If attenuation does get triggered, say by teammates, I notice increasingly decreasing damage per slam. I think Funnel Clouds and blast are just combining to deal a lethal hit which resolves before attenuation is applied.
If attenuation does get triggered, say by teammates, I notice increasingly decreasing damage per slam. I think Funnel Clouds and blast are just combining to deal a lethal hit which resolves before attenuation is applied.
If you’re on the fence, you could farm some regular Gauss at Ur on Uranus, he’s mostly easy to farm and craft aside from the open world gems.
If you need plat, Burston Prime is always on rotation and trivial to farm, and is currently attached to some valuable primes like Wisp and Trumna: https://wiki.warframe.com/w/Burston_Prime
I’m most interested in the changes to Teleport and Lethal Teleport (now Quickened Teleport). Gaining a Smoke Screen refresh as well as parkour on kill is very exciting to me, be interested to see if it scales off strength. Blade Storm having its own exalted loadout is also really interesting, although I’m 90% sure it’s going to still be Exposure and Influence, lol.
Other than upcoming changes, in terms of existing changes: Ash had an interesting meta shift around him. Specifically, Smoke Shadow being multiplicative with Acuity on most projectile weapons gave him some excitingly high crit tiers.
Fishing around on the forums yielded the idea of running Djinn with recovery time mods, Sacrifice; and then helminthing Dispensary with Repair Dispensary as an augment.
I don’t think the Vasca behaviour is an exploit though, just another one of Warframe’s surprise mechanics.
Unironically, Natah’s reflection in Ropalolyst. One line in particular is why I picked Natah over the other options:
“Our history is smoke. Blurred by dreams, guided by ghosts. A Voice, a Void, lurks inside you, its purpose not yet shown. But what am I?”
“My father was a farmer. My mother, a carpenter. Given light by the Golden Lords to build for them… a better world. But my family’s journey was long. Time began to change their light. Creativity. Pride. A will to live.”
“So the Golden wrath came. And after, I was born. A mimic, a spy. Conceived to burrow into nests and swallow the pitch-eggs of their war machine. The Tenno. But when I saw your tender faces, I took mercy. Or so we were told.”
“But in truth, we were both imprisoned in Lua’s belly. My light remade by the creators. I became a memory, a ghost. Reprogrammed to destroy my family, my people, my history.”
“But now, I am saved. By family. Together, we will overcome the flaws of our light, the gods of our creation… merging with them, like steel… bearing Amalgams with the weakness of neither.”
“Reprogrammed to destroy my family, my people, my history.” hits hard, it’s very raw and real. I think it’s tied with Jade’s memories by Teshin for the most viscerally disgusting thing the Orokin are ever depicted doing.
Is Thermal Transfer finally a part of the meta or are we talking trying to make Heat Sunder nuking work like it’s still 2022?
Yeah, SP hard mode. The main limiting factor is not being able to revive, which the Vasca works around. Same trick is true for the 60 eye fight on Deimos.
Quite a cool frame. Tectonic Fracture has some interesting utility due to its nature as a physical obstruction. If he got more walls he’d be the cheese master for EDA mirror defense. He has a smattering of other distractions and CC on top of iframes from Landslide and a ridiculous armour pool, so super comfy to play in most content.
Other than that, yeah, Landslide with its own arcane slot is going to be bonkers. Here’s hoping for a landslide victory for the one punch man himself.
I’d say it’s tied between Excal and Atlas, Chromatic Blade + Furious Javelin is already a bonkers setup, and Slash Dash inheriting exalted arcanes is just… boy. Same playstyle concept, be invincible and zap your enemies.
Property is shared with Trinity, Nezha and Yareli too, so they’re all super tanky. Yareli with a Fortifier Akarius is kind of hilariously braindead. According to the wiki, Nidus benefits as well.
One thing I realised, because of how complete Nekros’s kit is, he has a lot of room to mess around with different helminths. I’ve been having fun with Thermal Transfer, although sadly it doesn’t apply to summons.
