Got that wide stance ready to throw down
Oh I’m sorry little guy I didn’t see you, here have some mango.
Yimyum Ty Ty
Is that an early synapsid
Ye that boi is a dicynodont
I had a housemate who would just take food off your plate if she thought it looked good. I always thought it was a dominance thing. Super weird
‘you share treato now’
[CW: NSFW komodo dragon]
Oh, you want some of this?
Too bad, it’s all mine!
To my defense: I was just trying to figure out what that thing is. It kinda looks like a cool vampire reptile and so I started image searching and well… I came across this and thought: “Wow, that’s definitely a treat!” And here we are.
[pianos out bags of doritos across my fingers like a magic card trick] Pick your poison chief.
you can have the rest of this apple im eating rn on my lunch break
I fart in your general direction and then run away