Redditors fantasizing about China invading Russia because “ukraine showed them what’s possible in kursk.” This is how Ukraine can still win!! Christ
ctrl+f brics
Brics don’t know what they want. G7 are all neo liberal, capitalist, democracies. All basically on same page, same ideology.
Not sure Iran and Brazil have the same ideological and economic goals. Brics whole philosophy is ‘lets make a club bigger than G7’ and that’s pretty much it. Just sad really
uh huh BRICS group totally doesn’t have any common goals, those countries just signed up because they wanted to be in a group with more members than G7
Redditors are so skilled at generating the dumbest opinions imaginable
Geopolitics is an infinite series of unrelated and disconnected vacuums. G7 is one entity over here, BRICS is another entity waaaay over there. It’s like the earth and the moon, they can kinda see each other once in a while, but they have no effect on each other whatsoever.
Yeah, it’s not like the BRICS members would want anything crazy like fair trade using currencies not controlled by the imperial core. Fair trade where each side is actually there to benefit both sides instead of having to sell at pennies on the dollar so that their people don’t starve tomorrow, even though it’s selling out the next generation from building wealth while fat cats in the core just get fatter. Some days I really wish I could smack a liberal upside the head with some BRICS until they could see WTF is actually going on.
These same libs probably love the hunger games too lmao
bigger group numbers means their dad can beat up your dad!
Gonna be fun when they realise that it’s a loophole away from being back to normal.
hilarious to see the users of
suddenly glazing the PRC because of a flashy headline that they insulted State Department Designated Enemy #2. Loving the sweeping generalizations like:
“China is a nation of builders, Russia knows only how to destroy”
“The Chinese understand long term thinking unlike Putin”
“In China you get value in return for the money you pay as a bribe. In Russia it’s more like the corrupt cops shaking you down for protection”
r/worldnews glorifying the bribery of CeeCeePee officals was not something I expected to see today
yowzers. libland is nothing but a giant mental gymnasium where you are perpetually forced to do gymnastics
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