Rojava/DAANES is AES in the Middle East. They are the only socialist project in the Middle East, actually.
Rojava/DAANES is AES in the Middle East. They are the only socialist project in the Middle East, actually.
You have to first realise that “red lines, and working with the US to destabilize a country is one of them.” is a construct. Because for example my construction of what’s happening over there is not the same as yours. You say “working with the US to destabilise a country” and I say that the country was already destabilised, and that the people of Rojava saw an opportunity.
I don’t like the implication that Kurds have no agency. They do and they choose to work with the US instead of the alternative of being genocided.
I hope SDF fucks them up.
they very well could be getting training in the US bases the SDF hosts or getting weapons through them.
You can’t just say things like that without evidence. If you claim ISIS is training on DAANES territory, then you should back that claim up.
I have a problem with the “US stooge” label. We can recognise Rojava cooperates with the US, we can say they receive help, money, training, weapons… but we don’t have to rob Rojava of agency. Why can’t cooperation with the US be a temporary, necessary measure on their part, rather than an essential quality?
Separately, the Syrian Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources called on all workers in production sites to return to their workplaces starting Tuesday.
HTS and Turkey are stealing Syria’s oil.
According to some, SDF should surrender and let the invisible hand of communism protect them. lmao
You can replace the Israeli flag with Turkey’s flag and the meme would still be valid.
That’s fair. But let’s entertain a hypothetical…
If someone had posted “China should be wiped off the map” or “Russia should be wiped off the map”. Do you think we’d be having this discussion regarding motives and context?
You are doing a textbook example of DARVO with what you are saying. Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender
No, I am not.
You deliberately manipulated the narrative to make yourself seem like an innocent victim of a horrible person and lazy/horrible mods.
No, I didn’t. Where did I mention myself as being the victim? I think you’re arguing against someone else here…
You didn’t actually give anyone any context and acted as if your word alone is good enough to start a witch hunt.
I did though. I copied the whole “tl;dr”. How can the person ranting about China be relevant to whether or not Kurds should be ethnically cleansed from northern Syria?
You wanted to see the “context” because apparently calling for genocide as part of a longer discussion isn’t as bad as outright calling for it. I don’t understand the logic.
I’m glad that people don’t fall for your manipulative tactics. I’m just calling them out for what they are.
The only person manipulating here is you. You accuse me of a million things. So far you have not said 1 thing in defense of the person saying what I quoted in my post. Is it because you know its indefensible so you attack me instead?
if the person you are talking about said the things they did
doesn’t fit with
you didn’t actually provide any context for the conversation.
They did say the things, you’ve probably read the comment by now. I don’t know why you’re saying “if” when it is something we can all see with our eyes.
Are we judging what they said or the context in which they said it in? Ironic that Kurds receiving help from the US is bad no matter how you look at it (context be damned!), but once someone gets called out for calling Rojava to be “wiped from the map” suddenly context matters. lmao
I’m just pointing out the blatant hypocrisy.
This could’ve been a productive discussion, instead you try to manipulate people into some kind of “mob justice” against your perceived enemies.
Your post is full of contradictions, strawmen, projection, hypocrisy and lying. Everything you accuse me of in your post, you’re doing yourself.
Then you top it off with pure insults after I have not said a single mean thing to you. Then you have the audacity to say “fuck you”. I feel sorry for anyone who has to tolerate you.
You DARVO losers always follow the same pattern. You put words in everyone else’s mouth. You present…
You have zero self awareness, you assume I am a part of some group, then go on to assume what I supposedly do, only to then say that I am actually the one doing the assuming. That’s gaslighting.
Can you argue a point without implying that the person to whom you’re speaking is part of a conspiracy?
I don’t even know what DARVO is.
You present your enemies as the worst people on earth and allow no discussion of the topic
Zero self-awareness. This all started because someone said Rojava were the worst people on Earth, who should be wiped out, and then refused to discuss it.
Fuck off with that shit, it has no place here.
Stop your attempts at browbeating. Your whole comment literally applies to you, but you lack the self-awareness to see it.
I didn’t want it to seem like I’m asking for people to go and jump on the discussion.
It’s interesting though that people are all like “context?” in response to this, but if someone had written “I hope China gets wiped off the map”, they’d be instantly banned for “imperialism” (rightfully so) and nobody would pause for two seconds to ask for context. Same thing with any of the other n things where the mere implication of a thought rather than anything written is worthy of a permanent ban.
