Hey radlibs, how’s it going?
Edit: For those who can’t read the title, the video is just called “The World Is A Lie”. Sam Seder is not handling it well.
Hey radlibs, how’s it going?
Edit: For those who can’t read the title, the video is just called “The World Is A Lie”. Sam Seder is not handling it well.
I honestly wonder how these people would react if you told them that the reason you couldn’t vote for Kamala was because she’s “too much like Trump.”
Pretty obvious how they’d react. They’d say Kamala is the lesser evil.
My cope is that this is not gonna be some kind of coordinated Hitler-esque takeover that will end in nuclear hellfire but idiotic capitalists hollowing out the nation from the inside, causing everything to crumble miserably and end in a whimper, not a bang.
As opposed to specifically liking excellent or subpar white men?
Playing Cathay in Total War Warhammer, the faction based on China. It’s so comically orientalist. “Fighting as one mind” is the classic Asian hivemind trope, constant yapping about “the mighty dragon” and “our honorable ancestors”. Can’t blame the devs too much for this since it’s just adapting a decade-old IP, but it’s pretty cringe not gonna lie.
Detroit: Become Human is objectively the best video game. And you are not entitled to an explanation, do your own research.
Folks, the bourgeois, they’re no good everyone is saying it. All these workers, very handsome workers come up to me and say, Comrade Trump there is a specter haunting Europe, and you know what, they’re right. These bourgeois are very nasty people very very rude and very unfair to the workers. They are stealing our surplus value and no one is doing anything about it. The proletariat comes up to me everyday and says, Comrade Trump will you lead the revolution? And I gotta turn to them and say, Look the instruments of capitalism will be used to bring about its destruction believe me you gotta trust me on this one. The means of production, obama never wanted to seize them. Well guess what? I’m seizing them. Landlords? They’re done for folks. Everyone told me they said, Comrade Trump you won’t be the vanguard of the revolution and they would laugh, the media laughed the democrats laughed, guess whose laughing now?
God, libertarians are such obnoxious, idiotic losers
very credible things are happening in china
it’s in early access, not 100% finished but already very fun
Absolutely crazy Hades 2 run
Wanted to use the White Antlers (Artemis keepsake, gives you crit chance for 1 region but limits you to 30 max HP) and figured I’d try armor stacking for the first 3 regions and then switch to White Antlers for the last one. I picked up the Scarlet Dress from Arachne in the first region which only gives 10 armor but makes your Casts 100% stronger, and thanks to my other sources of armor I was able to keep it up until the end, which Chronos actually commented on.
I don’t even know what happened in the last fight, Chronos just fkn dropped. It took like 15 seconds. I’ve had great builds before but this time I legit don’t know why it went as hard as it did. I had Aspect of Persephone equipped, Hera on Attack, Aphrodite on Special and Cast. Maybe Crit is really that damn good.
By the way, Sun Worshipper (Apollo/Hera duo boon, resurrects the first slain enemy per encounter to fight for you) is so much better than it has any right to be. It’s weird because Charm has always been a really mid effect and the Hex that does pretty much the same thing feels really weak, but Sun Worshipper feels crazy good. “Allies” were the 2nd largest damage source in the run, and that’s all because of this one boon.
Trump isn’t an option, what’s the fkn point
Alolan Raichu
Fun fact: Decidueye is pronounced Decky-dooey
Do not fact check this just trust me
Tried Death Must Die a while back. The problem with making a game that’s “Vampire Survivors mixed with Hades” is that your game is gonna be compared to Hades. A game which has no weaknesses and is at least an 8/10 in every category possible. Amazing gameplay, music, visual design, writing, progression, replayability, anything you can think of, Hades is great at it. So when your Hades-inspired game does have weaknesses, they suddenly become very glaring in comparison.
And the biggest weakness Death Must Die has imo is the writing and the characters. It’s basically non-existant what does exist is pretty bad. Now sure, Vampire Survivors has hardly any writing or story either, but Death Must Die clearly takes inspiration from Hades in that regard, not only are your powers given to you by gods, they also have a voice line every time you get one of their powers. Except where the Hades gods have entire books of dialogue where they talk about themselves, the player character, their many relationships with other characters etc., Death Must Die has none of that. The 3rd time I encountered the fire goddess, her dialogue was already reduced to “Let’s light it up!” or “Coming in hot!”-type of one-liners.
Given how the playable characters are written in a completely different way with no voice acting and different typing gimmicks (like how one uses xd and >.> in her dialogue), it feels like the gods and their voice lines are literally just there because that’s how Hades does it. Except it sucks here and makes the game actively worse. Vampire Survivors gets by with no characters and no dialogue, which is way preferable to bad characters and bad dialogue.
Edit: Just because this sounds so negative I wanna say that Death Must Die is not a bad game at all, in terms of gameplay it does the Vampire Survivors x Hades thing really well. The graphics are completely fine for an indie game made by a small team. I think the main characters each having their gimmick in how they speak is kinda neat. It’s just the terrible writing that makes it come off like a cheap knockoff when it isn’t.
They’re cleaning the dogs
They don’t feel safe, folks! Even in their own homes, they don’t feel safe, isn’t that crazy?
The Dems are such gigantic clowns they make Guaido look like a serious politician
Uuughhh i am going to pOWER POST
Instead of hexagonal bears… how about we go with… monkeys… struggling with boredom…