• 161 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Decoration is not supposed to be useful, by definition.

    I think it’s interesting to set a budget and start noticing things that you like. Kind of random stuff that gets your attention for no apparent reason, just because it resonates with you.

    And then you can think about how to fit more of “these” with your budget.

    Could be board games, posters, cards, whatever. It’s whatever makes you feel like yourself. Then hoard them in. :D

  • There’s some legal framework in commonwealth countries around cooperatives you might be interested in.

    I never figured how to structure securing funds for worker owned cooperatives, but it could be a consumer owned cooperative, paying upfront costs associated with the equipment in exchange for the goods as they are produced. And then volunteer work could be granted shares/ownership, so the exceeding produce become actual wages, then the consumers can be bought out by workers, and it becomes a worker owned cooperative? Just brainstorming here.

    And, of course, all decisions being democratic between participants.

    Still, it might be useful to have some form of owner (you) dictating the way. And then have it converted to collective ownership by however you prefer to grant it.

  • Obrigado pelos 30m de atenção. :)

    Eu acho que estar errado publicamente tem algum valor. Porque nem todo mundo está na vanguarda da teoria o tempo todo. E pra chegar lá tem 200 anos de teoria.

    Talvez algum nível de desvio vindo de discussões geralmente razoáveis ajude a apresentar mais da nossa linha, por contraste, pra quem tende a se alinhar naturalmente com a esquerda não radical.

    O feminismo também tem seus desvios, vide radfem. Mesmo a pauta trans também é contaminada pelos liberais, e acho que ambos desvios afastam as pessoas da nossa linha pela linha, como efeito colateral. Acho que ele foi pela linha errada de análise, mas há um ponto sobre a linguagem não ser sempre a contradição principal, e que sublinhar esse ponto acaba afastando pessoas que poderiam se alinhar a nós politicamente, por tirá-los o interesse por conta dos seus preconceitos que poderiam ser superados, de outra forma.

  • How about starting with a guide, and make notes on primary sources for later?

    Anything you get here will be someone’s take on the path for sociology. Just like the author of a sociology review guide/book.

    Otherwise, sociology concepts tend to be non trivial to navigate, because beginners miss the historical context in which concepts are proposed. And where primary sources are coming from.

    This take “primary sources only” hamper your potential understanding, in my opinion. Building this knowledge individually feels pointless, idealistic, even. Because it lacks dialogue with other people that are living and applying those concepts, and risks giving you just a perspective based only on your own limited experience, instead of an actual grasp on the gradient of sociological ideas. Which is apparently what you are looking for.