• 7 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2024


  • It doesn’t matter how much weight you lose, you are NEVER going to look like Twiggy. Respect your own DNA, don’t try to copy anyone else’s. Oh yes, do buy those 2 two-bedroom apartments on Spring Street opposite the Houses of Parliament - for $13,000 each. You can rip out the pink leather wall coverings and the life size posters of Botticelli’s Venus out of the bathrooms later. And take the numbers off the bedroom doors likewise.

  • My son and his wife and kid are now safe in Germany for which I thank various deities. USA is going to get worse before it gets better too imo. He mentioned in his last phone call that one of his neighbours went out to buy groceries, but came back with ammunition instead. And that’s in a fairly civilised part of a fairly chill city a long way from MAGAland. That was the deciding factor that made him and his wife decide to get out asap. Granted, there’s a military base there, and a lot of people who know how to NOT use guns, but still … If the ordinary decent people are starting to behave like that, anything can happen.

  • I am actually quite a good shot. With both rifle and pistol. My dad reckoned this was an essential survival skill so all of us kids got thorough training starting at about 9 years old. Said training also included a LOT of training on when NOT to shoot as well as the how of it all. My late bloke had an impressive gun collection, which I maintained. Got rid of most of it during one of the amnesties but kept the good stuff (properly kept in a safe and properly registered). Bring on dem zombies - they ain’t got no chance against me. Helped along by the fact that I discovered in my late 30s that I actually have very very good reflexes - top 3% of the population. I coulda been a jet fighter pilot had that come my way when I was younger. Still, that’s in the family DNA so maybe I can recruit some of my near kin to help out with the zombies.