I would be much more impressed if they pulled the trigger on this shit and forced a crisis and a ruling. like, you can’t prosecute a sitting president, but we’re like 50 days out or whatever. freeze some assets, detain some people, revoke some passports.
I know libs are a joke and will bend over backwards to protect the norms that the fash will ignore when they take the helm, but all they earn is contempt with moves like this.
it would be funny if Trump came in and went after them all for treason or some crazy shit and appointed like Alex Jones or MTG as the high inQuisitor.
Alex Jones is sitting at his desk in a livestream. “Trump has appointed me High inQuisitor. The first thing I’m gonna do with my powers is start an investigation into the demoncrats and their spawn the reptilians who did Sandy Hook, killed kids, and made me look bad. Trumps gonna stop them. And I’m gonna help him do it.”
There’s a container on his desk and he pats the top of it. “Support the president and me by doing your part. You gotta buy this - the Official Licensed Alex Jones High InQ Protein Drinks. Every sip makes you stronger and healthier and defeats the power of evil…”
The next Knowledge Fight is gonna be a hard listen
4 years of CNN edging their wieners over Jack Smith and the walls closing in poof up in smoke because he’s king now. OH WELL
Ah! Well. Nevertheless,
clearly the civil, respectable, mature response to a fascist winning an election and becoming an existential threat to all that is good in the world is to drop charges
The Millenarian political system has to go back to study the runes and hydrate for a bit.
Oh so I guess he didn’t do anything wrong and the whole thing was a political witch hunt just like he said, huh?
Look I’m hesitant to hand it to the wet boy but
It’s been nearly an entire decade of libs "ah well nevertheless"ing their way from attempted Trump sinking to attempted Trump sinking, whether through some Mueller shit, the Steele dossier, Russiagate, this NY case. Literally nonstop for ten fucking years
Does he deserve to see a cell? Absolutely
But it does look like a fucking witchhunt at times
jfc, the way dems roll over isn’t even funny anymore.
Trump has already threatened his family. It’s a privilege to fight for your ideals when you get to stay anonymous and not have your loved ones directly targeted by powerful people, you don’t have to face the same kind of consequences. I can’t really blame him for not wanting his wife and kids in immediate danger.
No. It is his privilege to abandon ideals at the whims of capital.
Would you put your children in front of a firing squad just to say “Well I at least stand firm in my ideals”?
You are here presenting the situation as if it was a sudden development, rather than a known risk from the start. You are also presenting it as a definite certainty.
Neither of these presentations are correct.If he believed in his ideals he would’ve finished this months ago and actually arrested trump instead of using it as a campaign talking point then giving up
Time it on the day of his withdrawal for maximum effect.
I will no longer be seeking reelection, which leaves me free to do what the QAnon people always wanted — military tribunal time!
My child is already in danger due to the dictatorship of capital. I don’t get the luxury or privilege of making a minor work decision to save them.
You neatly sidestepped the question. Capitol puts everyone in danger, that isn’t special. Would you do the special honors of placing your child in front of a firing squad if it meant you could say that you stood firm in your ideals?
And you are sidestepping multiple responses highlighting the flaws in your presented argument
I’m ignoring them because aren’t good faith? I didn’t say “Jack Smith is literally in this situation”, I’m just pointing out how easy it is for armchair revolutionaries to snear from the sidelines when it’s not their necks on the line.
Now go touch grass
I’m not a war crimes prosecutor? Pretty sure you’re doing that by taking the job
I can. Don’t take on the gig of prosecuting a powerful politician who might become president if you aren’t in a position where you’re comfortable with having you and yours threatened. It’s like the cop excuse of being in a “stressful situation”. Don’t take the job then!
Charlie Brown could never have predicted that Lucy would pull away the football again this time
trump has threatened many families who can’t resist and will get rolled over too.
Like the anonymous Jane Doe lawsuit from the woman who wasremovedd by Trump when she was 14? She dropped it after numerous threats from Trump and her supporters and I don’t blame her at all. I don’t expect Jane Doe to put her and her families life on the line either.
exactly. the person that CAN defend himself and other people who cannot, is being a big coward isnt he.
The whole point was trying to hurt his candidacy; now that’s over…
I said when they first charged him that if Trump spends even a single day in prison I will eat my own dick and I stand by it
Always correct
hey there is still new york sentencing… not that I am holding my breath but you have a little bit before no jail time is confirmed.
Yeah but can they even sentence him to serve time after his term?
I mean there is no rule saying that they could not sentence him to serve his entire term in a new york jail cell
I can see it now. Trump calls in gravy team 6 to break him out, they kill a ton of cops in a firefight while rescuing him, once back at the white house he drone strikes the judge and prosecutor responsible and he spends the next couple years vindictively attacking Democrats and their prosecutors and dismantling the justice department while battering the hell out of NY with federal antagonism that’s not really legal further pushing the idea of a breakup of the states into the mainstream. Democrats promise to jail him after he leaves office but he dies days before the election after finishing a Big Mac for dinner and Vance issues a sweeping pardon for Trump’s family and associates for all activities to which Democrats tut tut but have to respect the institutions and so go on to face-plant in the next election as well despite it being “the most important election of our lives”.
Literally what liberals thinks will happen
A podcast presidency from a jailcell would be an interesting timeline
then as farce! then as farce!
faster than I thought
The next four years are going to be wild. Trump will just do the evil illegal shit every president does but won’t even try to sugar-coat it.
At least there will be pushback from average libs maybe, if Copmala won she would do the same things but we would be scolded for not “trusting the process” if we pointed it out.
I’m hoping libs will join the left in the streets now, but I’m afraid they’ll just pout about “tankies” and fantasize about Palestinians dying.
I wonder how many people he’ll label as auntiefa and have US marshals assassinate leftists en masse :(
Finger crossed he keep selling CIA agents to Russia and China.
Prove you can’t prosecute a sitting president!
Proof is I made up the fucking rule!
No knock warrant etc
what a gaggle of sniveling cowards lmao
once mueller has released his dosier , trump will be finished.
He’s sure been sitting on it
Ah! Well. Nevertheless,