“Python is bloat” wait until you look at NodeJS “node_modules” folder
“Python is bloat” wait until you look at NodeJS “node_modules” folder
Kubuntu is boring because it just works
Yeah… Lots and lots of stinkbugs… My bedroom has become a minefield
Didn’t know I was racist
I’m european lol
Broccoli? You deserved that
I love the restart button, it makes switching to Linux faster
Sometimes that’s not enough. I used to get Poilitical memes in the regular memes channels
Also add communism, capitalism, socialism, communist, rich, capitalist
I love the color combination!
u so ohio, “gramps” is no rizz since the 90s
I got a Moto G84 5G for 200€ and I think is a pretty good deal. It has 256/12GB of memory and an OLED screen and even an headphone jack!
It may be your phone manifacturer slowing down the OS. My phone doesn’t feel slower
You can use the small card post format
Nobody ever talks about LxQt, that was my first GNU/Linux experience on Lubuntu 19.10. It had a modern design only using about 300 MB of RAM. LxQt is watching the match outside the ring