Love it when a tradcath cryptofascist gets to dialogue with a tradcath fascist about Wookiepedia-level religious trivia
I’d link but I think it’s deleted
God the Jesus fandom is so utterly up it’s own ass. What is this even about, Vatican 2 broke their spellcasting system so now they can’t eat Jesus?
Good person: idk I just try to be nice to people and do onto others
Ex-Manhattan socialite who broke her brain doing too much coke: SO WE HAVE TO EAT JESUS
This is just like delicious in dungeon!
Delicious in Cave
That’s how his body really disappeared
Hey he explicitly told them to eat his body.
Laois purposefully gets possessed so the power of Christ compels him, then Senshi ambushes Christ and cooks him into a holy burger
Yeah it’s like Catholic ultraleftism: I’m the only smart one, everyone else is a dummy, so that’s why Jesus closed the door for all of us to press the Eucharist button.
Catholicism 5th edition has been very controversial for being too simple and accessible to wide audiences, elitist players want to go back to 3.5
Cathfinder has a huge fanbase too
And like this isn’t even a joke, this is a literal thing that happened to a religion with over a billion adherents and there are literally groups of them fighting over a rules revision. Ffs.
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It’s kinda bullshit that they removed the material cost for absolution, I get that it fits better thematically, but all these lowskill clerics are just spamming Redemption constantly with only one point in the Protestant subclass
We’re waiting for Vatican 3 to drop soon. It should clear everything up
I want to see another papal schism in my lifetime.
Poland was close to schism (possibly even double tiered) in 2000’s but they managed to sort the pecking order and sphere of influences, so currently they just sit tight and count money.
So glad I got the autism that makes me good at maths and map games instead of the catholicism lore autism
Mfw the map game is Crusader Kings
its ck3 and eu4
but i mainly play muslims in ck3 bcs they’re more fun
I only play with the Elder Kings 2 mod installed. Praise Vivec!
This is at the same time best and worst mod for this game. Best because it’s best, worst because they only update compatibility shortly before PDX release new major patch+DLC, and they did it so consistently that i’m absolutely convinced they do it on purpose.
Sure, you can revert back, but that breaks minor mods i use with it, not to mention it makes playing with different modlist impossible.
I think I got both but at least I’m not a tradcath.
tfw you realize religious trivia is all neurodivergent folks could obsess and argue over until very very recently and that the council of Nicaea was essentially a posting war
This is peak theory tbh, just imagining Nicea as being the first tradcath struggle session
I honestly have more respect for people who get deep into warhammer lore than this weird catholic nerd shit
I had family that prayed the rosary and all that stuff and still weren’t weird like this.
Isnt praying the rosary standard practice though? If you had a conversation like this with a real, normal human who is also catholic, they’ll tell you to fuck off
Oh, for sure. I just grew up with family that did all the trappings, rosary, chants, vespers, day drinking. Normal Catholics are pretty chill. Converts, though…
Most of the converts at my church just happen to find Jesus after deciding that they want to marry their catholic spouse lol
Yeah no shade on actually religious people, good vibes and faith are cool. This weird almost areligious lore nerd shit is just deeply weird and sad. Jesus is not gonna fuck you, dudes. You’re not gonna impress him by reciting the minutes of the diet of worms or whatever
These people should eat a diet of worms
god be like: my son/daughter, you have not followed the letter of the law and thus will sit in hell for one million years. fucking nerds stg
It’s even worse, they’re saying that even if you were to follow the letter of the law, you’re doomed to hell anyway because all the sacraments are invalid since the Church itself went too far by letting women do the readings in Mass or whatever.
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Why do you think insurance companies have an “act of god” clause? It’s because they were divinely directed by Jesus.
Literal 16th century theology hours who up
What if Calvinism, but less forgiving
Many Roman Catholics (not even “sedes” or “trads”) receive communion in Byzantine parishes for this reason
They do not.
I am pretty sure that all catholic rites and rituals are literally by definition byzantine
It’s intensely funny to me that the two branches of christianity that most people call “catholic” and “orthodox” both claim to be both catholic and orthodox.
