This is home for me.
I love all of my comrades on c/em_poc, but I wanna especially give a huge shoutout to @[email protected] for doing a lot to help me keep my composure. I don’t know if they quite realize how much I appreciate them!
Each and every single one of you makes me feel less alone through these struggles, though.
I hope all of you are well!
Yo, this mass-deportation talk is scaring the fuck out of me. After working at various immigrants rights orgs, it seriously sounded hyperbolized—cuz like, I know the racist-ass sentiment to mass-deport is strong in America, but I kept thinking that it’s an impossible task, logistically.
But then lately I’ve been seeing all the “fuck around find out” lib-fash shit and it’s starting to seem like a feasible task. Like how the fuck could it not be if the libs are expressly saying they’ll turn a blind fucking eye.
Real shit I’m at risk of getting deported (though not as high risk as people who are less gray with their documentation status) and I’ve decided ill just kill myself it it happens
Don’t, I’m gonna need an ally at the camps
Can we share the same corner of the room
I’ll share everything. Even the snackies
Okay new plan, stay alive to share snacks and a cage
On Instagram, in regards to Sarah McBride being a reactionary, Zionist piece of libshit, I stated
Reminder that a white person being a part of a marginalized group does NOT absolve them of their whiteness and KKKolonizer mentality
Fittingly enough, a white trans woman responded, “People who unironically use Maoist Standard English need to be studied.”
I didn’t even put up with it; I just straight-up blocked.
It’s pretty obvious what’s going on here. Trans cracKKKer is upset that my very real and true statement struck a nerve, but SShe has no way of responding without taking the mask off and putting the hood on, so what SShe did instead was poke fun at me for using MSE. Basically, it’s an ad hominem SShe used to KKKompenSSate for her being a SSalty KKKraKKKKKKer.
What’s even more telling about this is that MSE intends to sprinkle humor into statements regardless, but usage of it obviously doesn’t lessen the accuracy of what I’m saying.
“Maoist Standard English” came from AAVE anyways, so it’s fitting a white woman would have a problem with it.
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, I feel for ye
There’s something eerily depressing about the fact that even a “good and expected to be much better than average” leftist space like Hexbear is still incapable of being truly respectful to POC.
It makes me wonder if there is truly any hope for the whites to be decent, even in leftist spaces.
I’ve been quite depressed all morning, but definitely for more reasons than just Hexbear being this degree of racist that utterly shocked me. I think it’s still getting to me because I’m in such a shock that, for the first time, a Hexbear post led me into a deep depression that made me cry and have to seek mental health support just to calm down enough to go to sleep.
I never thought this would’ve happened.
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I’ve not had trust in white people for the majority of my life at this point. I don’t remember when I didn’t have that suspicion in the the back of my brain going off. I can tolerate and interact with white people, but the distrust is always there. Too many people who I thought were friends, family, or lovers that would flip the racist switch one the moment I got uppity.
No , unfortunately there is not much hope for us but we can move the ball forward for the next generations and in the meantime stand in solidarity with the left but also with each other .
We are still the out group here and that will usually not be acknowledged but during times of stress we will always be the fall guys.
The only danger is ever thinking that we are not in danger
If they were forced to like they were with transphobia, they would shape up or ship out aside from the wreckers
Or like with yakubian and pumpkin spice jokes they’d just die out after the site (with mod help) decides it’s unacceptable
I find it hilarious that white people are telling me that "I am going to be sorry " for voting green party as if I’m not already sorry to have been born in a country which will never accept me.
People like us have been facing threat , certainly from the time that we become a sexual threat or quarry to white men. My life has been war from when I was 12 years old until I forced them to stop messing with me.
So I can’t help but laugh in the face of some white dude who has never felt threatened in his life telling me that I am not accurately assessing the forces arrayed against me.
telling me that "I am going to be sorry "
The crackers are warning you that they’ll join the purge against people like us when the time comes.
They have no self-awareness at how much they sound like the “bad whites”.
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Al_Sham deleted her account T_T she was one of our best posters
The reality of being EMPOC on this site, unfortunately…
Nooooo, her posts in the news megathread were the best part of this website, it’s the main reason I signed up :(
Does she have an account anywhere else?
Noooo idea, but the news megathread will never be the same T_T
??? why?
wasnt because of the dunk tank drama was it
A fucking tragedy for the site tbh, still can’t get over it… :c
adult white queers who base their identity around Greek mythology are the actual worse. like 90% if them are white supremacist. i will not fuck with them, I genuinely despise them. please grow the fuck up and research any other part of history. if you can tell me about how gay ancient greek and rome were but not any other country you are a queer white supremacist.
