It’s dark now. Considering putting on the lights… Loving the thunder.
It’s dark now. Considering putting on the lights… Loving the thunder.
My dear son wasn’t interested in staying up till midnight and also wanted someone to sleep with him. I volunteered as tribute. At 10pm.
His bed is not good for my back. He smacked me about in his sleep by accident (I think). I woke up every 2hrs and took ages to return to sleep. Around 3am he mumbled a “sorry” to me. But I think he was dreaming.
And now he is rejecting my pancakes.
I’ve had worse New Years. I’m gonna go eat pancakes.
Thanks but I’m kinda hoping it’s edible. Taking it to the in-laws today so should be interesting. Pecans kinda make it easy to look good.
Have another ready for my family on Boxing Day.
Uhhhh… Okay? She does look a bit of alright though. Quite chuffed. Thanks!
Thanks. I’m not a huge fan either but this one was a big success with others many years ago. And it looks decent.
Pecan pie success. Very happy. One is already in the fridge and this one is about to join it.
Thanks for that. Looking forward to making it this morning.
The tin is thinner than my old pie dish. Foil then baking paper?
Thank you for the suggestion.
This is great and very appreciated. Thank you!
Seeking advice from those who cook here…
I’m making a pecan pie. It’s a great recipe that I last made around 15 years ago when I owned a pie dish.
I no longer own the pie dish. I own a quiche tin with a loose base (that I last used maybe 20 years ago). I should really cook more.
I just want to avoid buying a replacement pie dish. I need to make 2 pecan pies (stupid promises were made).
Heater on. Long cardigan on. Cosy old man slippers on (with socks). Love Melbourne weather.
Now I’m ready to ice 4 batches of gingerbread and help my kid build a gingerbread house.
He does one song with his year group and a medley of song with his choir group.
They decided to cancel the event but record all the year groups doing their performances. It’s something.
My son’s school is hoping to have their outdoor Christmas Carols event this afternoon.
At this stage I’m thinking it’s a 50/50 possibility.
My son is singing Feliz Navidad - one of my all time faves.
You know what? I don’t drink anymore but I might grab a couple of coldies on the way home & see what happens. Might have to sample one to see if it’s palatable.
I can’t find the stupid Christmas Elf! For the last week or so my son has been making comments about how much he liked the mischief the Elf got up to.
So today I made an effort to locate it as I’m solo-parenting at the moment & need to be prepared for the 1st Dec. And I can’t find it! I know it’s here somewhere…
I’ve managed to score a new Elf (he’ll be a relative of some sort) and if the old one shows up we’ll tackle it then. New Elf is currently hidden in car.
6/10 Any knowledge I have is due yo my son and his shark fascination from the ages of 3 to 6.
Gotta laugh: about to leave to go camping near NSW/VIC border. If we can get through today without being washed away I’ll be happy.
I made a snap decision to go see it today. My session starts at 12:30.
As a 49yo who has been comic book reader/collector since i was 16 I want fun, fan service & clear dialogue (I think my hearing is going).
Have fun tomorrow.
My cat had her annual check up today. I’ve had her for just on a year now. She has taken a long time to warm up and relax. Unfortunately today I think she lost a bit of trust in me. She saw the cage and just knew what was coming. It was an experience getting her in the cage.
And the hisses she gave the vet during a clip of her nails were impressive! This was after the vaccination and general checkup of spine, joints, eyes, ears and belly so I guess she just had had enough. Totally understand.
So after some alone time she will now come to me for scritches but not close enough where I could pick her up. And her side eye game is impressive.
Ah well… Three steps forward; 1 step back. I’ll take it.
This is Mavis.