Democratic socialism vs social democracy
Are you sure? Because Eastern Orthodox (or Greek Orthodox, etc) ≠ Byzantine Catholic. The Latin Rite isn’t the only version of Catholicism, there’s Byzantine Catholics too. Andy Warhol was a Ruthenian/Byzantine Catholic, for example, but since that Church is in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church it’s basically only a difference in aesthethics. It’s all very confusing
Communion is pretty simple tbqh.
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it’s amazing that people have made up such convoluted complexity applied to nothing. Like, it’s all entirely made up. It’s nonsense built atop a foundation of nonsense.
“So anyway, it’s best to pick Charmander as your starter because…”
“…and that’s how Ash picking Pikachu started the second Pokecclesiastes Schism.”
You’re just listing off all the fire Pokemon. And it’s the same scenario every time. I’m done.
Papists and incoherent popery, name a better duo
“How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” (alternatively “How many angels can stand on the point of a pin?”) is a phrase that, when used in modern contexts, can be used as a metaphor for wasting time debating topics of no practical value, or on questions whose answers hold no intellectual consequence, while more urgent concerns accumulate.[1]
The phrase was originally used in a theological context by 17th century Protestants to mock medieval scholastics such as Duns Scotus[2] and Thomas Aquinas.
Aren’t angels a bunch of wheels with eyes? How would they dance? Spin like a gyroscope?
Wait till they find out about the theology of Pelagius the Wise. Its not a story the Catholics would tell you…
The myths of Sheogorath are all true, even the lies. Especially the lies.
It is said that when Netherese Archwizard Karsus tried to attain godhood by siphoning Mystryl’s mantle as Goddess of Magic, Mystryl saw the damage he was doing to reality and sacrificed herself to preserve magic. In the moments after all magic ceased to exist and Mystryl being reborn as Mystra, the Archwizard Karsus lay dying on the ground, his final sights being the beloved flying cities crashing into the ground, killing every one he knew and loved.
So greed is bad, folks. Learn of Karsus’ Folly.
All of that said, Karsus had a pretty bitchin’ crown, though. Absolute brain genius level stuff, you might even say.
Religion is so fuckinv stupid idk how anyone can take even the smallest bit of this shit seriously. I literally cannot fathom a person being a Christian with the knowledge that there’s like 57 different fucking flavors of christianity. How the fuck do you know you got the real one? You don’t, dummy. Sorry the real true church of god is some splinter from some catholic heresy that only exists in the mountains of Ethiopia or some shit
And then you’ve got stuff like the split between Jews and Samaritans (ignoring all the differences between Jews of varying orthodoxy) with the Samaritans believing they follow the REAL Torah
Every theological debate i’ve ever seen or witnessed just comes off as people masturbating over fan fiction
the real true church of god is some splinter from some catholic heresy that only exists in the mountains of Ethiopia
The ethiopian christians claim to be holding the real ark of covenant
I literally cannot fathom a person being a Christian with the knowledge that there’s like 57 different fucking flavors of christianity.
I mean, to be fair, we are communists ourselves…
We aren’t making claims about the fundamental laws of nature, though.
just history
Based on archeology and stuff, early jews were Samaritans who were one of many religious sects. The whole Egypt thing is a myth as far as can be told.
Egypt didn’t exactly have trouble finding laborers. They didn’t need a bunch of Hebrews to build pyramids.
And like…Egypt has been subject to quite a bit of archeology. Like, if you think of that country it’s the first thing that comes to a western white person’s mind. If anything they were looking for any evidence of early Israelite artifacts and still nothing. It is a pretty sweet story to tell about your neighborhood tho
It’s kinda amazing that the ancient Egyptians made some giant piles of bricks and thousands of years later they are the first thing the average person thinks of. Alexandria probably intentionally fell into the sea because it knew everyone would just think of the pyramids when imagining Egypt. “Guess I’ll just sink myself.”
Egypt has continued to be a pretty notable country for pretty much ever as well. It’s not like people weren’t seeing the pyramids constantly all the time throughout all the important events, Egypt has been a very historically important place for always, a d yet these incredibly ancient triangles are what continues to fascinate us. To the point a lot of people think aliens made them.or illuminati shit. If I was a guy dragging a block to build the pyramid and had the capacity to know that this would be be THE edifice to represent your time for thousands of years, I’d be whistling while I worked and would probably have signed a block if I knew how. Imagine making g something that lasted that long being your construction gig
I always enjoy thinking about stuff like that. Imagining some cynic at the pyramid construction muttering about how nobody is gonna care about the pyramids in 500 years. “Buildings come and go. But papyrus? Now that’s permanent.”
