And Mayo *gag*
I’m a filthy fucking socialist.
And Mayo *gag*
Great History channel (YouTube) video from Sohla El-Waylly about uses of OG aspic:
When you’re not legally permitted to divorce, other means become necessary.
The stories of many of the side characters before the main party met them. That would be great additional material.
Our duopoly is due to First Past the Post voting. Ranked or Alternative voting would be better, but will take a while to implement due to First Past the Post voting.
No what they really want isn’t cheaper eggs, but no immigrants.
And they all died.
We need to start calling ICE.
So we can do this to them when they show up.
Most deadly infectious disease, world champion going strong.
You remember in 2016 the murder clowns, right before he got elected, right?
Ideally we toss him in a pit and set everything around him on fire.
I try to be. In case of outliers.
South African Nazi ass bitch needs to fucking die. ASAP
Just outrun them. They’ll stop breathing in like 5 minutes.
Uh, no. I’m a filthy socialist. But I’m also aware of how voting works within the system.
Admit you were wrong and learn from it.
And vote for ranked voting when it comes up in local elections.
Nothing disturbs Nazis like when others don’t follow the rules - the rules are there to oppress others and ignoring the rules undermines the implied order. Break rules. Fuck with their idea of safety. Mail them letters to their house. Show them pictures of their own home interior. Make them afraid.
Keep this, nix the rest.
And codeine in cough syrup.