Also libs: “Didn’t you know that 15k of the 40k humans murdered in Gaza were actually terrorists? it-is-known Also, lots of civilians die in wars like the one happening in Gaza, it’s sad but inevitable”


Fuuuuuuuuuck this shit.

    • vovchik_ilich [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      7 months ago

      First link is paywalled, seems to be an interview talking explicitly about what I’m saying: the concerns for genocide have gone down in the last years, likely due to the lack of evidence of the continuation of the claims that Adrian Zenz made some half decade ago. The interviewee seems to be a member of a US government institution (idk I’m not USian), and since the article is paywalled, i can’t see any study or any new information on what’s going on in Xinjiang.

      Second link is simply a link to a debate? Like, it claims without providing any sources or citing any study, that millions of Uyghur are experiencing atrocities. How’s that evidence?

      Third link quite clearly says “2021”, both on the URL and on the article as you open it.

      Can you please, bring any new, sourced information, from 2022 onwards, of the current situation of the “Uyghur genocide” in Xinjiang?

        • vovchik_ilich [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
          7 months ago

          Ok, I’ve read through everything you’ve sent me, and I gotta say, sorry mate but you haven’t read any of this. I’m tired of reading articles with claims of genocide but no material evidence of absolutely anything post-2021. It’s obvious to me that you’re just googling for whatever articles with the headline you want, from 2022 onwards, to support your preconceived notion. I hope you will analyze your position, feel free to read all the articles you’ve sent me, and go through whichever sources they provide (when they do). I’ll sum up what I’ve found

          First link: reverse image search using “tineye” from the cover picture shows “Adobe stock picture, 2019”. No mention of new information after 2021 in the whole article.

          Second link: the gist of what it says (I’m not quoting literally) is “the ongoing genocide is when you forget about the genocide that did happen according to us”. The article shows the WSJ 2019 article that proved reeducation centers were already closed by then. The only post-2021 claim it sources, is that “Uyghur textbooks have been forbidden”. Source: Radio Free Asia, 2017. Feel free to look up what “Radio Free Asia” is if you don’t know it.

          Third link: quote “More than 100,000 Uyghurs are working under conditions that strongly suggest forced labor.” Source: none. This claim is pre-covid as I remember (it mentions the cotton fields), never been substantiated. “In February 2024 the Chinese government further expanded regulations to restrict freedom of religion in the Uyghur Region, including through bolstering local surveillance powers and tightening control over religious education and places of worship.” Again, unsourced information, just general claims about “tightening control” without any actual evidence. The same claim could be made, for example, about the Spanish government in Catalonia, and I guess nobody here claims genocide is happening there (I say this because I’m Spanish myself).

          Fourth link, and I quote: "And now, finally, the United Nations has published a report. A report that says China’s policies “may constitute international crimes, in particular crimes against humanity.” A report that adds nothing new to what we already knew about the crisis, that neglects to call the crisis what it is — genocide — ". No sources of any abuses post-2021 being used, and it quotes the UN report that clearly doesn’t state the word “genocide”.

          Fifth link: no mention to any events post 2021. Few interviews of unsourced and outdated anecdotal claims.

          Sorry, but I’m exhausted after this pointless exercise. I learnt nothing new, because there is nothing new. I hope you did learn something on the other hand: if I deny the Uyghur genocide, is because there’s no substantial evidence to support it.

            7 months ago

            I did learn something. You have a movable goal post. On that note, I’m out. Peace be with you

            • vovchik_ilich [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
              7 months ago

              You’re right, I did move my goalpost. On my original comment, I asked for evidence from 2022 onwards. I later moved that back to 2021 for the sake of credibility.

              My whole point is: we live in the fucking west (presumably, at least I do). If there were the SLIGHTEST THREAD of evidence to point towards genocide in China after 2021, we’d know EVERY SINGLE DETAIL and more. We’d have been spoonfed with it day and night in private and public media, in internet posts, and in every fucking possible way. If you’re struggling to find anything that remotely resembles evidence, it’s simply because there isn’t such a thing.

              Go ahead. Go through the eight links you’ve sent me (as I did), dissect them, and copy-paste the actual post-2021 evidence that is so obvious to you, so that we all can see it and discuss it

            • GarbageShoot [he/him]
              7 months ago

              How can you be this disingenuous? He asked for current-ish evidence of genocide with a specific cutoff point, then when through the articles you supplied without reading them yourself, and demonstrated that none of the articles have evidence meeting the cut-off point. You can say that the cut-off point is bad, but he has been very clear and consistent in this whole exchange about what he’s looking for

            • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
              7 months ago

              Is this the second or the third “I’m out” comment you’ve posted during your three hours, 60 comment “I’m not mad, you’re all mad” tantrum on this thread?

        • CloutAtlas [he/him]
          7 months ago

          CW: mentions of SA

          Just… that first link alone. Jesus Christ.

          The Chinese government’s family planning program restricts Uyghur and Turkic Muslim reproduction, preventing births in violation of Article 2d of the Genocide Convention. According to Adrian Zenz, between 2015 and 2018, East Turkistan’s Uyghur population growth rate fell by 84%. State-sponsored forced inter-racial marriages between Uyghur women and Han Chinese men are part of “family planning” policies, as are female sterilizations, forced abortions, mass rapes, and sexual torture. The CCP forces Uyghur women to live with Han Chinese men in Uyghur homes. The CCP forcibly removes Uyghur children from their homes and places them in residential schools where they are forbidden to speak the Uyghur language, a violation of Genocide Convention Article 2e.

