a martial arts master passing on a secret move. How to read a room in a way to tell a potentially terrible joke in a way that is situationally funny as hell.
What happened to all the folks named Cody
Everyone named Chip.died in y2k
They’re all running showdys
became WWE champion
They’re up in Alaska refining uranium.
Why can’t I name my posts these anymore
They aged out
Wolfgang gang
I was just thinking “Simon” has aged out, or at least I haven’t met a single Simon under 50 in my life
I’m a big castlevania guy and have liked that name for a bit
I know one or two gen Z Simons and a Simeon to boot! Maybe a less common name but not really archaic like Ethel or something.
Sabine Schmitz wasn’t that long ago
Someone I work with has a child under 5 named Sabine.