The totally anti-statist global economic embargo completely abides by the NAP, Freedom of Association and other principles of Anarcho-Capitalism. ‘Why not just remove the embargo to show the superiority of capitalism over communism’? Well, uh… [pinochet_helicopter_meme.jpg]

ancap-good ancaptain

I’m kind of surprised that the Argentine political establishment hasn’t gone completely off the rocker just yet. Then again, Milei is an outlier (especially in how unabashedly he tails the US) and the Cuban embargo is something that even most right wing governments worldwide vote against.

  • Redcuban1959 [any]
    5 months ago

    I’m kind of surprised that the Argentine political establishment hasn’t gone completely off the rocker just yet. Then again, Milei is an outlier (especially in how unabashedly he tails the US) and the Cuban embargo is something that even most right wing governments worldwide vote against.

    Most Libertarians are against the Embargo too, the US Libertarian Party is against it. They also, like some democrats, want to cut all the special support (something even Liberals conplain about) the Republicans and Democrats give to Gusanos who came from Cuba, and deport them back to Cuba.