Karlach and Lae’zel ugly??? They have Chosen DEATH!!!
Wasn’t BG3 praised as one of the best AAA games in years with a great story and interesting characters?
(Oh and can we get a CW for the enbyphobia pls
Praised so universally that people were talking about it as a repudiation of recent trends in development and monetization practices and a revival of AAA single-player gaming. I say bait.
The line between bait and delusion is incredibly thin.
Poe’s law, but for video game discourse.
It wasn’t le epic sexy sex collectable card harem with Saint Geraldo the Morally Grey though
Are Karlach and Lae’zel even non binary though? I thought they were just some badass demonic/psyonic women.
“Women who could beat my ass” get reactionary
dorks upset enough to misgender them.
Like in Aliens: “Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?” “No, have you?”
I love that line. The whole cast did such a good job in that movie.
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You’re just too bad, Vasquez
When a movie has both Jenette Elise Goldstein and Sigourney Weaver in it
نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
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No, they aren’t nonbinary. Afaik there’s one nonbinary character in new Dragon Age and that’s all i can remember from the top of my head.
Also in all my playing in rpg’s ever, Yennefer in W3 was the one romance i tried to avoid as far as possible, but i thought it was impossible due to canonical circumstances that they were basically magically bound into it. I was seriously impressed by devs of this game that they really gave player a choice in this through the surprising quest.
DA:I also had a trans character if I recall right
Possibly, that was the most boring rpg i ever tried to play so i memoryholed it.
There really just needs to be a mod to cut out the action gameplay. It distracts from the Dating Sim.
In case of DAI they would need to cut the exploration parts, they were like the 2005 freemium mmo but worse.
I’m glad you didn’t try Starfield, then.
I did, it was not as bad as people say. Main difference from DAI was that in Starfield i don’t really need to explore every single unihabited planet there is, but in DAI i did had to run around empty maps searching for idk even what, i had even less fun than playing in 2 Moons, something i remember as most annoying MMO i ever played.
Lae’zel is a space babe and Karlach is a demon babe. Karlach is butch, but she is still conventionally attractive.
IIRC, Karlach’s VA is non-binary.
Doubly funny bc iirc Yenn used magic to drastically change her appearance to conform to the beauty standard. All sorceresses are beautiful but they’re not all born beautiful. f
Gender Affirming Incantations
Need i say more?
Karlach should light that cigar with her infernal engine as a flex.
That would actually be a fun party trick.
“Anyone got a light?”
“Right here” *pops out boob then impresses everyone by lighting cigarette with boob.*
I’ll just turn myself in now.
I got the cooler VolCel bot response!
Skyrim probably the most overrated game ever
In a lot of ways yea. I’m actually in the middle of replaying it for the first time in years and doing a survival mode play through, trying to engage with mechanics I never did before
And it’s funny bc every single element of it, every mechanic, is totally half baked and yet idk it just has a certain je nais se quoi about it. Idk if it’s just the vibe or I just really like exploring or something but despite every part of the game being pretty weak, as a whole I find it pretty enjoyable in a junk food-y kind of way
I definitely don’t know what kind of drugs I’d have to be on to hold it up as a blueprint for “strong story telling” or “awesome combat” tho lol
Its definitely one of those ‘the whole is greater than it’s parts’ games
Everyone who replays it does so with mods. Shit like The Forgotten City has writing on par with some of the most well-written games out there, shit like Frostfall makes the survival mechanics really meaningful, and Ultimate Combat gives a ton of Fromsoft-style mechanics to the combat that makes it feel complete.
I still maintain that Skyrim is pretty good for a 2011 game, but Skyrim-With-Mods gets better every year and can bring it up to par with modern ones.
I always skipped over the Alternate Start mod but it absolutely slaaaaaps not only do you skip the fucking intro and the fucking generic character generation process from the beginning, the starting points and back stories are genuinely incredible. They have race specific starting places such as the Grey Quarter and a whole lot of different shit from a simple hunter to a necromancer’s thrall
It’s baffling that alternate starts aren’t a standard expectation of open world RPGs. If I’m gonna create a character let me create a character!
It’s baffling that alternate starts aren’t a standard expectation of open world RPGs. If I’m gonna create a character let me create a character!
But it is le tradition for le Elder Scrolls games to start you as a le prisoner
As an old timer that played and beat every mainline Elder Scrolls game including ES1 Arena when it came out, it’s about time that stopped happening.
It would have been so easy in Morrowind, but since Oblivion and especially Skyrim they decided they need a big intro setpiece for the trailers.