          This is what the justification this “Genocide Watch” dot com uses to deem there to be an active genocide. Let’s just address these

          The writer was too lazy to actually tell you who the fuck Adrian Zenz is. He believes the Abrahamic God came to him in a dream to tell him to “destroy the CCP”. I am not joking. He authored a book called Worthy to Escape: Why All Believers Will Not Be Raptured Before the Tribulation. Here’s 2 quotes from that book:

          • “Through notions of gender equality…the enemy is undermining God’s unique but different role assignments for men and women”

          • “… anti-discrimination laws put in place throughout the European Union … forbid employers to discriminate based on gender or sexual orientation. That way, it becomes illegal for churches or Christian organizations to refuse to hire homosexuals into important positions”

          Moreover, this guy has not been to China since 2010, doesn’t speak Chinese or Uyghur, and is employed by US funded conservative think tank called “The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation”. This unhinged homophobic lunatic is the source for “East Turkistan’s Uyghur population GROWTH RATE fell by 84%”. This in itself is misleading, since Uyghurs were exempt from the One Child Policy, and their population is GROWING, but the RATE of growth has fallen. As with basically every other demographic in China, as things tend to happen as countries transition from developing to developed. But, this article takes it as fact. This is the due diligence this website has but lets hope it gets better from here. Xinjiang’s growth rate fell to 6%, which sounds low but the Chinese national average is 3.8%

          Second hyperlink to UHRP, which addresses “forced marriage” then goes on with the quote

          • “In an official document issued by the Kashgar City Civil Affairs Bureau and provided to UHRP by scholar Adrian Zenz, there is a line item for 20,000 yuan (US $2,811) for ethnic intermarriage awards (民汉通婚奖励 – minhan tonghun jiangli) for the fiscal year 2018.”

          It’s disguised as a second reputable source, but in fact is actually a second (biased) website that’s quoting the aforementioned Adrian Zenz. Whom, once again, has not been in China since 2010. Said article hides in Footnote 5 in the Introduction section this little gem: “We use “coerced” and “forced” interchangeably to describe situations in which a person or persons are subjected to force, duress, or threats by a more powerful person or entity in order to compel the weaker party Uyghur-Han intermarriage has been increasing since 2018 due to state promotion of intermarriage”

          So, the local government, in the name of promoting social cohesion and unity at a time of racial tension and unrest, provides a one time stimulus for newlyweds of interracial couples, and parades them on TV, which is taken as government sponsorship (sure, I agree with this classification). But Zenz then spins it to “coercion”. Oof, big stretch. Then UHRP replaces it with the word “FORCED”, because it’s a synonym? And then your takes it as “mass rape” because forced marriages would imply mass rape if the evidence wasn’t, you know, a one time wedding gift.

          Alright, 3rd hyperlink to USF on forced sterilization by Rukiye Turdush. Well, according to her own words, she left China in the 90’s, what is her source of information of mass steril-

          • “Uyghur women are made to undergo gynecological examinations and forced to take birth control medication, have IUDs inserted, or be sterilized, both in the concentration camps as well as outside the camps. Adrian Zenz’s research on Chinese documents and statistical data8 on birth rates in 2019 reveals that 97 percent of women of child-bearing age in Kashgar and Hotan city in southern East Turkistan could not or would not get pregnant and deliver a child.”

          It’s just Adrian Zenz again. Your 3rd link is a 3rd article written by someone else on a different platform that goes back to Adrian Zenz. And it links to the article where he “mistakes” a comma and a full stop in an official document and subsequently claims 87% of IUDs in China were installed in Xinjiang (the real number is 8.7%).

          The 4th link goes to The Diplomat whose first sentence wildly claims 1,000,000 Han Chinese government officials are being sent to live with Uyghur women in Xinjiang. Lets stop for a moment. Disregard the assumption that the CCP just has a million single men willing to uproot their lives and move to Xinjiang on payroll. The total population of Xinjiang is 25,000,000. The Uyghur population is 12,000,000. Let’s assume half of them are women, so 6,000,000. This is an absurd action logically, let alone logistically. What is their source on th- oh it links back to the UHRP article that paraphrases Adrian Zenz.

          It once again is recycling Adrian Zenz, this time twice removed instead of once. Ok.

          And the last link to GJIA, surely this time it’ll be different. It’s authored by Rushan Abbas, let’s do a quick Google- “Abbas worked as a contractor for the U.S. military interpreting interrogations of Uyghur detainees at Guantanamo Bay through 2002.” ok, the author is complicit in war crimes at Gitmo. But maybe she has something of value to say, let’s read the article itself. Well, the first link there goes to… to an interview with Rushan Abbas. Whom amongst us hasn’t cited ourselves. Lets see what source she has for forcibly removing children. Taiwan News. Oh boy they’re sure to be impartial regarding China, let’s see wha-

          • “International experts, including German China scholar Adrian Zenz, believe the schools are being established to indoctrinate the Uyghur children with pro-CCP views.”

          It’s Zenz again. It’s always Zenz. It’s just one guy. This is easier than getting to Hitler’s page from a random Wikipedia article. Zenz claims there’s 500,000 children in detention, Taiwannews reports on it, and a war criminal and former US military employee (but I repeat myself) takes that as scripture and says it’s undeniable proof China is committing genocide, and takes it as proof.