Mine are “First Contact” TNG S4xE15, “Where silence has lease” TNG S2xE02 and “Night” VOY S5xE01
DS9 S4E16 Bar Association
O’Brien became my favorite Trek character in that episode, dude was willing to tangle with a Klingon in defense of workers rights
A union man indeed
I love Bar Association, it’s great.
There are a lot of classics that people will say, like “Measure of a Man”, “Drum Head”, “The Inner Light”, and these are great episodes, but one of my all-time favorite episodes is “Far Beyond the Stars” from DS9, Season 6, Episode 13.
It takes that classic trope in StarTrek, where the crew end up in a different time and place, usually in Earth’s history, and really pushes it. Instead, all these characters are new, just played by the same actors. They’re not Ben Sisko, they’re not Quark, they are Benny Russell, they are Herbert Rossoff.
It’s like the writers found a cheat code for the show, that allowed them to write an episode for an entirely different show, within the confines of DS9 and let all these wonderful actors really shine. The plot of the episode deals heavily with racism, with representation, and the struggles Benny Russell goes through as a black man in 1950s America. It is a powerful episode. It’s just good sci-fi writing through and through. I could say a lot about it, but maybe I’ll let Armin Shimerman talk about it:
ARMIN SHIMERMAN: “‘Far beyond the Stars’ is my favorite episode of DS9. It is not just good Star Trek, but the best of Science Fiction, powerfully combining fantasy with social commentary. Racism is bred in the bone of American culture. Even in the 21st century, we all need to be reminded of the scars and tragedies that plague left on our national conscience, so that we and future generations never forget its ugliness. It was brilliantly conceived by Marc Zicree, brilliantly written by Ira Behr and the staff, and most brilliantly directed by Avery Brooks. I especially remember Avery giving an Emmy-deserving performance as he broke down over the crushing of Ben’s dreams. I had tears in my eyes as I watched off camera. I know many of the Niner fans did the same. Non-Star Trek fans often sneer at our franchise’s frothy and light entertainment. ‘Oh yes,’ they say, ‘you pose some interesting questions; but to what end?’ I always suggest watching this episode to rebut the inanity of ‘To what end?’
Brooks’s performance as Benny in this episode is so incredible, that every time I watch it, I’m brought to tears. It is so tragic, and so intense, and so masterfully performed, that it always leaves me in awe. They get these people, with such raw, incredible talent, to play space soldiers in this generally jaunty, regularly campy, SCIFI action drama show, and every so often they lay a script in front of them that allows their full skill set to be revealed, creating these incredibly impactful peaces of media.
“Far Beyond the Stars” Is not just the best episode of Star Trek ever produced, it is, in my opinion, one of the best episodes of television ever produced.
One random one I’m thinking of now, is Deep Space Nine - Duet. That episode really makes you realize how they explored topics that would never pass the US censors if it was garbed in anything but sci-fi. I don’t wanna spoil too much but the larger topic is dealing with colonalism, guilt, trauma, colonialist resistance, hatred, racism… The acting is incredible also.
That episode has stuck in my mind for years, really shows the potential of not just sci-fi but television in general if it was politically taken seriously and not subject to American civil religion
It’s not my favorite episode cause frankly the subject matter is rough, but it’s definitely in the top three of best acted episodes and most politically engaging
And it’s in the first damn season!
“In the Pale Moonlight” DS9 S06E19
doing bad things for good reasons is always interesting
Darmock and jilad at tenagra
still making my way through TNG and DS9, but DS9 S4E2 “The Visitor” is probably my favourite so far. definitely the most emotionally resonant, I sobbed watching it lol
That episode is something else
Lots if options really, but If it’s got tribbles, I’m down.
+1 for “Night” though. Voyager has some incredible episodes.
I can’t pinpoint it but Voyager is probably my overall favorite. The amount of camp is great yet it’s somehow more grounded in general then next gen and it has its own bangers but really I just love Janeway and the doc.
Janeways constantly changing character is criticized but it’s what makes it fun. Never know what you’re gonna get when Janeway hears the premise. Is it unhinged maniac or moral ethicist lol. #justicefortuvix
Going with “Measure of a Man” S02E09.
Any where Data’s cat Spot makes an appearance
But really “Darmok” is an obvious but honest choice. Others I liked Include:
“The Most Toys”
“Data’s Day”
“Who Watches the Watchers”
“The Nth Degree”
and probably a bunch of others I’ve forgotten
Such a great question!
I’m gonna go with “The Inner Light”. Is it a little corny?. Yes, and I won’t deny that. But it works. I think if that episode starred anyone in the cast other than Picard it wouldn’t have worked nearly as well.
Also, since I know nu trek probably won’t get much love in this thread, I’ll say “Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow” is the best of nu trek. And I don’t even like SNW’s Kirk at all. But Christina Chong is really damn good and underutilized on that show IMO.
The one where Patrick stewart looks directly into the camera and says - We really Trekked those Stars huh ? *Queue Laugh track
About a month ago the date of the Bell Riots came and went, I found this interesting thread about it on the Star Trek sub and this comment in particular
I get the notion of living through clever DS9 canon events but I was reading people encouraging cosplay in homeless encampments in San Francisco. That’s like those idiots who try to get social media clout by going Auschwitz.
Stop it. People are having a tough enough time as it is and they don’t need Trekkers pretending.
You want to do something to commemorate this day? Take them food, volunteer at a shelter. Better yet, vote on measures that will help at the ballot box.
And if you want to cosplay, then be the change you want to see. Sisko, Bashir and Dax were Starfleet officers. THAT’S your cosplay. Get a bunch of friends together, Starfleet it up and volunteer at a kitchen or something, be the change.
Interesting to see the effect that 1995 two-parter episode has had on pop culture, tho it seems like most Trekkies are still alright
I like the idea of making the day of the Bell Riots the IRL homeless activism day.
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The Galileo Seven and Civil Defense
After every adorable themed Data episode I’d say chain of command for the 4 lights scene, inner light and every show that’s done the same premise, and the one where Tom and Janeway fuck.
So far it was the back to back bangers of A Matter of Honor and The Measure of a Man (TNG S2xE08-9) but I just watched Pen Pals, E15 in the same season and I’m fuming about how evil the Prime Directive is and wanting Dr. Pulaski to lose her medical license over one of the most unethical medical procedures I’ve seen performed in a television show.