Cis white men: obsessed about ancient rome and greece because strong alpha male
Queer whites: obsessed about them because uhm actually they were super gay
Reality: they’re obsessed about them because they think they were whiteyes!! exactly! and its not like they study the actual history. the celebrate a fantasy version of ancient Greece free of misogyny and slavey. like I cant tell you how many queer people I’ve heard say things like “I don’t want to go to work, I want to be gay and write poems all day, eating grapes, like i should be doing in ancient Greece” GIRL Sappho didn’t do actual work because she had SLAVES, you’re fantasizing about being a slave owner right now. same thing with white queers who call themselves achilleans. like sapphic is less bad because it has an etymological reason for existing, it has a history. ACHILEANS are white queers who are obsessed with tic tok “retellings” of ancient greek myths that they think are canon. no joke raina i have met dozens and dozens of these people and they are insufferable
When learning English I used to turn on those youtube videos of tumblr posts being read and I got blasted with white queer fantasies of ancient Greece, if they were back then they’d either be slaves or slave owners.
also side note it’s Rania not Raina
also side note it’s Rania not Raina
apologies Rania!
But before that, you were Runia.
And before that even, you were Will Runia!
And I Rania, I Rania so far awaayyy dun dun I just Rania I Rania I couldn’t stay
Western version of toxic yaoi tropes at some point, just purely vibes based.
Spent a lot of time around whitey this week and they’re completely shook over Trump winning (as though they’re the ones who will face any serious consequences). Not one mention of Palestine. They’ll list every reason under the sun except the elephant in the room. People didn’t show up to vote because the options were Tojo and Hitler. Genocide overseas or genocide at home.
A more generous (but naive) person would say they’re just ignorant of what’s been happening and are hyper-focused on Trump and Musk. But I think they do know and want to pretend it isn’t happening and the US isn’t complicit. They either agree with zionism or they think of the US as “the good guys.” They don’t want to say it out loud because then they’d have to acknowledge what we’re doing and the cognitive dissonance would physically manifest.
Related to this all, I went to a funeral for a guy I met once or twice, but was related to one of my mom’s lifelong friends. I was told everyone was vaxxed and they really wanted to see me there etc. etc. Lo and behold, this motherfucking whitey shows up and she’s got the coof. “She’s past the five days of being contagious and tested negative this morning and…” No, shut the fuck up. I have a compromised immune system. Nor do I want it. And of course people are hugging her and coming up to chat but it’s “fine because she’s wearing a mask” (that isn’t the right kind and she’s taking off to blow her nose as she cries over her dead relative). And of course she gets up and goes to stand by the drinks and cookies to chat with people and cry.
Luckily I already got my free shit so I was able to leave. Got into the car and immediately had a “Thanks for not saying ‘Another crackkker down unlimited genocide on the first world’ at Grandpa’s funeral, that took a lot of restraint,” play in my head. I was the only non-white person there out of like 100+ people. Maybe they’ll all get covid and I can gloat later, so that’s nice.
I was the only non-white person there out of like 100+ people.
Dayum, that’s a “Get Out”-esque situation, if I ever heard of one…
Yah luckily didn’t have to deal with chuds, just the usual shitlibs. Really made me go 🤔🤔🤔 though. It’s kinda sus when there’s not one POC among your immediate friends or family, let alone 100 people lmao
This is exactly it. It was liberal Zionists who lost this election.
I love how I’m seeing tons of white liberal women on social media constantly say “Kamala lost because of misogyny” while not bringing up white supremacy at all. It’s strikingly funny to me how often they’ve avoided mentioning the racial aspect because they’d feel too complicit in contributing to not just Kamala’s loss but the very racist institutions responsible for keeping POC oppressed themselves if they actually were to address these things.
This reminds me of this comment of mine.
I literally saw a post that showed Trump voter stats for race and gender, but they were completely separate, and white people and men as groups were roughly the same percentage, but this liberal white woman commented on the post, “Wow, men are not okay” or something to that effect. This is just reinforcing the theory that many Western white feminists do not care about ending oppression; they just want patriarchy to stop inconveniencing them personally. They’ll side with white supremacy if given the chance.
On top of that, all of these various scratched liberal moments have been excellent case studies on how little liberals care about oppression that doesn’t personally impact them. Hell, they actually want to keep it flourishing! Any liberal who says otherwise is just doing the typical performative, bourgeois bullshit.
And this isn’t even me going into the obvious flaws of focusing so much on identity as the foremost reason why Kamala lost while neglecting a multitude of many other reasons.
This is facts. And on that list number 23 is the dagger. They’ve been calling leftists the accelerationists yet the politicians they form weird parasocial relationships with accelerate the fuckery far more than any of us possibly could. What could be more accelerationist than deteriorating conditions and wages, exploitative healthcare, price gouging on prices not being addressed, pushing for catastrophic wars, worsening climatd collapse. If anything you could argue the “tankies” have been trying to save em from themselves. The politicians like biden etc who they have odd pet names for will herald their demise.
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i feel like im the only one besides my partner whos deeply disappointed. like when it was over I walked to the ocean and contemplated disappointed.
What disappointed you about the album?
let me listen a few more times and ill get back to you in the morning.
There are no wrong answers but I hope you enjoy at least a few songs, they’re gonna be playing for a while lmao
Nice. Cant wait to get to it.
It’s so fucking good, my expectations were high and oh my god
Even for forms of bigotry not directly related to race, marginalized white people in leftist spaces seem to seriously have far less skepticism than I do as an intersectional black person in leftist spaces.
