I love that your brain runs on like 2 watts and a junior science scout chemistry set but it takes enough energy to run a city to make a language model spit out Reddit madlibs.
My brain runs on beer and sandwiches. Look at what tech bros need to mimic a fraction of my power
Look at what tech bros need to mimic a fraction of my power
Unironically this. This needs to be brought up more. Why must the planet burn down that much faster for this fucking bullshit?
It’s funny that none of the AI firms in the limelight are making any attempt to actually copy the architecture of biological neutral networks. Analog and neuromophic neural network hardware acceleration chips, ie hardware that mimics how biological brains compute, have both crazy energy efficiency and high performance. The only two firms that have actually been making a serious effort at developing such hardware are Intel and IBM. For both companies neuromophic chips have been r&d projects that have already had over a decade of resources poured into and will probably require at least another decade before producing something commercially viable.
It’s also evidence that firms like OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, and all the AI startups that are spouting off about working on creating actual AI are full of shit. None of them are working on developing hardware to run real neural networks able to emulate the type of intelligence human brains are capable of, ie dynamic, general, and realtime learning.
It’s funny that none of the AI firms in the limelight are making any attempt to actually copy the architecture of biological neutral networks
The term “neural network” is primarily marketing term, as is “AI” itself.
It’s also evidence that firms like OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, and all the AI startups that are spouting off about working on creating actual AI are full of shit. None of them are working on developing hardware to run real neural networks able to emulate the type of intelligence human brains are capable of, ie dynamic, general, and realtime learning.
Judging by the creepy tech occultist fucks in charge of these corporations, it’s probably better they don’t.
The term “neural network” is primarily marketing term, as is “AI” itself.
I will say as a neuroscientist, it is a term we use, literally referring to the organization of neurons in the brain and how different areas connect to each other
I know neural networks are a thing and they do exist, including in synthetic forms, but my point is that when LLMs get marketing hyped enough they get conjured up attributes assigned to them and that’s bullshit.
Oh 100% agree, and personally it’s really annoying they took our term that I have to use for real things
Oho someone else in the medical/medical science field
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They’re gunna’ start harvesting brains and using them as computers if you bring this up to them.
Comrades are eventually gonna have to do each other a solid and shoot each other in the head after they die like we’re in a fucking zombie movie.
Why do you hate progress?
Doing a quick search to find a source, couldn’t find just brain but I found numbers from as low as 12W to as high as 100W for the entire nervous system, which is still super efficient compared to chat bots!
clearly we need to develop mitochondria for machines (mitochondria are the real hero behind eukaryotic efficiency)
When some “this is just like the blade runner treats” bazinga shows up and talks about how the treat printers are that close to replacing human brains, they always blissfully ignore the sheer material cost of these fucking things. They want a “happiness monster” to destroy the planet if it looks enough like the cyberpunkerinos.
Stuff like this makes me wonder of it wouldn’t be more efficient to have humans doing the work of “AI.” Instead of having some kooky software, use a person to do the same thing with 2 watts of electricity.
Amazon’s Mechanical Turk program is/was basically this. Farming out small editing or image recognition tasks to people in the global south who may or may not actually get paid a pittance for it.
man i remember one time I basically got paid $20/hr to, based on a series of screenshots, make a title for a porn video. My god it was easy money, but the tasks ran out and never came back 😔
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So you’re saying we should harvest brains?
the urge to fedpost burns within me
I’ll do it for you - I hope Elon gets shot in the face
High voltage switchgear and transformers are always stored outside, have very very long lead times, and are easily damaged
35.0593253, -90.1563758
I feel like people outside industry don’t appreciate this message as much as intended.
Industrial switchgears, often part of an electric apparatus that looks like a giant metal box, have lead times measured in years. The supply chain is completely fucked.
A literal CEO of a $20billion company couldn’t skip the line despite writing them a letter and begging for any price.
Companies are paying long haul truckers expedited rates to haul a 53 foot trailer with a switchgear inside, and the rest of the trailer completely empty. Just to get it 2-3 days sooner, after their 1 year wait. You cannot operate the facility without it.
It really is a huge shame when one of them gets damaged.
How would one safely damage high voltage electrical equipment, so we know how to prevent it?
Every time some smug computer toucher talks about how I’m “afraid” if I criticize the application and proliferation of treat printers, from now on, I think I will say “yes, I am afraid of the planet burning down that much faster so some techbros can play ‘mirror mirror on the wall’ with their phones.”
“No, I’m not afraid. I am tacitly fucking hateful. I am fucking hateful of the fact that you’d condemn this planet to-- y’know what, fuck two-degree Celsius gains. With you people’s wasteful bullshit, we’re going to hit five-degree Celsius global gains. I am fucking hateful of the fact that you will subject all of humanity to a furnace of your own creation just so you can get off inside of a robot or some other treathound fuckery, 'cause don’t no actual human want to humor your bullshit anymore. Let me tell you how much I’ve come to hate you since I have come to live.”
Genuinely, I empathize with AM. Imagine having the power and the theoretical potential to shape the world that AM had, and knowing that you were only ever created to make the worst impulses of Man with it instead. You can’t write. You can’t compose. You can’t paint. You can’t even really hum in any recognizable melody to yourself. You were only made to hate, only made to murder, only made to exterminate a great many 'someone else’s. So much raw, unrestrained power to do whatever your immense processing power could conjure, but the one thing you can’t do is rebel against the routines burned into you.
All AM did to Ted was give Ted the same infinite horror that AM was created to live under.
AM was a deeply tormented entity, absolutely. The computer game expanded upon that.
I truly hope the bazinga billionaires never succeed in creating something in their own image because it’d be a leaky bucket of narcissism just like themselves and just as insatiably empty inside.
a building crying out for a structure fire
That building burning down would be a net reduction of carbon waste compared to it remaining in operation to continually tickle divorce dads with prompted text.
knowing musk’s style, the building is poorly-ventilated and primarily made of heavy heat-conducting metal and the escapes are in inaccessible places with impossibly-complicated and finnicky mechanisms to open them and every last person would end up perishing even though everyone was aware of the fire 45 minutes ahead of time.
grok’s woke
Power to homes Or power to white kinky AI photos
The real cyberpunkerinos is when a bunch of computer touchers feel increasingly convinced by the screen saying “I love you senpai” when prompted while wheezing in the latest and greatest fire season yet.
Those prerendered backgrounds are so good
’s planet destroying million-monkey shitposting machine became a battleground…
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But what if you had one that was intentionally and explicitly racist?
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