Why are we talking about how difficult it would be? It’s not acceptable, we don’t want it, and we make the decisions about our nation.
we make the decisions about our nation.
of course you do
There’s no discussion. Fuck off or declare war
why are we still discussing it then?
that was clearly meant just to provoke.
Nobody wants this. Canadians don’t want this. Americans don’t want this. Just our stupid vice president, Trump. (Maybe his daddy, Putin.)
I would rather annex the US into Canada so that we get a much better health care system.
lets please downvote and heavily criticize the people amplifying trump’s voice?
Because Trump actually does want to use economic warfare against an ally to at the very least gain control of Canada’s resources if not get get political control of Canada. Tariffs are coming next week.
So stop discussing it. Dumb mfers take the bait every time.
I’m so sick of this bullshit. No. Stop talking about it.
American here, keep talking about it.
The world would be a better place if American and Canada became one country.
The only people who would lose out are Canadians, but everyone else would be better off for it.
I’ll die for my land before I become a second class citizen to your empire, fascist
Sure bud.
Be careful. That word is starting to lose meaning.
It’s really not. You say fascist things, you get called a fascist
The only people saying it has lost meaning are, in fact, fascists who are butthurt they were called what they are.
And from your other posts on this subject you’re not just a fascist, but straight up a psycho who gets off on violence.
I hope you seek help.
You’re living in a fantasyland.
I hope you seek help.
Sometimes the decision to block an account is just trivial.
Ok, if that’s how you feel become a Canadian province then.
USA for 11th province, let’s go.
I like the sound of 4th territory myself.
But in all seriousness they have way too many issues they would need to deal with first.
Are you a vet?
Like Quebec would ever say “Yes”…
Can Canada just annex NYS then? No need to merge them all together, just take my state for now, and see how it goes.
All right but you have to agree that Montreal make the better bagels.
As a non-NYC resident, I will accept this.
I’m intrigued now. As a dumb American in Florida, I didn’t even know Montreal had a claim for this. I must have a Montreal bagel.
I think NYC tries to claim it. I guess Montreal too?
Whatever, I’m getting cheese fries, but will agree to most anything if it means NY becomes Canada.
I’ll even say Hamilton has the best chicken wings, if that’s what it takes!
I guess Montreal bagels are sweeter and cruncher, and NY bagels are bigger and doughier?
You don’t start off a “this will never be acceptable” with a list of things that would need to be resolved; it just turns it into a negotiation.
i dunno about you but i’d love it if new england became a canadian province, can we just like literally do the exact opposite of what the mandarin chief wants and let canada absorb some of the US? please? Fucking PRETTY PLEASE???
😉 You folks have a funny accent, you should take New Scotland, New Brunswick, NFLD and Labrador because they talk funny too. (jkg of course)
i’m from western MA so they don’t have to worry about me talking about Pahkin da Cah at Hahvahd Yahd :p
would joining the two countries be better for everyone? in some ways, yes . in a lot of ways, no
but no matter what way you spin it. it falls flat on its face after a bucket of cold realism is thrown over you.
The reality is Canadians would lose their rights as citizens and would be at best, passengers living in poverty. and at worst, would be slaveshundreds of thousands would go into poverty, be imprisoned by the occupants for not following their rules, or just straight up be deported or murdered. and yes I said occupants, it would be a military occupation for generations before the occupants even thought the new territory was ready to have some new states carved out. Until then look no further than Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine, what goes on there? Natives are evicted and killed, Immigrants from the “core” are shipped in to take their homes, the news shows off some north korean style tranquil scenes of everything working out fine, and there’s small fake ballot stuffed elections to pretend all is well since the takeover.
there are a select few things I’d be envious of being part of the US over. but the fact remains that im not a fucking idiot, and It would be a net negative for every single person in my country. I’m not going to play devils advocate for people who would be trying to kill us
Cowboys vs Canadians.
Canadian Reservations.
Canadian Residential Schools. In Texas. No ice rink.
Free blankets.