For instance, as a black trans person, not only do I expect white people in leftist spaces to have racist brainworms, but I expect cis people in leftist spaces to have transphobic brainworms as well.
However, it seems like white trans people in leftist spaces, on the other hand, not only ignore their own racist brainworms, but it seems that so many of them just all willy-nilly assume that your average cisgender person in leftist spaces is going to be totally accepting of trans people and not have any strong transphobic brainworms whatsoever.
I find that they don’t have enough skepticism, but I do believe that I’m on the opposite end of this issue, in that I have too much skepticism. It’s to a point where I feel that somebody being white and/or cis in and of itself is a major red flag for me.
A kind-of-an-example-of-this-but-not-really I recall is when a user on Hexbear posted a thread about SSouth KKKorean gender troubles, and they referenced the 4B movement and praised it as some kind of “epic, based WAOW! feminist movement,” and many trans users were commenting on this post praising 4B as well. After it came out that 4B is racist, bioessentialist, and just flat-out awful in so many ways, people were cringing at themselves.
What’s my point? Well, if I hear about any female separatist movement, especially in a place like Occupied KKKorea, my first thought isn’t going to be, “Wow, this is epic girl power and a powerful middle finger to patriarchy!” Instead, my first thought is going to be, “Let me research this group and find out about all of the terrible shit that they support, and while I’m at it, let me acknowledge how undialectical their movement is, as it has no demands and it is rooted in zero feminist theory.”
The fact that womanists have pushed against white feminists doing this shit in the United States educates my skepticism very well here.
I hope im not taking away from your point. But Im also highly sceptical of any modern feminist movement that is not somewhere in the far-left spectrum. Feminism without leftist (and yes radical) politics is often just a moment away from declaring hillary clinton a girlboss.
I 100% agree with you because mainstream feminism is extremely liberal, non-intersectional, bioessentialist, and effectively amounts to “reactionary thought and white supremacy in heels” more than anything else.
I may never label myself as a feminist again, but I take no shame and nothing but pride in calling myself a womanist.
I don’t know if I’m just a bitter old man already but whenever I hear other grown black men whine and complain about being a nerd I find it irksome. Like bro I get it, I was bullied and shit too. I feel for you I really do, but at the same time, we are grown. Just like whatever shit you like man. It isn’t a big deal. No one cares. It’s fine, like what you like, do your thing. It also doesn’t make you special, everyone likes nerdshit now.
It’d be different we were in like middle-school or high school, but my brother we have 401ks now, just buy your little figures and shut the fuck up.
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Can’t tell me that’s not a significant source of misleadership.
For real! So many of the big “black excellence™℠®©” types really ooze with that sort of insecurity. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure it truly did a number on them in your youth, especially back in the day. I don’t discount that, however I do think at a certain point (especially those with greater means) you continue to victimize yourself by not letting yourself move past that.
I want my blerd men to HEAL so bad! I noticed alot of them also fell a bit into the look maxing era where they started working out and making themselves a certain type of attractive, but still hold the same hate and disdain from their childhood. Working out and updating looks are fine but leaving out the mental work makes it useless. HEAL BROTHAS, PLEASE!
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westerners consider the zionist entity a democracy
What’s especially silly is fascism has primarily manifested in the Imperial Core and the times it manifested in the Global South it was backed by a government from the North. The go-to example of fascism in the 3rd. world is Pinochet, who was backed by the US. Pol Pot is iffy because he was a weird Anarcho-Primativist “third position” dictator, but (again) he was also backed by the US and his crimes escalated with American support rolled in.
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Debate Pervert is the perfect term
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I assume sanctioning a third of the world’s population is non violence. Somehow. Its the chickenshit nature of them that pisses me off like how you throw stones and still hiding your hands
They really don’t get how long the struggle has been going on and how many have died during this time period. We’ve tried peaceful solutions and whitey has rejected each and every one of those solutions. The only course of action is revolution. And revolutions are violent, bloody affairs. The material conditions of climate change will demand it if the contradictions of capitalism don’t do it first.
But of course, “just one more election.” One more reformer politician. One more campaign to funnel people towards solicialism. As if these all haven’t been done ad nauseum for the last century and a half.
Tailism is really annoying and sometimes seems to creep up even on this site. Once again @[email protected] is right
What happened again?
Someone posted a comment saying we have to work with fascists and thats the current mini struggle sess
I thought it was funny the mods banned a few people over up votes lmao. They were only like 2 or 3 days and people are getting worked up over it instead of just moving on.
No drama like e-drama.
it was a 20 hour ban for hexbear users
Sadly i think that just a common trait of “socialist” westerners, they always will have some reactionary brainworm waiting its time to come out
Part of it is the goofyness on the site which is whatever. I’m used to the internet bringing it out whatever. But honestly its seeing it in real life over and over again. How politicians back home pander to xenophobic and a ton of anti LGBT among other reactionary rhetoric that pops up. And considering the ruling party’s sort of vanguard roots it really annoys me. And it has led nowhere good at all.