Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 15°C, max - 23°C. 80% chance of no rain
Happy New Year! Love you all dearly, this community means so much to me, the knowledge, the kindness, the friends I’ve made here. You have all encouraged me to pursue my dreams in one form or another, and I am eternally grateful to you all for everything you are. Not just for what you mean to me, but for what we mean to each other.
Love you all, and sending you all good vibes for 2025!
Made a fren at the beach last night:
Don’t really see them there. This one was very unsure of me but still curious. Then some dick rode past on a petrol motorbike (which I’ve also never seen before) and it flew away. Pretty sure riding a motorbike on the beach is illegal. Anyway I hope his bike corrodes.
And here’s my main homegurl:
She’s started to worble with cheese (with CaCO3) in her mouth which is very impressive. I always thought they’d have to move their beaks to change pitch and loudness but apparently not. I presume it’s either a ‘thank you’ or ‘that’s right mf what took you so long’.
Love this. Stealing it for work group chat tomorrow
I’m standing in a field near my house. There were fireworks going off literally in a 360 degree circle around me 🤣
Happy new year everyone!!!
Here’s hoping for a great year for us all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
It’s the only time of year I wish I lived in a rougher area. I don’t have a view of the city, so some illegal fireworks might be nice. Where are all the ferals when you need them.
Someone did illegal fireworks in the last place (yuppy area) at 2:37am on the 6th of January last year. There’s always hope. Scared the shit out of me because I was watching a scary(ish) movie
(It went for a few mins but my phone died)
My dear son wasn’t interested in staying up till midnight and also wanted someone to sleep with him. I volunteered as tribute. At 10pm.
His bed is not good for my back. He smacked me about in his sleep by accident (I think). I woke up every 2hrs and took ages to return to sleep. Around 3am he mumbled a “sorry” to me. But I think he was dreaming.
And now he is rejecting my pancakes.
I’ve had worse New Years. I’m gonna go eat pancakes.
Me too fluffball. Me too.
OMG that is adorable 🥰
The face plant loaf. So furry and gorgeous
Good morrow fellow humans. Please partake in some nutrition with me.
That looks very yummy. I have an egg delivery on Friday, I may have to take inspiration from you for a few breakfasts once they arrive.
Yum. I partook in a nutrition but failed to capture it in a photograph. I had 250g mince sauteed with mushroom, zucchini, broccoli with paprika, chilli, cumin and turmeric! Back to one low carb meal a day for me (with reasonable accommodations made for eating out).
Looks lovely. What will you be having?
A selection of par boilt proteins on carbohydrate
Yum yum! What is that?
I see poached eggs but can’t make out the rest.
Pumpkin toast, bacon, chilli jam
Happy new year all! I’m a happy drunk tonight, the best kind.
This is the contented face of a boy who got some salmon for tea.
Besties for life now.
Bit of a bummer, I know, but I want to spare a thought for the 172+ fire trucks, and probably at least double that in firies, currently still battling the Grampians fire. It’s grown to 76k Ha now
Big day today. We got into Carlton early and had second breakfast at Brunetti’s, went for a walk where the boys pressed all the pedestrian crossing lights, then went into the movie.
Plopped the boys down and the new Wallace and Gromit was great. They pretty much sat and watched the whole thing. Anything longer and it would have been a struggle. It’s a direct sequel to The Wrong Trousers so good to refresh on that first if you want to watch it.
Then home and to a friend’s place for early dinner. We did a lot today, but it doesn’t feel exhausting, which is a nice feeling for once
Sounds like you all had a lovely day. 🙂
Sounds like you all had an awesome day!
I am pleased to report that my finger has not been hurting as I feared, and the tenderness around the splinter site has mostly gone. Although it is a touch ichy, which is annoying. Especially around the injection points from the local anaesthetic for some reason.
I’ve been adding up all the bills, and my finger cost a total of $340, plus whatever subsidies the govt. gives the priority care clinic (including the tetanus shot they gave me which didn’t have any charge). About 2/3 of that was paid by Medicare, I only paid around $130 out of pocket. Which I would have been happier spending on other things, but in the scheme of things is not too bad.
