I noticed that I can be a bad friend, at times. Need to unload for hours, too impatient to listen, and when I do it out of politeness, I won’t pay attention.
With some friends, I suspect that they just have the pity to be like ChatGPT, like “That’s so relatable!”, “Wow, that IS an interesting day you had there!”, “So funny! Glad I missed South Park to listen to your much funnier ramblings!”
At times, I had a like-minded friend, and we would just take turns talking for roughly the same duration, like an unspoken agreement.
Taking turns in a unspoken agreement is so real…
ignores wall of text to post my own thoughts
I always think about starting a webpage for explaining interesting topics, but every time I write something, I’m just thinking, damn, there is no way in hell that I would read that.
I’ve been considering publishing it anyways, but it makes it hard to judge whether it’s actually good. In particular, because I myself would have to read it. 🫠
Maybe a more interactive format would be good, like an overview graphic where you can click on whatever interests you. But yeah, that idea is still cooking…
I say do it! Even if its not polished, I find just getting thoughts on paper can slow down my brain and help me flesh out my own ideas. Might speed up your cooking to first draft a meta post (i.e. what your page is about, who it is for, etc.).
Then you can practice being clear and concise; whittle down your ‘ramblings’ into more clearly defined chunks.
Maybe then it could be easier see how your ideas are connected, helping you find a good interactive format.
unless the big block of text is interesting, in which case I will not stop reading it 💀
I have ADHD and ASD(this one is undiagnosed but pretty certain) and holy shit do they contradict. This meme reminds me of how I will develope a special interest or have an old one resurface that requires me to do a lot of reading and how heavily that conflicts with my inability to sit still and read long books. I’m trying to read capital right now and holy fucking shit the first few hundred pages are a drag. I’m told it becomes interesting later as everything starts connecting but getting to that point sucks ass.
I’m far too verbose all the time.
I don’t even want to read everything I write most of the time.
My job somehow shifted from teaching IT to seniors to teaching SOSE to migrants
It has simultaneously been the most challenging, and most rewarding change.
I’m forced to edit myself down from my preferred 5000 word lecture to about 150 words with clip art.
It’s slowly helping me become less of a rambler.
Except for the “post restraint collapse”, I get home and I can’t hold it in anymore, cue the explosive verbal diarrhoea.
At work, fewer words are better.
But in my own personal life I feel that the fewer words I employ to convey the way I feel the less nuance I’m embedding in my message and what is communication if not the conveyance of the core message, failing to express myself clearly would be counter-productive so surely explaining in more detail is beneficial, hello? Are you still listening? Why have your eyes glazed over.
I don’t even reed the things I wirte smoetimes.
I never read the tings I write … I already know whats written there …
I’m forced to because I make the most ridiculous spelling mistakes that completely change the comment.
“With” autocorrects to “without”.
“is” autocorrects to “isn’t”
Finally worked out why though - my right eye is impaired and I type exclusively with my right thumb (on mobile) so I’m not actually pressing the keys I think I am and I’m often hitting the “predict word” button instead of the space bar.
Looking forward to getting tactile keys on phones again!
It’s more like an immovable force vs an unstoppable object
Bullet points and parentheticals
I could write a whole novel as a Lemmy comment, but then I wouldn’t get paid. I mean… What if it was good?
tfw you spend an hour writing five paragraphs and come back the next day to 3 upvotes
That’s been my whole experience with Tumblr.
Long-ass short story: 3 notes. All simple likes.
Random thought about eating Bleu cheese at 3am: 125 notes, all reblogs with added tags.
wait you have a tumblr where you post short stories? 👀 may i see?
and of course i am fresh out of fish and loaves of bread