All remotes get taped shut eventually because of broken clips. No more fidgeting.
All remotes get taped shut eventually because of broken clips. No more fidgeting.
Foobar2000. Haven’t found anything similar in terms of ui customization options, easy convert and ReplayGain operations built in.
I’ve been running Fedora with KDE on my Razer Blade 15 (2020 Advanced). Without knowing your specific hardware model I think you can run any reasonably popular distro and game happily.
Not equally myself, but you get used to doing things with the non-dominant hand surprisingly fast. Started using lefty mouse due to arm pain and maybe a week or two gets you to non-awkward basic usage.
Jep, täällä okt-taloudessa tuli vaihto kiinteähintaiseen hieman yli vuoden pörssikokeilun jälkeen. Pieni excelöinti kertoi, että jopa 10 snt kiinteä olisi halvempi vuositasolla, koska talvikuukausina kulutus on vaan paljon enemmän. Enää ei tarvii taivastella kun jotain voimalan pikkuvikaa korjataan 3 viikkoa ja samaan aikaan kuun asento vinossa ja hinnat sen seurauksena mitä sattuu.
The Shawshank Redemption in Finnish: Rita Hayworth - avain pakoon. (=key to freedom). Only a minor spoiler…
Take a breath and just be. Welcome the break from excess stimuli.
For music production check out Ubuntu Studio. Any distro can run music production stuff but Ubuntu Studio has all the required bits ready to go.
For DAW I transitioned into Reaper which runs natively on Linux. VST support with wine and yabridge works generally fine. For Native Instruments you need to use a legacy installer. I bet there are still problems with some vendor authorizations. You should just test it out to see if your favorite VSTs are supported.
MakeMKV is the way to go. If you have enough space, just rip the streams as direct copy without re-encoding. This way you can encode later if needed with the best codec available at that time.
These are all fast breakbeat rhythms. Drum and bass music is generally broken beats (as in not 4-to-the-floor) in 160-200 bpm tempo range with emphasis on drum and bass elements. There are a lot of subgenres with specific nuances.