I have a bunch of lame pics from Geelong and my garden. I often forget to take photos when I’m out. Too busy looking with my eyes.
Enjoy. 🙂
On my way to Spencer street went thru Melbourne Central and saw the Omega 13 device. Looked awesome.
Geelong pelican. Big.
sea monster
an exciting museum. ( truly, this was probably interesting but I wasn’t going to find out for $12. I grew up among farms and have seen factories too. So nothing new.
but what I noticed about Geelong which really *is great * is that it’s very wheel chair friendly and I saw many disabled people enjoying a holiday .
night time flowers
happy snail light
“Too busy looking with my eyes”
I’m the same. I try to be present in the moment, where a lot of people live their lives through a viewfinder. Nice pictures. It’s been years since I’ve been to that part of the world.
I find sometimes having the camera enhances the moment. It helps me to focus on details and look at things from different angles, thinking about how/if something can make a good photo. I also like to put photos together into sets, so I will be thinking about things like how the detail on different old building compares, or finding all of the individual flowers in a garden as well as looking at the overall view. Then when I get back home and go through all the pictures to put together an album for the day it both helps to solidify all the memories and gives me a nice reminder to look back on.
I think the problem is that a lot of people take a photo instead of really looking, just as a way of ticking off a box of “I went here”. Or they are just focussing on taking pictures of themselves, and wherever they are is just a backdrop.
I admit I do try to make nice compositions when I take photos.
lol, it was hard to explain. I’m looking to experience, not looking to take great shots.
And most of what I see is so common and banal anyway taking a pic for other people to see rarely crosses my mind.
Second this. The experience is all imo. Photos can be used to share the moment, but aren’t in any way a substitute for it.
At least photos on a phone are less likely to be used to torture others later - the old slides and videos could be a nightmare for friends and family. For some reason people are generally incapable of culling their collection and only showing the good slides, and most people’s video skills are not that great.
I was at Port Arthur many years ago watching a couple with their video camera. The entire trip was just her videoing him standing in front of different buildings. I imaging their narration when they got home was along the lines of “this is Harold standing in front of an old house, and this is Harold in front of an old building. Was that the Model Prison Harold? I don’t know, it had some sort of name. I don’t know why they called it that, it doesn’t look like a model. There were signs up but I didn’t have time to read anything because I had to stand there with the video camera while Harold stood in front of the building”. The family probably still have nightmares.
If I take pictures of art I also take a picture of the written description , same with buildings if I can
I do that too. The Port Arthur experience was nearly 30 years ago though, so you generally didn’t want to use up your precious film for such things. It would have been possible with the video camera, although I suspect it would have been hand held and wobbly if she did that, adding a touch of nausea to the boredom for viewers.
Nice pics!
I like taking piccys but it’s always liberating to just enjoy the experience. But being honest, I never go back to look through old piccys. Basically just taking them for the hell of it.
Is that a Bella Donna? My mum was a nurse, and once told me about one of her patients who went blind from eating it for ‘entertainment’. Luckily for them that effect wore off after a few days.
4 o’clock flower?
Ah, thanks. There are quite a few trumpet-flowered plants that look similar. Have just been down a very interesting google wormhole and now realise how many poisonous plants there were in our garden growing up, lol.
True, mum had heaps of poisonous plants in the garden when I was a wee one, but only gave a shit enough to remove them when we got her a little dog
yes 🙂
ee we all made it hny :)
I’m gonna admit my biggest blunder of the year (so far): I’ve been really confused about wtf “hny” stands for. Honey? Took me a solid 8 minutes to work out it’s meant to be happy new year
sorry honey
I thought it was honey as well
An abbreviation of honey for the vowel phobic. If you want to abbreviate “Happy New Year” it needs to be HNY. Or preferably HNY!!🥳🎉🎉, with the number of emojis and exclamation marks increasing depending on the level of drinking you have done.
Some absolute fuckwit is letting fireworks off now. At 4am.
Fuck this piece of shit suburb and fuck the people that live here.
6 weeks to go.