It’s a terrible problem to have, I know, but I’m gonna have a hell of a time picking between Gyre and Nova for missions between how good that Gyre Deluxe looks and the new Nova Gemini.
What’d we think, Tenno? Echoes update looks absolutely stacked, I can’t wait.
My other counterpoint to this perspective is that, when I’ve had the absolute joy of playing with range Chromas, having Vex Armour buffs on is fun. He’s an easy Circuit pick for me, because like Banshee he directly makes the game more fun for everyone. Vex Armor also outscales Roar until 700% power strength, and outscales Roar forever on glaive maths and MultiCO projectile melees. (Ignoring certain triple dipping Roar mechanics, such as Blastfluence.)
Nah, Chroma rules. Guardian Armour gives him free access to Arcane Avenger without sacrificing Worthy Comradery, so he has access to builds that Rhino and Mirage don’t. Like Mirage he’s also a high power glaive user since Vex Armour (and Eclipse) self-multiply in the glaive damage calculation. Which is great, since the new Pathocyst is right around the corner. Guardian Armour also blankets your party in a warm 50% DR on top of the armour buffs, so he’s actually legit as a support frame.
Also underappreciated, but Tox Ward’s reload boost is both a nice QoL boost and a really big sustained DPS boost, and sustain is usually the gate on your KPM unless you’re Influence nuking. I’m gonna disagree with Keegen, and say that if you’re Influence nuking, all frames are now equal, since your KPM is now limited by how far away the enemies spawn.
Edit: certain weapons with MultiCO also have MultiShiver, so Chroma can make some really eccentric off-meta weapons into Cold monsters, like the Cyanex and Hystrix. Or he can just do a Shiver Laetum and laugh his way to the bank.
He’s good, just not exciting.
I think his most interesting trait is that Summoner’s Wrath is considered faction multiplier, so with the oldschool Theorem setup his minions can set some extremely spicy dots. Having an army of Eximus is also very useful.
Creeping Terrify is pretty good if you’re fighting an armour faction, such as Scaldra, which is a looooong farm for Spectral Serration and one of the magnetic mods. Like Trinity and Protea he has near limitless reserves of energy due to Desecrate spawning health orbs, so he can run extremely aggressive power strength builds. In case you want more parkour from Infested Mobility :^)
Soul Survivor is interesting after the buffs, being an instant ranged revive, definitely nothing to scoff at on death penalty type missions like EDA, Netras and Archons.
Shield of Shadows is very powerful when paired with Overguard generation, such as a friendly Dante or Secondary Fortifier, as SoS redirects damage before it gets applied to OG, giving him extremely durable OG.
I’m still waiting to roll him in Circuit to see how hard he scales with Summoner’s Wrath in extremely high-level content.
If I have to take a loot frame to help my clan with resources, it’s Nekros every time.
Yeah, Influence Landslide would be the dream, forget the funny cat lady.
I might steal that scroll wheel idea and start playing fun punch man again…
If melee pseudos can: benefit from Influence and have reworked status chance numbers that can actually benefit from it, I think Khora is going to be an even funnier nuker. Being able to group enemies and turn them into a quadratic scaling nuke is a hilarious proposition!
I don’t play Khora because mashing my 1 key makes my finger sore. I hope the coming patch adds an accessibility option to make it that hold casting pseudos just spams them.
I need to try a Damage Decoy build on her, because I think with Decoy she could potentially be one of the strongest generalist frames in the game.
Due to the high number of eximus that spawn, I’ve found Hellscrub is an excellent credit farm. I think I’ve made like 60 mil since 1999 dropped.
I need to lab it more in depth, but attack speed causes you to rapidly cover the coptering distance, even though extremely heavy drag is applied to you unless you do the fake-slide bug (turns out it’s not just Nezha who can do it).
I think it’s actually a legit movement tech, since coptering from your gun will activate the Synth Reflex condition and give you a turbo bullet jump out of your copter. At least for frames that don’t really need to run knockdown exilus mods.
Zephyr will never be nerfed, at ~1% play rate she definitionally can’t be disruptive to other players… right? 🥹