Exclusive Rights to all curling related gambling.
Cheap whiskey and cigarettes on the reservation.
Yeah we already have our own trailer trash parks and fucked up reservations thanks. Don’t need to throw gas on a flame
Yeah it would involve war. I don’t want war with my neighbors. I want a good alliance with them and maybe even the sort of border they have over in Europe. War would be stupid on America’s part and not resisting with military force if needed would be stupid on Canada’s part
He never actually meant it. Why does nobody get it? It’s a distraction. Stop fuelling it. This headline is exactly what Trump wants.
You don’t know that, and Project 2025 states that foreign affairs must be subject to national interests. The GOP is prioritizing access to strategic minerals as a long term goal. DT has stated the annex desire repeatedly and consistently.
At the least, the economic assault is not a distraction, and it is obviously the initial stage in an escalation. People are already affected, and pissed.
Anchoring is legitimately a negotiation technique where you start with an absurd demand to set the framing of the haggling.
Ie now the idea of expanded sea port security integration doesn’t seem like a crazy thing to exchange for elimination of tariffs.
But guess what, expanded sea port security integration would drastically reduce our ability to economically pivot in the face of future tariff threats. Ie if expanded sea port security integration means the USA can prevent us from using our sea ports.
Should probably include the periods in i.e.
I’m guessing you’re on a phone.
Yet here you are discussing it.
What? No it wouldn’t!
I mean yes it would in application. But the human species has been invading and changing governments in other countries since the dawn of time.
It’s possible. I assure you.
And I also wouldn’t be upset if it happened. As an American.
You’re not welcome here.
This is a world news sub… Not a patriotic America is awesome sub.
You’re not welcome here.
Then why are you advocating for Canada to be merged into the US? Do you have it backwards?
Once again this is a world news sub, not a ‘patriotic America is awesome’ sub—so why are you acting like dissenting opinions aren’t welcome? I said I wouldn’t be against America merging into Canada, and instead of engaging with that idea, you’re just telling me to leave. If you actually disagree, make an argument instead of trying to police who gets to participate.
The general opinion around the world is that your country has gone to shit. You’re welcome to have your opinions but the rest of us are equally welcome to call you a moron.
I’m not the one who said to leave. I’m confused why you would say you agree with the title, which is anti-US, and then say this community (not sub - that’s a Reddit term) isn’t “America is awesome.” The title says “Merging Canada into the US,” not “America merging into Canada.” Huge difference.
As an American, I’d be upset if it happened. It’s bonkers to just be like, “oh other sovereign nation NBD you no longer exist,” absolute madness.
Besides we could just (re)negotiate the trade agreements we have in place which apparently are so bad. I wonder who did a bad job with them last time we changed the framework and name of NAFTA … Oh right the Trump admin.
There’s no good reason, in my point of view, we couldn’t have an equivalent to the EU for North and South America - freedom of movement, establishing standards, less friction when it comes to trade - but that would require some true visionaries with a lot of influence and power to work. I doubt it would come to be but I wouldn’t be upset if it happened.
Won’t someone please rid us of the meddling orange man and his sad lonely billionaire buddy.
I totally agree.
Canadians don’t have an effective military.
Are they suggesting they would resist the US by force? That’d be a bad idea, way worse than joining.
Nah. Fucking do it. Let’s start WWIII. At this point it would be USA against Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Panama, Greenland, Ukraine…
Let’s get the entire world to gang up on America like we ganged up on Germany a few years ago
Greenland brings in Denmark and Denmark all of Europe
And Canada all of the Commonwealth
NATO also doesn’t specify that the attacker is excluded if they were a NATO member. It just states if an attacker hits one of the members article 5 goes into effect. So an attack on Canada brings 31 countries against the U.S.
That’s not a war, dude.
World War 3 is a war.
Yeah, start a war with a nation you share the longest unsecured boarder with, filled with people who look and sound like you, who also have a history of record geneva convention additions. That sounds like a great idea, what with the USs great track record at winning wars of insurgencies…