Eh, I don’t think it’s that bad. Mio posted 17 days ago, Ruze 14. While they are not as active as on the bird app (I assume) it’s still something. I’m sure you know how difficult it is to convince people to use a new site/app. Add the fact that it’s a pretty new addition (all of their accounts are what, 2 months old?) on top of their Twitter profiles (something they’ve been using for a long time now) and one with a way smaller audience to boot - it’s pretty normal it’ll take a while before things start moving.
The little hope I have comes from the fact that more and more companies are moving away from Twitter. Considering its turn to worse is most likely to speed up it only makes me more convinced it will happen eventually. Will it be anytime soon? Probably not, Cover is a Japanese company after all, but the mere fact they already decided to test the waters with an official domain for the few existing accounts feels like a good sign.
Worst case scenario we can always start bullying messaging them about this topic, make them aware interest in their presence there does in fact exist.
The hidden reason underlying my pessimism is that their activity is just mirroring top-level posts - none of them actually seem to have actually “fully used” it by interacting with other posts on there. Half the fun is them arguing with each other over tea vs coffee!
That’s completely understandable. Personally I’ll wait a few months before getting pessimistic about it but I am more of an archive hopper rather than someone who actively monitors for the latest news and posts so that makes it easier for me.
Eh, I don’t think it’s that bad. Mio posted 17 days ago, Ruze 14. While they are not as active as on the bird app (I assume) it’s still something. I’m sure you know how difficult it is to convince people to use a new site/app. Add the fact that it’s a pretty new addition (all of their accounts are what, 2 months old?) on top of their Twitter profiles (something they’ve been using for a long time now) and one with a way smaller audience to boot - it’s pretty normal it’ll take a while before things start moving.
The little hope I have comes from the fact that more and more companies are moving away from Twitter. Considering its turn to worse is most likely to speed up it only makes me more convinced it will happen eventually. Will it be anytime soon? Probably not, Cover is a Japanese company after all, but the mere fact they already decided to test the waters with an official domain for the few existing accounts feels like a good sign.
Worst case scenario we can always start
bullyingmessaging them about this topic, make them aware interest in their presence there does in fact exist.The hidden reason underlying my pessimism is that their activity is just mirroring top-level posts - none of them actually seem to have actually “fully used” it by interacting with other posts on there. Half the fun is them arguing with each other over tea vs coffee!
That’s completely understandable. Personally I’ll wait a few months before getting pessimistic about it but I am more of an archive hopper rather than someone who actively monitors for the latest news and posts so that makes it easier for me.