Damn, I legitimately thought that was a rock!
Fucking kitty would kill me, for sure.
Damn, I legitimately thought that was a rock!
Fucking kitty would kill me, for sure.
I’ve thought about this explicitness being easier to identify too.
However, you make a good point that libs will just act like it’s a specifically Trumpian evil. I also remember that no one pays attention to anything and if they do hear about something then they just generally dismiss it in some form or another, so I don’t know if previously unaware people will be any differently disposed at all.
The post called for hot takes, not shit takes.
I would ask them to please be informed because, as Mao said, ‘No Investigation, No Right to Speak’.
You can direct them to this clear summary of how Musk is problematic.
Same, same. Fuck Google.
I’m never going back.
And I definitely did NOT look like a tough, big shot which probably confused him more. Haha
Just reading the story.
That’s really funny. You really over thought it but I totally understand. There are some situations that seem like a trap. I’m glad you got out of it without any issues though, seems like a cool group.
It reminds me of one time I was walking around going to get lunch in very infamously rough downtown and I happened to be dressed up because I was working. Then as I was walking this bigger and tough-looking, street guy standing at a corner just one-armed shoved me out of no where. It didn’t push me back far nor made me lose my balance but it did make me stop. So I look at him, shake my head slowly and just clearly say “Nah, man” almost as if disappointed. He looked at me bewildered but didn’t say or do anything so I took the opportunity and I just walked away and nothing happened. I have no idea why I responded like that but I feel like because I confidently responded that way it defused it by virtue of being so surprising to him, granted my response surprised me too and was completely spontaneous. Worked out.
People get robbed and shit there all the time so it could have easily escalated. I used to walk around there alllll the time and that was the only instance of even coming close to an altercation or anything. I got lucky I guess.
Yeah, and everyone can see this coming but, it’s possible he was even in it. He admitted to me later that when he was younger he started off with some fascist ultras because they were his friends but then he left it for some reason and eventually befriended some anarchists and joined their ultra crew. He said he allegedly never really cared about the politics, it was just whichever group his friends were in.
Sounds like a cop out, but meeting him much later in life I can kinda believe it. Kinda how he was. I haven’t talked to him in like 10 years.
That’s cool. That is really fun. It’s good to have community outlet like that. I love when they light the Roman candles and flares! They look really badass in the pictures.
And, yeah, I had a friend from Ukraine a long time ago that said this was basically the same there too. Just fight clubs basically. That’s shit I would do in like elementary and middle school. Have your crew regularly fight the other crew, who you allegedly don’t get along with, but it’s all really a game. Grew out of it but I guess I see the appeal.
Very excellent choice. Sounds like the acronym for a Maoist Party.
Haha That’s fun! If I was outside the US I would probably end up going to local games too. Do you do hooligan shit?
Honestly, some people get really into it with fantasy football and other stuff. They know everyone’s stats. They know the strategies. It can get really intense. At the end of the day, it is a game so I understand. But I just ultimately get turned off by the culture around American football to the point that it’s virtually impossible for me to get into it.
Yeah, that’s fair. I will only watch World Cup every four years, even if I’m alone, and revel in the nationalism. Otherwise, I don’t really like any sports.
To your point, though, I can theoretically have a good time at a watch party or a bar with friends but not by myself or strangers watching the game. But I just annoy my friends because I don’t care about the game and just try to chat and always root for the team no one is rooting for, so I don’t get invited and no one texts me for these things. Everyone knows I don’t give a shit anyway so it works out. I did learn the mechanics of American football from Madden as a kid, but it doesn’t really do it for me.
You’re right about the ads too. So many fucking ads. The ads are horrific too. The entire country hyped to watch ads, peak USian brainworms. Not to mention the military worship. God, I hate American football.
That I followed! That was fun and my first exposure to Drake and Lamar, coincidentally my best friend a week before that was begging me to finally listen to Lamar and assuring me I would like him. That worked out.
I just don’t follow American football. I was out doing errands today so I missed it on Hexbear too and found out when someone mentioned the Super Bowl to me like around 7PM and I was like ”Ohhh, today is the Super Bowl!” Explains why most spots I went to were dead. I’m such a nerd.
Oooh, right. Sorry, I don’t follow it.
Undeniably true.
Just in case this is the end for Hexbear.net and for this account of mine, I want to finish by saying it was an honor and a pleasure to be counted among you. :stalin-heart: :fidel-salute:
Death to capitalism. Long live the dope ass bear.