The breaky wrap is back if you want to eat something in the car
The breaky wrap is back if you want to eat something in the car
It was out of the box Windows 10. It seemed like a mid-tier laptop for the time, I can’t remember brand. These people probably just go to JB Hi-Fi and buy a $500 laptop when they’re on sale so I haven’t seen anything too exotic in my support sessions so far
That’s what’s so weird. This laptop isn’t ancient but it couldn’t find anything. The older laptop looked like it was from 2009 and was connected to the internet
It worked in this case. But it was so weird with this laptop, it wasn’t picking up any wifi networks. They had an ancient laptop at home as well and that one was connected to the wifi there. I was even able to connect the printer to the wifi via WPS. This laptop was picking up nothing. I was ready to drive down to the nearest Jaycar and pick up an ethernet cable.
I think I assume to much of a tech competence baseline in these sessions. At first I was worried they wouldn’t be able to login to the laptop because they bought it a while ago specifically to scan photos and hadn’t touched it in years. I should ask people to have their diaries with their passwords handy, make sure they can login to the devices and accounts they want to work on, and I should bring a couple of common cables just to make sure as well.
I got very lucky with my tech support session yesterday. I just had to set up a scanner, which could have been simple enough, but the laptop wasn’t connected to wifi, nor was it picking up the hotspot from my phone.
Fortunately, the laptop was old enough to still have a disc drive. So I was able to install the drivers from the disc that came with it instead.
Finally on the work WiFi in this service black hole. Trying to do anything on my phone here has been hell otherwise.
I’ve been able to get by through ROMS and downloaded podcasts
That’s good to keep in mind. I have a cafe level grinder I’ve been meaning to sell but I’ve been worried about listing it too cheaply
They’ve figured out how to get around the Ring doorbells and Swann wifi security systems. What do I buy to protect my home from the balloons?
The hot air balloons are out again this morning. Now it makes me think they’re up to something
My boys have ridiculously high amounts of their fees subsidised, like 96 and 98%. At that point I wonder why the childcare centre is operating as a middleman and the government isn’t looking after my kids directly.
Childcare is heavily subsidised so you’re pretty much getting free money from the government if you operate one. The parent company of a lot of childcare centres are private equity firms you’ve never heard of so they strip everything out of them and try to run the centres with as few expenses as possible.
It’s more insidious than it looks too. A lot of centres that look independent are part of a larger chain. They either give them different names or don’t change their names after acquisition so they seem small. There are two childcare centres across the road from each other in Epping with different names, but are owned by the same parent company.
real heads wear a short sleeve shirt with a big jacket over the top so you’re either too hot or have to strip away to nothing. No inbetween
Saw hot air balloons on the drive in this morning. It’s always nice seeing them do their thing
I got the boys down in time to watch today’s Four Corners on the childcare sector. I’m so happy my girlfriend found a job at a council run facility and that my boys are at a centre that seems well run
Zoho is another option that has a while suite of supporting services. It’s not open source but they sell business software as their main revenue so you’re less the product
Also, I always thought it was incredibly rude of my work laptop to say my chargers at home aren’t powerful enough. I have two 100w GAN 5 chargers and it complains every time I plug them in.
I looked at a charger at work today, 165w! These laptops barely last an hour on a teams call unplugged. Why do they need so much power and areso inefficient?
I had that today as well when doing an interview on the sneaky sneak. Every time I opened zoom my laptop disconnected from the VPN and I lost internet. I got in eventually though
The work laptop just isn’t turning on now back in the office. It seems to be on but no video signal anywhere. Can I go home and work from my computer there?
Just went outside and it’s not as gross as I thought. There’s still time for it to heat up though
I finally got some formatting on the online store working how I want it. Why doesn’t the Proceed To Cart and Checkout buttons inherit from the regular button style, and why can’t you change them in an editor if that’s the case?