This is home for me.
I love all of my comrades on c/em_poc, but I wanna especially give a huge shoutout to @[email protected] for doing a lot to help me keep my composure. I don’t know if they quite realize how much I appreciate them!
Each and every single one of you makes me feel less alone through these struggles, though.
I hope all of you are well!
On Instagram, in regards to Sarah McBride being a reactionary, Zionist piece of libshit, I stated
Fittingly enough, a white trans woman responded, “People who unironically use Maoist Standard English need to be studied.”
I didn’t even put up with it; I just straight-up blocked.
It’s pretty obvious what’s going on here. Trans cracKKKer is upset that my very real and true statement struck a nerve, but SShe has no way of responding without taking the mask off and putting the hood on, so what SShe did instead was poke fun at me for using MSE. Basically, it’s an ad hominem SShe used to KKKompenSSate for her being a SSalty KKKraKKKKKKer.
What’s even more telling about this is that MSE intends to sprinkle humor into statements regardless, but usage of it obviously doesn’t lessen the accuracy of what I’m saying.
“Maoist Standard English” came from AAVE anyways, so it’s fitting a white woman would have a problem with it.
deleted by creator
, I feel for ye