Half of the time I look forward to my death, it doesn’t scare me since I don’t see the real point of my life, what scares me is if my agony would be slow and painful.
But then what? I just stop existing and it’s like I fell asleep? Do I see light? Darkness? Nothing? What is nothing?
Either nothing or everything.
I’ll be in the same place I was before I was born.
Our soul is weighed against a feather by the holy mother. Not like Mary or whatever, the real all powerful 5th dimension all is one in time and space holy mother.
If our soul tips the scale against one’s favor then you are reincarnated… you’re reincarnated into tge sane family however the dynamics keeps changing each time you’re born. You’re sister might be your brother next time and you’re a wife in one life then maybe a fatherless uncle in the next. Anyway once we achieve enlightenment, we are given a choice, stop the cycle or keep going
The mind is what the brain does .
When the brain stops doing, the mind stops being.
There is no darkness, there isn’t even nothing, because there’s no you to experience it.
Where do the ripples on a pond go if the water dries up? There are no ripples, because there’s no longer a pond for them to be on.
There is no darkness, there isn’t even nothing, because there’s no you to experience it.
It’s such a weird concept to get our heads around but this is it, and I personally find it quite comforting. It’s just very hard to explain why!
When you die you simply wake up in the nearest universe where you didn’t die.
Death is an objective event. It never happens subjectively.
In everyone else’s experience, you die. Your body becomes a corpse and you are no longer there.
In your own experience, you don’t die. The gun doesn’t fire. The car crash never happens. You somehow walk away from the train derailment. Your cancer clears up.
Death exists for other people, never for the self.
Eventually, you become the only living human. You are eternal.
After millions of years, you accumulate enough power to create new people. You do this so you don’t have to be alone. You are now God.
Wait… you all don’t know?
The simlutation terminates.
Sweet, silent oblivion.
If I’m wrong I’m gonna go full on Karen on whatever jackass is in charge.
Your brain stops firing and you’re gone. You don’t exist anymore. Your body starts to rot.
I know that the people who love you will miss you.
The Ka leaves the body and goes to The Beach.
I like to think it’s this… Kurtzgesagt - The Egg
Here’s a link to the original short story https://galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html
You don’t experience anything, not even a sense of ‘nothing’.
The connections in my brain that made me me will fail and I will cease to exist, same as before I existed.
I don’t know what - if anything- comes after. But I do like the Buddhist analogy of death being like a wave falling back into the sea. The wave is gone but the matter and energy that constituted it survives and are eventually repurposed for the formation of another wave. Or a bird, or a tree, or some other part of the natural world.