Fallout 4’s 2nd mission is a horrendous overdramatized carnival ride that sets you up with a crew of utterly shallow characters, and it was was clearly tacked onto the game specifically for their early gameplay feature demo. It’s designed to make you think most of the game has a lot of scripted scenes and multiple NPCs and interesting missions, and when you’re done with this one mission everyone turns into extremely bland NPCs with 5 super simple chore quests each.
The Skyrim Alternate Start mod is so cool because in most of them they give you the main story mission but it’s to travel to Helgen, and the dragon is just leaving as you get there. In at least one of the alternate starts, you are camping in the woods just a couple hundred yards past Helgen and wake up to the roars of the dragon. They changed a bunch of characters and made them say only their generic stuff if you haven’t been to Helgen yet. So you can visit whiterun, meet people, go to Helgen, then go back to Whiterun and they’ve locked the city because of the dragon.
Very cool.
Oblivion also has an alternate start mod, and it gives you a vision of the emperor, begging you to find Jauffre. He’s then killed in the sewer unbeknownst to you, and the Amulet of Kings is stolen off his corpse by a rat that then dies by the entrance to the sewer.
Forgotten City was really fun. It was a bit opaque in a couple places, but the finale was very amusing.
It’s one of my favorite games of all time (modded esp.), and it’s undercooked in every way. It’s honestly pretty fuckin bad, but playing a modded wilderness survival playthrough or making a wizard tower or smth just captures a certain vibe I haven’t found in many games.
Skyrim had gay marriage too. Not that marriage in game was that fleshed out.
Calling BG3 a game with boring combat even though it uses a system that has been in use for 30 god damn years.
D&D does genuinely suck at both being an RPG system in general and also at the specific sort of dungeon crawling resource attrition game it was designed to be, and BG3 does suffer horribly for being D&D. I’d say it being 5e is even worse, but it’s not like 4e was any better. 3.5e was interesting but an absolute mess, and I have limited exposure to earlier editions but what I’ve seen looks even worse and jankier. Like the character building is “this character is [class], number get bigger when level up, no choices, only number go up” and the combat is “you make a basic attack, because this is D&D 5e and that’s what characters do they make a single attack role; magic users can make a basic attack with bigger numbers once per day, in exchange for their normal basic attacks being worse; this is a very serious and respectable system that people play for some reason.”
Pathfinder is the only good version of D&D and even that still has problems from the whole “it’s still D&D, fundamentally speaking” thing no matter how much 2e does to mitigate all that design tech debt and give lots of flavorful build options and things different classes can do other than D&D’s bread and butter of characters either being a basic attack bot or being a worse basic attack bot that sometimes does a special attack.
Damn, imagine if instead of BG3 Larian had made a Pathfinder 2e game that had nothing to do with WotC’s mid setting or bad ruleset. I vaguely remember hearing about a mod project to overhaul BG3 to Pathfinder rules since the underpinning mechanics are the basically same and Pathfinder just has better class and ability design and balancing, is that actually real or did I imagine it?
The Pathfinder CRPGs are both pretty good and do their best with the “sort of D&D” obligations (it’s very hard to get tabletop groups to play something that isn’t at least D&D-like, in my experience), without all of the “original monster do not steal” Hasbro/WOTC here’s-even-more-illithids cliches. I was sick of those guys in the 90s.
Yeah, I liked Kingmaker despite its writhing brainworms, though I never managed to get into Wrath because every time I opened it up I got some decision paralysis/anxiety thing about making a character build and closed it before actually doing anything.
Owlcat’s Rogue Trader game was janky as hell but very fun and I need to go back and actually finish that someday. I’d really like to see them, or any decent studio really, do a Pathfinder 2e game, because that’s such an improvement over both D&D and over first edition Pathfinder.
though I never managed to get into Wrath because every time I opened it up I got some decision paralysis/anxiety thing about making a character build and closed it before actually doing anything.
I admit that Wrath had a demoralizing level of “doors closing behind you” choices where doing one thing narrows the rails more and more and denies other choices later. While understandable, it’s also stressful especially if you had a character concept and have to look up how exactly to make that the actual story path.
There’s actually a really nifty looking game that’s going to do exactly that
Basically virtual tabletop Pathfinder 2E with virtual miniatures and dice rolls
Lol I don’t have much to add. I just wonder now if I’m just blinded by 5e rules since I’ve really only know it and 3.5e and have been using it for years.
Absolutely - I wanted to love BG3, and for large parts I do. Some great characters, art, design, writing… but goddamn why did it have to be a 5e game? It’s honestly my biggest problem with the game. In BG3 there are issues so many that are fundamental to 5e, which can’t really be patched or changed. I never heard of a 5e->PF mod but if that exists I might actually finish the game
That tourist said The Witcherino had good combat; even among Witcherino enjoyers I’ve usually heard excuses for the combat sucking.
