It is, we have chosen Delta Green and Thursdays already though
You don’t need any experience, I’ve taught the hobby to loads of people over the years.
Thank you! Anyone that wants to commit can DM me on hexbear
That works with me and about 3 hours so ending around 22:00
Awesome, sounds like maybe starting around 20:00 CET would be best for you then?
I’m running Lancer on sundays so I would prefer something different, I know nothing about MLP so am not interested in Ponyfinder. I am interested in Monster of the Week and have BITD on the post list.
I have used roll20 for a few years so I’m pretty comfortable with that but if everyone else wants to use foundry I have used it a few times.
If you and REgon are up for it we just need to find one other person
Ok sounds good, any of the games appeal to you more than the others?
What day and start time work best for you?
I’ve been following this research document for awhile as I watched nominal.naomi’s videos
Kind of neat to see you on lemmy. I’ve purchased Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master and have watched some of your youtube videos, the 1 year of shadowdark was informative as I just started a Shadowdark version of Keep on the Borderlands.
I have done online only since the pandemic so GIMP, Inkarnate, Roll20, and ZIM Desktop Wiki are pretty essential for organizing as well as digital table-top for play.
I own and frequently use the (Stars/Worlds/Cities) without numbers books often depending on the genre for procedural world-building but I was recently gifted Microscope and im sorry did you say street magic so I’m looking forward to making the shift towards collaborative world building with the players.
Also from the SWN book are the faction rules which are broadly applicable.
Finally I usually reread the Mothership Wardens Operations Manual before I do my October horror one-shots
While I haven’t yet purchased Justin Alexander’s So you want to be a game master, I have extensively read his blog, and often reread it when creating for a new campaign.
If you are interested in something that does a great job of capturing the “D&D” vibe but not crunchy, I recommend Adventure Free 1.6.pdf
Foundry is a really neat VTT I just wish there was a way for a single host to allow access to unlimited amount of “tables”
If it is your kind of thing it support for animated maps is fantastic.
FWIW there is also Owlbear Rodeo
looks like you caught yourself a mod!
Ah nevermind, can’t do sundays I run a Shadowdark game then. Best of luck in your search!
when do you play?
Sounds good, we are actually connected on discord, I played in a Stars without Number game with you
I would use the pre-written modules for mothership, there are a lot of really good ones.
For investigation horror I would read over some of the alexandrian articles on clues, and general advice:
Horror also is helped by pacing, don’t be afraid to let silence sit and let tension grow but also make sure that it is building and not just the players standing around discussing.
I would highly reccommend doing: Mothership - Haunting of Ypsilon 14 as your oneshot it is fantastic. For longer term play I recommend:
i think 17:00 should work. i’ll confirm with you next week
guzzling cum through a dog-muzzle
If anyone is interested in playing a Halloween-themed Delta Green One-shot I have one spot available for a 16:00 CET / 9:00am EST game. Let me know if you are interested, in that or another day/time.
Combination of Inkarnate or GIMP depending on what I need