How long was the admin team aware of this imminently happening?
How long was the admin team aware of this imminently happening?
The fuck am i supposed to do at work now
I’m really really obnoxious
My hexbear keeps redirecting me to www1. Instead and I’m on hexbear now but it looks like it has no CSS
Having to live within the framework of needing money to survive is kind of sad, you’re right
Can’t do two things at once, right? The cards on display or in my deck have to be for the same purpose as the ones in these packs.
I understand what you’re saying but working in a way to recoup the costs of my hobby is how I’ve managed to have it this long.
If someone is really chatty and talks to you the whole time during a match at FNM does it bother you? It’s me I’m the chatty guy but someone’s I’m not sure if I’m bothering the quieter people
YTV fucking ruled i didn’t know it was still a thing
I’m already so low on sleep it’s really tough to get myself out of bed to even get to work on time let alone do anything before i go.
The toddler doesn’t sleep so I can’t go to bed earlier. I could prep something to heat up when i get to work i suppose
I used to always hear people say “it’s not what you know it’s who you know” and i can’t say that’s ever been proven wrong. Sorry comrade
That’s your right as a gamer
I wonder if they could add a feature where you can set your post to expire. Like auto delete after 24h or something.
I really enjoy when the entire site is doing a bit at once but yeah the after effects are annoying, especially if more than one is getting comments
Trying to stop eating so much fast food is hard when i have to commute 45-60 mins in the morning which is typically when I’m the most hungry.
I made it today without hitting a drive through but my stomach is growling so much.
Really makes me realize how much of a baby I am. Oh i can’t get my widdle salt and grease fix guess my whole body will start to rebel against me
I never played the expansions to IV so it’s still such a good game in my head
It also reminds people that they were too weak willed to keep masking during the height of the pandemic let alone now. Subconscious “what you think you’re better than me?” Type shit
I misread that as Gonzalo for a moment and was having such a moment
You said not American but if you’re Canadian I can talk to the organizer at my union Hall to see if he has any ideas
Yeah i can see that being an issue. I’ve got to get my music numbers back up my top albums last year were soundtracks to movies my kid likes
I’m not sure i want to weep in a pile of worthless cards though