You didn’t mention what platform but all of the Sniper Elite games are on Gamepass including the literally just released Resistance.
You didn’t mention what platform but all of the Sniper Elite games are on Gamepass including the literally just released Resistance.
I always thought games should be accessible to everyone.
In a ideal world absolutely, but there’s literally zero chance of Sony reciprocating, as shown by their behaviour during the Bethesda case. Exclusives for me, not for thee.
I’m happy for PlayStation owners but, as someone heavily invested in the Xbox ecosystem since the OG, it feels like a kick in the teeth.
Were you talking about MacOS? It’s been a long time since I last had to use it but I assumed it was case sensitive because it’s Unix based. Uh maybe ignore me then!
Opened the thread hoping someone would’ve done this (and too lazy to do it myself). Thank you for your service.
There is no darkness, there isn’t even nothing, because there’s no you to experience it.
It’s such a weird concept to get our heads around but this is it, and I personally find it quite comforting. It’s just very hard to explain why!
NTFS absolutely supports case sensitivity but, presumably for consistency with FAT and FAT32 (Windows is all about backwards compatibility), and for the sake of Average-Joe-User who’s only interaction with the filesystem is opening Word and Excel docs, it doesn’t by default.
All that said, it can be set on a per-directory basis: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/case-sensitivity
Just to add to the info so far: while you’re spending the effort doing a migration it’s worth going the extra few steps and moving to their Docker image. It’ll make any future server moves a doddle, not to mention updates etc.
You’re not wrong but the local whisper(?) engine is really slow running on my NAS. I have an N100 box that runs Plex but I haven’t found much to suggest it would be any quicker running from there due to a lack of OpenVino support. Standard Whisper can be compiled to use it but it’s potentially no quicker than faster-whisper without it.
And that’s where I’m up to really. Every time I think about getting some different versions installed and doing benchmarks my brain goes back to Christmas slob mode and fogs over.
Funny story: I started playing this on the PlayStation back in the day, a couple of years after it had come out and cemented its reputation. I did the intro mission in the reactor and then all of the characters were stood in a room doing exposition and what not. I was quite enjoying it.
Then the doorbell rang. I must’ve only been gone for a couple of minutes but when I got back everyone had vanished and I had no idea where they’d gone or what I was supposed to be doing.
Rather than replaying that first 30 minutes I just turned it off and never played it again. Truly the best of times.
I ordered mine the day they were announced, right before Christmas at a period that I was enjoying tinkering with, and optimising my HA setup. I was looking forward to doing the same with this over the break.
Unfortunately they didn’t actually ship it until after Christmas and by the time it arrived I was in full slob mode with little desire to sit at a desk. Even now I’m still trying to get myself back into a working mindset.
All of which is to say I added it to HA and have done nothing with it since.
Isn’t that exactly why so many of these company and app names have missing vowels? Because they can’t trademark a word but they can trademark a collection of letters that sounds like a word when spoken aloud. It’s really dumb.
Grabbed one of these on Thursday and it’s arriving tomorrow. Just ever O slightly excited.
I literally lolled at this lol
I like the idea of open worlds much more than I like the reality. With a full time job, kids, and a completionist mindset I just don’t have the time or mental stamina to spend 100+ hours doing side quests and revealing every inch of the map. Not to mention reading all of that dialog and lore.
Give me a corridor with a tight, focused story over a sprawling open world any day of the week. Coincidentally Bioshock was awesome.
Man I’d forgotten about that film but I also really enjoyed it. It was fully self aware and made no attempt to take itself seriously, and if you’re in the right mindset for that then it’s a great time.
Might have to watch it again.
If it doesn’t have an arrow then the correct side is denoted by whether the fuel icon itself has the hose on the left or right.
Also the first thing that popped into my head. I know EVA was just a voice but teenaged me had the hots for her.
I had no idea that people struggled with this so much and have come up with such crazy (to me) ways of figuring it out.
Most of the world, if asked to write down numbers 1-100 on a line, would do so left to right. The < and > symbols are arrows pointing left and right. To the left the numbers decrease (less than) and to the right the numbers increase (greater than).
All this stuff about crocodiles and ducks seems like such a bizarre way to remember it!
Edit: thanks for the comments, it’s fascinating to get an insight on how differently people’s brains work. Something that seems like such an obvious concept is just as baffling to others as the crocodile is for me.
To attempt to explain it better though: Say the number you’re comparing to is 50. If x is less than that, say 30, then it would appear to the left of 50 in the list and the arrow would point that way <–. If it’s greater than 50 then it would be to the right -->
Nice! Been holding off on HA voice stuff, waiting for a more plug and play solution, so I’ve been watching this pretty closely. Managed to get one ordered before they (presumably) go out of stock in the UK. Hoping it arrives soon so I can tinker during the break!
Yeah, everything that’s already been said, except that I specifically chose an off-the-shelf Synology NAS with Docker support to run my core setup for this exact reason. It needs a reboot maybe once or twice a year for critical updates but is otherwise rock solid.
I have since added a small N100 box for things that need a little extra grunt (Plex mainly) but I run Ubuntu Server LTS with Docker on that and do maintenance on it about as often as I reboot the NAS.