Hubs just destroyed incel ideology by pointing out danny devito fucks and I can’t stop laughing
I agree, but it is Danny De Devito after all.
Got a crook back today and it’s not even a shagger’s back. How sad is that.
As far as everyone else is concerned it’s 100% shagger’s back.
It’s not his birthday.
It’s someone’s birthday though. Might as well celebrate that.
True. I’ll celebrate opening a new box of tissues so you don’t need to tell me twice.
I thought birthdays are for shagger’s neck
Shagger’s neck is for the young and horny in the backseat of a small car.
Miss Meow has declared today Snoozy Saturday.
Here here
I walked home through the park and took a great pic of the century plants all in flower. They must be at least four metres tall.
Cool :)
Just a absolutely gorgeous sunset with the doggo.
That looks very similar to the lonny backbeach with barwon heads in the background?
Half right. Bit closer to the river
Shadows…how do they work? 😾
Edit: I don’t want to wake up yet damn it.
Should get one of those dangly things that hang in the window that put rainbow prisms on the wall
That’s not a bad idea!
Set up podium tennis. Children have massive fight with each other. Have a few angry hits myself after they storm inside. Why HIT can’t HIT we HIT just HIT have HIT fun HIT like HIT a HIT normal HIT fucking HIT family HIT It was hard to put in the lawn because, although lush and spongey to walk on, the ground is so hard. Gonna need a deeper hole. Brought it in so it doesn’t get rusty when it rains, which it looks like it will soon. Now I feel a bit flat because the fun thing wasn’t fun for them. I’m gonna stop pouting and make some bolognaise I think.
podium tennis
Have to admit I have no idea what that is.
Actually I think it might be called totem tennis and I miss named it? It’s a pole you stick into the lawn with a tennis ball on a long string attached to the top on a spiral so it spins around when you hit it. You get a couple of bats with it and you can play solo or with two people.
Oh yep I’ve always known that as totem tennis. Never years of podium tennis
Yeah I misremembered the name. Doing that a bit lately whilst not working. Apparently working in a factory keeps me sharp. God help me 🤦🏼♀️
How about tennis ball on a pole? :D
I’d never call it that, and IRL would probably jovially correct anyone who called it that, but at the same time, I wouldn’t be confused if I heard/read it. I’d know what you mean
totem tennis and it’s great fun
totem tennis
ooh I see, had one of those as a kid too and there were fights :)
I’m finding the cheapo manual auger I got ages ago has made doing clean holes in tough ground a lot easier. Surprisingly seems to be getting more and more use. Could be worth a thought.
An auger 🤔 I feel like we’ve probably got one somewhere… or is it an awl I’m thinking of? I think I’m remembering we have an awl for making holes in leather etc. Geez, a couple of weeks with no work and I feel like my brain’s turning to mush lol 🚫💡
Love getting a box of Nan’s Christmas bikkies 😍
so cute and such a treat
^Obligatory Cat Tax included^
The only downside is having to share them with my partner 😂
What’s this ‘share’ shit? When my elderly friend brings me the traditional Christmas container of chhena jili, chhena poda and other assorted indian delights His Lordship knows that shit is mine, not his.
One year she made a box up for each of us, I think it was my partners and I first Xmas together. Since then, we’ve become one Cronenberg entity, so we have to share the box now 😂
With how much I hype them up, it would be against the festive spirit to deny my partner his share 😂😂
But if your mate, makes you delicious treats, they are yours and his lordship can languish 😂
Tax Invoice
1x Nan’s Bikkies Genuine Cookes range - $0.00*
10x Nan’s love - $0.00*Total: $0.00
Total tendered: $0.00
Change: $0.00* - Taxable item - includes CST
😂😂 I love this!
no smileys
Why even is today a no emoji day
condition of entry
sad face
Well I don’t mind it that much I guess. It gets rid of the whole “passive-aggressive smiley face” thing
I got bored. Exercise your vocabularies peeps.