Like imagining that dude in Pompeii who grabbed his junk as the ash buried him doing it as a bit. I’m 99% sure he did it because his reasoning was “ow my balls” but there’s the slightest chance he was like “lol people will think I was jacking off one last time.”
I would live to be an actor that only appears in period pieces to dismiss stuff thst will become historicallt significant.
“Buildings come and go. But papyrus? Now that’s permanent.”
Funnily enough, the oldest surviving examples of papyrus used for writing are roughly from the same time as the building of the great pyramids. So you can say it was a new fad then.
I mean, they’re huge, they’re some of the oldest human built structures in the world and they look good on a postcard.
Even further back people inhabiting the Palestine area were polytheistic. The Abrahamic god almost certainly evolved from Yahweh and merged with El and Baal (and developed further of course).
And the Egyptian thing is 100% myth. Likely due to Egypt dominating the area for several thousand years. As far as I remember, there’s barely any evidence any significant number of Jewish settlement in Ancient Egypt at all. They definitely were interacting with each other, even looks like Egypt even conquered them at some point.
If the Egypt thing was a myth, then how did the Nazis find the ark of the covenant in an Egyptian ruin? (And why were there so many snakes?)
trve apocryphal works
The interesting thing is that there is evidence of Jewish settlement in Egypt (after the Exodus supposedly happened), but the evidence suggests that the community was composed of relatively wealthy administrators.
Every time I try to read a philosophy textbook and it goes into arguments for the existence of any sort of gods, or, more precisely, into the existence of the Christian one, I marvel at those arguments not being dismissed immediately, given how childish they are.
In particular, I have encountered this in a textbook recently: ‘god is the most perfect being imaginable and if it did not exist, it would not be perfect’. By that logic, because I can imagine a 10^100000 year old person who openly lives as such and is well-known by everybody in the world, and because to be 10^100000 year old and to live that person would have to exist, such a person exists. Also, Pascal’s Wager is probably very well known at this point and how silly and poorly thought-out it is.
Nonsense like that makes me think that philosophy in general is a silly field that lacks any sort of rigour. Hell, they seem to be amazed at the ‘cogito ergo sum’ line, despite the fact that in the practical contexts where it is true it is obvious, and in the contexts where it isn’t true it is, well, not true.Hot take: philosophers in general should be forced to adopt higher standards of rigour.
One of the jokes of existential comics is that your average gym bro holds themselves to a higher standard of academic rigor than your average academic philosopher.
Adam Friedland really dodged a bullet huh
dodged a bullet like the diarrhea dodged being trapped in his white linen pants
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Isn’t the whole point of being Catholic that it’s not your job or right to debate this stuff? Stop being Protestant! Go to mass! Listen to what you’re told!
The tradcaths keep accidentally inventing Protestantism because they think the papacy is too woke and soy
It’s never not gonna be funny to me. I wish them a very happy Another 30 Years War on each other. Start by throwing themselves out a window.
That’s the whole point of christianity in general. Essentially, the bible is the done deal. Priests exist to guide people towards the book. But you’re supposed to have faith that it’s all real and makes sense even if you don’t understand it. Questioning the validity of x miracle or y sacrament is essentially the equivalent of lucifer demanding equality with God or Eve wanting all knowledge
lucifer demanding equality with God
That is itself a medieval heresy. The biblical satan is a fucking angel cop trying to put humanity on trial for suspected disloyalty.
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I was raised catholic and I can’t parse this.
Wrote a dissertation on Augustine, the Pelagian heresy sort of makes sense since that whole thing is basically about being able to save yourself without help from Christ, etc.
The rest is very dumb tho. Also, their
is pathetic compared to the GOAT.
somehow less interesting and less spiritually relevant to life than a debate between two dorks about Warhammer 40k deep lore.
The lady from season 3 of Succession wants us all to know we killed God with heresy?
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If they’re OG traditionalists Jesus isn’t god and also he turned out to be a liar when the world didn’t end.