That has to happen to every nazi tho, when you hit them you gotta make sure they stay down.
🇨🇳 🇰🇵 🇻🇳 🇱🇦 🇨🇺 🇻🇪 🇳🇮 🇧🇾 🇷🇺 🇮🇷 🇸🇾 🇵🇸 🇲🇽 🇮🇪 🖤❤🤍💜
That has to happen to every nazi tho, when you hit them you gotta make sure they stay down.
Tbf he was originally created as anti-nazi character. But yeah.
I’m praying for this for years.
It’s literally the most satisfying thing that could happen on the internet, after all these years of westoid cancer at every single corner: China bad, disgusting nazis, racism, whining about communism at every turn, looking at everything from westoid perspective, justifying genocides and colonialism and all of that happens even when nothing about politics is mentioned whatsoever. It’s so tiring to watch based people 1vs10 against idiots in comments when they try to push back against this.
Just imagine the backup as they literally bury these idiots with facts and internet finally stops being western dominated hellhole.
There are cheap ones, and a lot without bourgeois themes. But besides, one of the most famous games was made in USSR.
Superhero movies, I like DC more than Marvel so I dislike MCU at least, otherwise yeah some cop movies.
And idk why would videogames be inherently bourgeois but that too if it counts.
I was genuinely surprised how anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist Black Adam and Blue Beetle were few years ago, you really don’t expect it from usual superhero slop these days. I really wonder how can they make more similar movies to get past the usual Hollywood checkup on this stuff in order for it to be released, because they usually can’t or have to put shit like this if they want it to pass.
Minus the few exceptions, really disappointed with almost everything that came out last year, from Joker 2, through standard superhero slop and to top it off, usual showing of Eastern Europe as backward shithole just Medieval.
Opposite for me, might be the reason why sportsmen, athletes and bodybuilders ditch it.
I can’t wrap my head around the fact that people started to think that having a body like King Kong is pretty when Egyptians, Greeks and Romans for hundreds of years idealized clean shaved bodies, with beards being optional, only for some people since about 20th century to start thinking complete opposite.
There is, your choice of course but having a hair free body for life is amazing experience, less sweating, no icks, no discomfort whatsoever. I couldn’t wait to get it off of me once and for all when I had it. It was natural long time ago when it served the same purpose to us as in other great apes, but we’re now at point that we’re way past it so we’re losing it naturally as time goes by.
In my honest opinion, all humans should ditch the hair completely except on the head, with beard and mustache optional for whoever likes it, we’re way past needing it anyway. Historically, ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans all shaved.
Yeah I have the same one from 12.
Your average billionaire prick like Musk and the others, he funds propaganda and color revolutions but nazis use him specifically in propaganda because he’s Jewish so according to them that means he controls the Earth’s core, Solar System, Milky Way and their left nut.
Skill issue
Not at all lmao
Stalin being a vampire is a new one, they didn’t mention that in victims of communism™.
Bravo Vance
Y’all when will they get that people can’t just take a shit in public places, when you’re building toilets, do it in private place.
Asexual reproduction is impossible for humans so even if in some alternative timeline I wanted, I can’t. But I wouldn’t either way.
Admittedly it’s not just kids, for me there’s literally no point in marriage, having kids, any non-familiar/friendly relationship etc, and all that stuff, concept’s completely alien to me.
Besides I’m not a fan of little kids in general, past like 10-11 they’re totally alright, but younger no way.