I couldn’t fucking play that game because the combat felt so deliberately unintuative.
Literally every game in the 2010s they used have always had a general consensus of “the combats not great but the rest is good enough for it to not matter” 💀
Which usually coincides with “let’s make it a fast paced combo masher/shooter to draw in the action mashers/shooters crowd” (and they usually dont)
In the meantime Baldur and Divine Divinity and Owlcat games uses variations of the same system that made rpg’s great in 2000’s and got successes.
D&D 5e is quite different from prior versions and in many ways is simplified if not actually simplistic.
As an example, 25 years ago Icewind Dale won several awards for best squad level real time tactics game. 5e isn’t really that kind of game.
I do think this is trolling, though, as others have pointed out that all of those games except Red Dead were panned for clunky at best combat.
Imagine looking at Karlach and thinking anything but
Strong storytelling
Awesome combatSkyrim
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New Vegas
I play as Bisexual John Brown and hunt down every Caeser-ite RETVRN dipshit clad in the remains of prewar american culture
Not Woke
Clearly I have no idea wtf “woke” is
When Skyrim said “Simba, you are the dragon chosen one” I felt that. Can’t say the same for BG3 and it’s DEI chin.
Please consider helping out two comrades in Palestine! 🇵🇸
Please help Aya in Gaza ❤️ 🇵🇸
https://gofund.me/1222af19Please help Mahmoud from Gaza ❤️ 🇵🇸
https://gofund.me/5156f6e9Skyrim has the worst story of any game I have played
The thieves guild and nightingale quest lines weren’t bad. As far the civil war storyline goes, I once played a mod that I swear must have been either written by a child or written as parody of anti-racism. Because it added dialogue options with Ulfric which were walls of text about how racism is bad and Ulfric basically goes, “huh I’d never considered that” and stops being racist.
The thieves guild and nightingale quest lines weren’t bad.
The gameplay sucked ass - you had to do a million generic radiant quests to even finish it lol
Maybe I’m just remembering it nostalgically. It’s been like a decade since I’ve played it. I feel like Skyrim is full of shit like that where they stuff radiant quests in or where the combat was bizarre looking and stilted. But I still enjoyed it at the time.
I’m pretty sure the popularity of the stealth archer play style is specifically because engaging with the projectile physics and OHKOing everything is more fun than actually playing the combat lol.
I also liked the game a lot. For the most part the radiant quests are easy enough to ignore, but the fact that you have to do a bunch of them to finish the theives guild really rubbed me the wrong way. I distinctly remember having to add and drop radiant quests over and over to ensure that the ones I was picking up were in the right counties - it had this annoying “you have to finish X jobs in Y city to unlock the main quest there” thing that was super frustrating.
I think because the radiant quests were generic and meaningless, a lot of people’s brains edit them out of the memory and just recall the cool stuff.
I am an Elder Scrolls enjoyer and I can say with decades of experience in the setting that Skyrim had the weakest story of the mainline games.
Oh no they didn’t about Karlach. She’d fucking demolish those tourists with a berserker cry of “fuck yes.”
Minor BGIII spoilers
This still needs time in the oven but I htink I’m on to something here.
Shadowheart was generically conventionally attractive, and to me was one the blandest and most boring of the romance options. I thought she’d be just fine for boring reactionary culture warriors, unless their rage blinders make her invisible to them.
I don’t think even the most die hard fallout fans would argue new vegas had good combat.
Cool loot system, but the combat felt like trying to use a rotary phone for a controller.
The Witcher 3 and Skyrim both have notoriously bad mechanics, and while FONV was better than FO3 mechanically it was still panned as being the same janky not-very-good attempt at FPS combat that FO3 was. I never played nor paid attention to RDR, but Rockstar is also notoriously bad at doing combat and haven’t ever really improved past early 2000s third person shooter mechanics so I’m assuming it had bad combat too.
I mean Veilguard looks janky and mid too and BG3 is just D&D and D&D is and always has been mechanically awful, but that’s such a weird point to focus on: everything in the image has bad combat and for some of them that’s famously just a flaw people overlook because of the game’s other strengths, with the worst offenders being the older games.
Also The Witcher 3 literally has the canonically pan narrator say “the real monsters are cruel and intolerant men” repeatedly, along with a sizeable portion of the game’s quests being literally “damn, all this racism and intolerance really is the real monster, isn’t it?” or “damn, this rich misogynist really is the real monster, isn’t he?” It is literally doing the thing I say writers with a point should do and that’s have the characters face the camera and say that point over and over, and it still goes over
s heads.