But when someone says, in no uncertain terms, they wish Turkey and its militias ethnically cleanse the Kurds from northern Syria the response is “hm… what is the context of that statement?” LMAO
They also say HTS should be wiped off the map
As an afterthought edit. Because clearly they saw it as a way to push Turkey’s talking points onto this forum.
They just wish Rojava didn’t exist as an organization.
No, they’re not. They also referred to people of Rojava as “terrorists”. Only country who calls them that is Turkey.
Doesn’t mean they want to kill all Sunni Muslims in Syria.
Actually, SNA/HTS are sunni, Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas are shia.
In fact OP is making the same argument that Israel makes when accusing its critics of antisemitism.
To equate the two is to say that Palestinians want to genocide/ethnically cleanse Israel, when that is not true. Meanwhile SNA is already running a terror campaign in the areas they control.
To equate the two is saying that just like the Kurds in northern Syria and Iraq, Israeli nationals/settlers are native/indigenous to Israel. This is also not true.
What is true though, is that Turkey has used the same rhetoric against PKK/SDF/YPG/Kurds as Israel uses against Palestinians. Turkey calls them terrorists and uses that to justify invading north Syria and killing civilians.
So the people of Rojava and the Kurds are more akin to the Palestinians and Turkey and the Turkish-backed forces are more akin to Israel.
Thank you for bringing that up, now my position is even more clear and justified.
My first thoughts are: what do you and they mean by Rojava?
The person I was talking about calls the people of Rojava “terrorists” and then says they’re gleeful about “what’s coming to them”. The only country that calls SDF/YPG/Rojava/Kurds terrorists is Turkey.
Forgive me if I don’t care about racist terrorists who are literally tearing my home piece by piece. They wanted assad gone for so long, well now they have it.
I’m going to be gleeful that terrorists are reaping what they’re sowing.
We have a person literally advocating for Turkey (a founding member NATO state) to ethnically cleanse Kurds from Rojava (because they are terrorists), but that’s alright, cause SDF took money from the US.
Rojava is not “tearing [Syria] piece by peace”, they are actually defending Syria’s integrity against Turkish invasion. Yet this person doesn’t see it that way, why is that so? Perhaps he thinks Turkey has the right to go in and ethnically cleanse Kurds.
It is precisely what I claim it is. What does tl;dr mean? “too long; didn’t read” tl;dr is a summary of one’s points and arguments. Anything before a tl;dr isn’t necessary to understand the tl;dr by definition.
The person summarised their own words into a tl;dr, unprompted. How can you blame me for that?
You’re just looking for an excuse to defend calls for ethnic cleansing because you happen to agree with it.
the same way saying Israel should be wiped out is a call for genocide against Jewish people?
Not a good comparison, Kurds/people of Rojava are native/indigenous to northern Syria and Iraq.
You’re framing the issue wrong. Palestinians don’t want to genocide Israelis, while SNA/HTS/Tutkey do want to ethnically cleanse the Kurds, because much like Israel believes all Palestinians are Hamas, so Turkey thinks all Kurds are terrorists.
What right do you have to decide what states do or do not exist in west asia?
Ironic, coming from the person saying DAANES shouldn’t exist. lmao
You can’t use your rhetorical tricks here, since you’re on the side of Turkey/SNA who are ethnically cleansing northern Syria and denying a people the right to existence.
Not doing the US dirty work?
And that means not defending themselves against ISIS.
Is ideological purity more important than survival?
Why didn’t SAA defeat ISIS in north-east Syria then? SDF didn’t take the land from the Syrian govt. they took it from the ISIS caliphate.
Well, what about this ?
Forgive me if I don’t care about racist terrorists who are literally tearing my home piece by piece.
Calling people of Rojava “racist terrorists”. Do you think they are calling the land racist, or perhaps the pieces of paper that run their bureaucracy? No, they’re referring to the people of Rojava.
I’m going to be gleeful that terrorists are reaping what they’re sowing.
Expressing glee at the thought of people of Rojava (“racist terrorists”) are reaping.
Turkish-backed SNA didn’t wait to start an ethnic cleansing campaign:
Well, I happen to think that non-“white” people have agency. Why couldn’t it have been that Rojava used the US to achieve its goals? I am not denying that some US goals and SDF/Rojava goals aligned, but why should we strip SDF of agency and say they are mindless puppets controlled by the US?