She got half of Burgerland to think that everything they don’t like is Russian propaganda, that the evil Russians helped Trump steal the 2016 election, Russia Russia Russia, it’s the ultimate thought-terminating cliche now. And even in the face of cold, hard evidence to the contrary (ie: Mueller report, off the top of my head) Libs just stomp their feet and insist that it’s still RUSSIAAAAA!!!1
I guess Bill O’Riely would be the Republican equivalent of her, but his oafishness and toxic masculinity got the best of him and he ended up losing everything got a multi-million dollar severance package from Fox News and then faded into irrelevancy.
Seriously though, I can’t think of anybody that could rival Maddow in terms of how effectively she brainwashed tens of millions of Burgerlanders into believing an absolute, absurd fantasy. You can’t have anything that resembles a level-headed discussion with any Lib anymore, largely due to her influence (and others of course, but I feel like she’s the most prominent figure in this regard).
Can you think of anyone that could rival her impact? Who else would be in the same league of propagandists in this day?
EDIT: Obviously I forgot to mention Tucker Carlson, but he also got kicked off Fox lol
I heard from my mom last night that Putin directed Iran to tell Hamas to do the 10/7 attack. It was calculated to divide the US so we would be less effective in supporting Ukraine. This led to me yelling for two hours, which I don’t feel good about, but I’m tired of explaining that when examining the world you have to strive to find plausible explanations for why things are happening, not something as fucking stupid as saying the people of Gaza were perfectly satisfied until a bunch of outside agitators got them stirred up.
Edit: She actually doesn’t watch MSNBC. This is NYT brain. She used to be fine with criticizing media that promoted the war in Iraq, but doing that now means you’re just like Trump.
Liberals completely gave up on self crit at some point in the last 6-8 years
It used to be how they showed they were ‘better’ than their counterparts, but Trump just broke so many brains
I fully believe a significant amount of libs opposed the Iraq war because it was started by Bush Jr. If it was a Democrat they wouldn’t have been against it. Nevermind all the Dems that started it. GOP = bad, Dem = good, and for the parts that overlap, it’s bad if GOP is currently in charge and a necessary evil/tolerable inconvenience if the Dems are in charge.
See also: Children in cages at the border
well 99.9% is a significant amount
Clinton’s NATO bombed the Chinese embassy 5 years before and not one peep
I’ve posted about that several times. It happened while I was in high school. It blew my mind to see the media let the DOD say that they didn’t do it on purpose but they also hadn’t done anything wrong in planning or executing the mission. It was an early radicalizing moment to see how I apparently didn’t deserve a coherent explanation for why this happened.
Didn’t something like 90% of Americans support the invasion when it happened? The libs were only against it afterwards.
Yes. Virtually everyone except the actual left was on board at first. It was bananas.
It’s like they’ve all become demcents but for an institution they have no democratic control over.
Thank you, this is a perfect description. I’ve been arguing with a liberal friend who seems to blame everyone but the DNC and Harris campaign for their loss, it’s so frustrating and confusing why so many people are ride-or-die for the Dems.
The ride or die Dems make sense because it’s the last thing holding their entire world view back from collapsing. Republicans are overtly evil so they’re not an option. Third parties have no real chance of elections or social change. There are no mainstream activist groups that have social capital or numbers for change (like the civil rights movements).
So the Dems are all you have left to believe in the system. If you admit to yourself Dems are coconspirators in all the bad things about America, then you have no real reason to think America is a force for good. So for the majority of liberals the cognitive dissonance is an easier pill to swallow than saying “Are we the baddies?” Not to mention there is an infinite amount of media for you to consume that reinforces that dissonance so you don’t have to think about it.
hell yeah
Admins, make this an emote
this is the origin of

Oh really? The full image is much funnier
I feel like your last sentence there captures something very important about the impact of current discourses pretty much everywhere in the west. And it feels more like something the libs in power prefer then are againts as it creates this hard divide that is kind of difficult to pin down.
As always, completely mystifying class and class conflict makes it impossible for a liberal to tell what the fuck is going on.
I have had the same conversations for decades, and we’re back to ground zero as soon as she watches tv.