Front yard planting has been done. The augur to go on the drill worked well & made digging holes one handed much easier. I was very careful to make sure I was wearing gloves.
A couple of the plants might not have survived the wait, but I planted them anyway in case they are able to regrow from the roots. I’ve just got a few more plants to go in the shady spots and down the side of the house and that will be everything.
Augers, so hot right now :)
I’m glad I don’t need to watch the amount downloaded on the home Internet any longer. Between my kid downloading most of his Nintendo Switch library to his shiny new SD card on Christmas night and me downloading 100 GB or so off Steam tonight, it would have blown away whatever limits my account had.
To think, I took a screenshot of an especially heavy download session one time in the 90’s, where I managed to stay online for almost 24 hours and downloaded 139 MB! One session!
I hear you. My current upload since I moved into this place is 43tb. And download is 18tb lol
I remember struggling to download 1.6mb for a shareware game over an hour or so…
I might have 18tb total storage capacity in the house (5 phones, 3 tablets, 5 laptops, two servers, one desktop and external storage). I sure as hell don’t have 43 tb. What the hell are you transferring?
Mostly Virtual Instruments. One drumkit can be upto 170gb. A piano could be 120gb etc It starts to add up after a while.
A nightly image of my c drive is created and uploaded as well for safety.
I have all my important studio projects syncing to google drive in real time.
And then I have a seedbox running torrents. I have a couple of 10tb server hard drives for storage.
What sort of upload speed you got?
I’ll check when I’m up. It’s 1000 megabit download.
Probably 50 then.
Come September you should get 100 up.
(unless you have the SMB plans which go up to 400 up for maybe $300-400 monthly)
I’m glad most home internet has gone unlimited, too. In my comparison spree, I didn’t even see any that were limited, though I’m sure they still exist somewhere
My thing that I feel like I got to grow up seeing get better isn’t internet speeds, it’s mobile data allowances. The first phone plan mum had that I remember anything about had 2gb data for $30 a month. When I got my first phone plan, that climbed up to 5gb for the same price.
When I moved to melbs, I ditched Telstra and doubled it at Optus with 10gb a month. I switched to boost for a little while who were offering 15 a month. Then when I turned 14 and could sign up for Amaysim, I switched to them and started getting 30 a month. Then after I’d been with them for a year, they just all of a sudden upgraded me to 55gb a month at no extra cost. I’ve only ever been on a $30/mo plan.
Having to keep an eye on data usage was fun haha. Even when I was on 10gb, I had to setup a little thing on my phone that would automatically turn my data off every 100mb so I would be more aware of my usage. I never had any left by renewal time, which means I had to have used an average of 280mb per day. Not a lot without wifi
I don’t use a lot of data, so having everything unlimited means all the NBN plans are very expensive for what I use. I’m on a Telstra 5G plan instead, and have found that after I run out of data and they reduce the speed it is still good enough for me to use, so I’m just on their $25 a month plan. I run out of data allowance for the higher speed a week or two into every month. Occassionally if it is very congested and slows more than usual I will switch to using my mobile as a hotspot - I have a $120 a year 120gb plan for that with Catch, and don’t generally use that much data. So my monthly spend for mobile & home internet is $35.
Obviously if you do a lot of gaming or high resolution video streaming (or just have lots of people in your household) this wouldn’t work, but for general browsing and watching videos on my tablet it is the cheapest option I’ve been able to find.
Thanks witchy
I got 11ish hours of sleep. Very very very much needed. Still feel like I could use a bit more though, but I’ll probably call it here
Pain so bad…I may need a margarita.
Have two.
Alright then. You’ve twisted my arm.
is there any left?
No ma’am.
slides a glass of sly grog your way 🍹
Sky pretty.
Fucking broke the door of my washing machine 😭😭
You need a margarita too.
Highly recommend it.
Oh shit!
Thanks for doing thread, @TheWitchofThornbury! 🖤