So basically little caesers in the US
So basically little caesers in the US
Currently reading women race and class, and yeah it was a real shame.
…except Taiwan literally has suicide nets.
I feel like I could just do calisthenics and be fine
This is so blatant it’s funny
The crazy thing for me was that he started talking about how “civilization is saved.”
Genuine good faith question here. Did Russian oil companies play a role in the invasion of Ukraine? And if they did, was it in a monopolies expanding outside of the bounds of the Russian economy kind of way or was it of a different character?
There are libs I know who would look at the .cn and say that this is fake propaganda
Wow. I’m shocked. This is shocking.
I’ll shoot myself in the foot
What’s wrong with the Central Committee’s newspaper?
Reading Ayn Rand makes me so angry (I have to do it for class)
If the election of a single person can spell the end of your “democracy,” how democratic really was it in the first place?
Once when I was debating student debt forgiveness, the person I was debating with (not my opponent) literally said that the US shouldn’t forgive student debt because it’s unfair to the white majority.
I do High School debate in the United States. Never in my life have I met more rabid neoliberal imperialists in my life. I need to cleanse my mind.
This is like one of those “how it’s made” videos but for the CIA
China invests in many African and Latin American countries and many (ultras and liberals, typically) label this investment as imperialism. I’m no expert in the intricacies of the situation, but I find that China’s investment isn’t nearly as destructive or exploitative as western investment.
The person who downvoted is the ultimate alpha sigma chad 😎
I’m a bit confused as to what they’re tangibly evaluating when they say “economy.” What is being hurt? What even does a “successful” economy look like to them?
That’s crazy. It’s almost like poverty alleviation is far more successful than thinly veiled 21st century Jim Crow