I can not even express how nice this looks. :)
I can not even express how nice this looks. :)
Your Dough has risen and can say “Meow”?
Could it be that your hormonal system is a bit too eager? Normally humans produce a higher level of Cortisol to wake up. Everyone does this. But high doses of Cortisol can also cause stress and anxiety, it is literally THE stress hormon. So my guess is that your adrenal gland is overactive in the morning (or even over the whole day).
“Tropical Trump” sounds a bit too funny for such an article.
Tremors on Mars!
Nice, I did not know that.
Depends. It really has a lot of romance in it, but if you can look past that, I would recommend it, yes.
The name is so nice! Did you name her after the character in “The Mists of Avalon”?
A lot of these cases seme to be children and that’s shite. They did not decide against the vaccine, but their parents did, leaving them to suffer through measles and possible long term effects like immunosuppression or SSPE.
Been reading this on the toilet. Fitting.
Had a really bad flu, but was supposed to turn up to my first day of apprenticeship. Awkward enough to be introduced on your birthday, but I also looked and sounded like shit. Could also not relax in the evening, because my now ex had a broken collarbone and could not shower without help, so I had to drive to his flat. He had no one else to help him. Got no thanks for that.
Thats how I want my walk in the woods to be.
Nice Shot! The owl looks super serious while doing it’s job as overseer of your garden.
I finished “The Mists of Avalon” this morning and tbh I am surprised how much I liked it. Started out with big expectations, was a bit disappointed at the beginning but towards the middle the story really got hold of me.
What did I expect? Well, I hoped for a book which would re-kindle my love for fantasy and optional historical (medival-ish) storys. I hoped to find kind of an epos in this book, with a rich backstory shining through and complex social relationships and encounters.
:::Spoiler incomming:::
What disappointed me? The sheer number of romantic scenes, and “romantic” is already an euphemism here, baffled me. Sometimes I felt like reading a YA Novel. Romantic involvement is also really a key point in a lot of decisions characters make and generally a main topic. Also a big no no for me was the reveal at the end, that Gwenhwyfars infertility was always a plot of Morgause. It just came so sudden, almost if someone starts a sentence with :“By the way…”.
What kept me reading? Several things really made the book an overall nice experience for me. On the one hand, I really enjoyed the oftentimes mystical scenery and topic of the old, nature bound religion. On the other hand the readers point of view changes inbetween a few characters. This really paints the depicted world in a lot more colours for me. Also, what was lacking in backstory at the beginning, at least in my eyes, was basically written by the author herself and in the middle of the book I found myself knee deep in more complex entaglements, which I really enjoyed.
And sometimes those are the days I have to stop mid training because I realize I am getting sick x_x
That would be fun to watch.
Thank you so much for this detailed answer :)
I really want to have kids for a long time already, but just recently I got into a spot in life where it seems financially and personality-wise an option. For a long time I was aware that there still was a lot to develop in myself. I also wanted to see and do things, which came a bit short unfortunately, for said financially reasons. I am stillt super afraid of how things will turn out, if I am built for the strain, if I will love my kid(s) enough, teach them enough and at the same time if job-wise everything will work. I really worked hard for the job I now have, but it is science-related and tnerefore I will never see a contract which lasts longer than three years. But I just know that I will regret not having at least one kid.
This seems strangely modern, probably because I am used to old still-lifes being very darkish.