Lots of focus now around the flaws of the american healthcare system. What can we do now to ensure a better future?
Right now the US is basically a two-party system with both parties bribbed by the same health insurance companies. The will of the people demands change, yet both parties refuse to implement change.
Withholding your vote does nothing as it’s essentially a two-party system. Voting for one party or the other does nothing as they’re both paid off by the same health insurance companies.
In desperate times when the government no longer represents the people, people turn to vigilantism to solve ongoing problems, as we saw with the killing of the CEO.
It’s going to get a lot worse, there WILL be more killings.
In the USA, single payer. But that will never happen under fucking Trump
Two ways forward.
1: Universal healthcare as seen in Canada.
2: Private heath coverage with strict price controls set by the government as seen in Japan.People seem to want to kill insurance company CEOs.
My only complaint about this response is everyone that says it is all talk.
If that’s the only option and I don’t see another headline, there are a lot of people doing absolutely nothing.
I agree. This can’t be the solution. It also doesn’t not have to be part of it either.
Lol comment 'botta be removed
Edit: Yo, how is it still now removed? It’s been 10 hours! 🤣 Mods be slacking
This is ml ofc it won’t be removed
Quick before someone gets injured by truth!
I know it may sound callous, but if you have skills. A lot of countries are looking to fill skill shortages, you could emigrate to somewhere with a sensible health system.
Failing that, as someone else pointed out. Grassroots action!
Get involved, change the narrative build up from local level. Shooting CEO’s is not a long term solution, yes it grabbed attention, yes it showed how fucked off the population really is… build on that momentum.Protest, riot, strike, etc. The government is owned by the robber barons. Aligning healthcare with a profit motive is violence of the highest order and we should respond in kind.
Yup. Peaceful protest doesn’t register to rich people. They can’t hear it over the clinking sounds of their champagne glasses as they toast their profit margins.
For the rich to get the message you have to hit them where it hurts, in their wallets, their balance sheets, their portfolios, or their vital organs.
Effective peaceful protests do this. If your peaceful protest doesn’t make a businesses have a loss it will be ineffective.
Vote better.
The strategy that just keeps working better and better as time goes on.
Lol good one
I don’t know. But on November 19th I had a stroke, treatment and ICU stay of 3 days was over $200,000. Honestly wish I didn’t survive it, would have been much cheaper.
How much assets do you have?
If you rent and don’t have own much that they can seize, just refuse to pay.
Assuming you’re a US citzen:
- Identiy that the fault is how we fund healthcare, not “government meddling” or “bad researchers”.
- Pick a major political party.
- Register as a member and find out where your local meetings are.
- Make clear that the ONLY issue you care about is fixing healthcare.
- Volunteer, donate, or run if you can.
- Vote in every general, primary, or special election for whomever makes fixing healthcare a priority. Spoil if you must, but VOTE.
- Dont fall for lies.
Fixing healthcare funding is itself broadly popular, but since its inherently unprofitable to care for sick, disabled, or elderly people all possible fixes are either “socialism” or “die quickly”
Healthcare should be like roads or schools or calling the police, not like cars or contractors or hiring a lawyer.
The single greatest problem with medicine in the US is insurance. It makes costs horrendous.
I can pay less out of pocket for certain procedures than my copay.
It shouldn’t be like calling the police.
If you call the police you might wind up dead or in an institution for months or weeks.
If you call for an am ambulance, you might wind up dead or in an institution for months or weeks AND will definitely have a huge bill that you have to pay.
Collectivize it, Cuba has a much better system at much lower costs.
Ummmmm, we have a perfect example in the news right now
The current parties will do nothing. We would need to replace over half of both legislative houses with people who support single payer Healthcare (right now there’s like less than 5 iirc) to make substantial change.
elect different lawmakers
Elect lawmakers that would pass single payer, like they have in europe. However, this is an unrealistic expectation in our modern political landscape. So we need to change the political landscape to make that possible.
- find a way to dismantle the right wing propaganda machine, or make one as powerful but not a fountain of lies. Difficult since the right wing has the full support of the billionaire owned news media. They are pros who have studied pyops inside and out and excel at it.
- join the democratic party and attempt to overthrow its pro-rich leadership. difficult. Is it really a democratically run institution?
create alternative orgs
create coops and/or nonprofits to provide better options than predatory insurance companies. maybe easier because its grassroots and small compared to changing our national leadership. There’s a danger of genuinely helpful institutions being outlawed due to mainstream medical lobbying.
direct action
we’ve already seen how successful propaganda of the deed can be. but will it actually produce change, or just lead to repression? it has at least communicated the extent to which Americans are disgruntled - not just the deed itself, but the overwhelmingly positive reaction to it.
general strikes, boycotts, other demonstrations might be a possibility. you need an effective campaign to get people on the same page.
The system won’t allow lawmakers that will enact real change
I mean technically, you can, but you have to get your message through all the propaganda. When people are willingly eating lies from facebook and fox news, and other corporate media, it’s an uphill battle.
Also, if you get someone really good, they might get JFK’ed.
Won’t happen until we legislate companies from contributing to electoral candidates and severely limit the amount an individual can contribute.
Which won’t happen.
So we’re basically done for.
- Saying “American Healthcare System” there’s no such thing.
There are many, many disparate elements to medicine in the US. Understanding all those elements and how they relate is primary.