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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Ils ont tenté de garder l’heure avancée au Colorado. Ils ont arrêtés après quelques temps car les gens étaient trop déprimés de commencer leur journée de travail à la noirceur. Et ils sont plus au sud que nous donc il fait déjà clair plus tôt. Ce genre d’adaptation toucherait principalement de la main d’oeuvre qui commence leur quart de travail tôt (construction, personnel medical, restaurateurs, etc) qui se ramasseraient à faire plus d’heures de travail à la noirceur. S’ils vont de l’avant avec une telle proposition, j’espère qu’il y aura au moins un référendum sur la question.

    Selon moi on devrait tout simplement retourner à ne pas changer l’heure (des études démontrent que ça a un impact non-negligeable sur la santé), mais garder l’heure normale, comme le monde a fait depuis que le cadran solaire existe…

  • That’s the thing, I totally get why people say he’s a sociopath cause even though he’s fucking rich, he can’t even pay for an hotel room for the participants. I have a feeling their belongings were taken so they would not have to deal with people stealing each other’s stuff, which would have been wayyy less likely if people got their own room. I highly doubt it’s that much cheaper to rent a fucking stadium, buying 2000 sleeping bags, paying for portable toilets, etc. than to rent a whole cheap hotel or motel.

    He really wanted those participants to be desperate for that money. “At least if I get to the end, all that crap before will be worth it”. It’s disgusting… He’s not considering those people as humans but as cattle.

  • Well not really. And this is not to defend this company, I hate them so much, but I just want to highlight the difference.

    When you go on Ticketmaster the price shown is what you will pay. Including the taxes and whatever bullshit fees they want to add. So you know exactly what it is going to cost you. What Cineplex was doing was showing the cost of the ticket (let’s say at 15$ or whatever), but when you go checkout, now the cost is 15$+tx, PLUS the ordering online fees as well. That is what was ruled illegal.