My gf and I have a joke where we come up with absurd thesis titles with incomprehensible jargon based on random stuff around us.
The Faba Antinomy: The Ursification of the Digital Left Hegemony and the Paradigm of the New Hexagon
My gf and I have a joke where we come up with absurd thesis titles with incomprehensible jargon based on random stuff around us.
The Faba Antinomy: The Ursification of the Digital Left Hegemony and the Paradigm of the New Hexagon
You can watch it https://youtu.be/qq8zFLIftGk
Damn that’s really rough. You got this though. Never let the bosses hold you down even if the election doesn’t go your way. Solidarity!
I really cannot stress enough the importance of making sure your coworkers understand this stuff as early as possible before they hear the anti-union line. Your opponents have the easy job of spreading doubt and confusion. You have the hard job of empowering people with hope and choice. Even your most loyal supporters can be shaken if questions arise that they don’t know the answers to.
You need to start talking to people yesterday and innoculating your neutrals/supporters. Tell your neutrals and supporters exactly what the company and the stool pigeons will say and make sure they understand your response so that when they hear those things they remember what you told them.
Your response a lot of the time will be “that will be decided in contract negotiations” or “that will be a democratc decision made by all of us”. Make it clear that the stool pigeons don’t want your coworkers to negotiate. They don’t want your coworkers to have a choice. They and the company want to dictate the rules to you and your only choice is to obey or quit. Your union wants to have actual negotiations with the company and for everyone to have a say, even the people who aren’t pro union. Your coworkers need to know that anti-union propaganda is an attempt to restrict them so that when they hear it they understand it’s an attack on them.
I would avoid defamation of anyone but if there are characters that are particularly disliked it’s not a terrible idea to point that out to people. Usually organizing focuses on leaders but there are anti-leaders who repel people. If your stool pigeons are anti-leaders you can use that.
Idk if this varies but when/where I was in highschool they used the unweighted GPA to determine class rank or something like that so while there were all these people that slogged through AP and honors courses paying very close attention to their GPA, the valedictorian ended up being some dude (who in academic terms was nowhere near as talented as some of the others) who coasted through the mid level courses with a near perfect GPA.
The actual smartest person in my class though was this dude that was nowhere near the top of the class because he never did his homework but he was far and away smarter than anyone and a decent musician too. He never got any recognition for it from the school though.
I gotta be honest, all the fucking bureaucrats who just give into whatever the DOGE fascists want should be treated like collaborators in their crimes. If someone is like “this could lead to a nuclear armageddon but I gotta protect my job” they deserve to be lined up on a wall just as much as the person they’re folding to.
Idk anything about IFPTE but my advice would be to build an organizing committee, interview, and evaluate unions you could affiliate with before you commit to one (or proceed independently). Unions are a lot more likely to help with organizing efforts that already have some momentum and it’s beneficial to hear what they have to offer and make a democratic decision about joining.
“Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement”
-Guy who actually led the first successful communist revolution
There are plenty of people who misread Marx, either willingfully or not, and become opportunists. Almost nobody truly understands the methods, requirements, and goals of Marxism without reading him though.
I like PSL. They’re probably the best organization in the US right now. They really do not understand the American labor movement though. This is by no means exclusive to them. Basically no organization has a good understanding of the unions. Vaguely posting that the unions should take “bold action” is indicative of how little a grasp they actually have on the labor movement though.
The US labor movement has been dominated by antidemocratic, anticommunist, bureaucratic, class collaborating social-fascists for decades now. They have dug their own graves and now as their heads are being lowered onto the chopping blocks by the executioners of the Trump regime they don’t even flail about because they’ve forgotten how to. Most can’t get their members to take action against their employers. They’ve stopped organizing in right to work states because they can’t even get their members to pay dues. They bleed members every year while crooked union officers make off with ten times the salaries of their members. They can only funnel money and maybe some labor-hours into the campaigns of Democrats who betray them time and time again to the repeated surprise of the unions. They will not do anything to resist (except maybe some milquetoast lawsuits) and they will actively oppose their members taking any serious action to fight back.
This is not to say that the American workers cannot or should not be organized into fighting unions, but the vast majority of the existing unions will not lead that struggle or follow the vanguard parties into it. I think it’s high time the left in this country recall and recreate the history and success of the CIO instead of hoping the unions figure it out for us.
Every analysis of war between NATO and Russia and/or China will fundamentally result in a NATO loss because those countries would not be the ones trying to conquer people on the other side of the planet.
It isn’t the first union at Whole Foods. One was certified in Madison Wisconsin in 2003 but was decertified after a year. It’s also worth mentioning that the NLRB certifies exclusive bargaining rights, not unions, and there have been many instances of Whole Foods employees forming unions, just no others save Madison that won an NLRB election.
The lowest price on the shelf where I work is $5 for a dozen. There are none of those though.
There are $6 and $8 dozens of the store brand. I think they’re organic. The highest cost dozen is like $14 I think but they’re the super organic bougie ones.
The store has been receiving less then a quarter of the eggs getting ordered too so the shelves get wiped out fast.
I feel like the way to make revolution in the US (in a general sense) is actually quite clear. The broader left needs to organize under a disciplined party that sows itself deep into the American proletariat and teaches them to fight - like actually fight with strikes, weapons, sabotage, etc. - and win things for themselves. I don’t think the material situation is particularly ripe for it but it doesn’t matter because most of the American “left” are radlibs that reject this as the means of making change instead opting for something between non-profit work or endless “party building” among the middle class.
Seeing all these people return to the same platitudes of “resistance” “non-violence” and trying to recruit off of Trump taking power again is driving me up a wall.
I did think it looked pretty but otherwise it sucked.
Would I be wrong to say that the carnage and mayhem of the last four years was at least made substantially worse if it wasn’t entirely a product of high level Democrats conspiring to kill tepid social democracy in this country by installing a senile old man at the top of their party?
I don’t believe the president could single handedly fix everything but this ceasefire deal is highlighting just how pathetic of a president Biden has been.
Both of these organizations include police unions. I’m not sure if SEIU represents any MIC workers but the AFL-CIO certainly does.
I don’t think we should just write the unions off as too conservative because many people in these organizations are quite radical, but we should also be very careful not to tail them like basically every left org in the US does. It’s imperative that we develop a strong analysis and critique of these unions as well as relations to their members that can be relied on to connect the unions to the communist movement.
On top of that product is sometimes insured against theft/loss and iirc it’s a tax write off too.
I’m not really sure what point you think I’m ceding. Is it that we shouldn’t replicate the housing solutions of the post-war Soviet Union because we don’t live in the post-war Soviet Union? My point is that Marxist solutions to the housing question are based on the existing conditions, not caricatures of what the Soviet Union did 70 years ago.
It’s gonna be a big year for the grocery industry. Dozens of cbas are up all over the country. Unfortunately UFCW is also a joke of a union. Let’s hope they can pull their shit together.