What the fuck kind of dystopic garbage is “pet rent”? Is this something I’m too actual tenant rights to understand?
This is unfortunately very common in the US, standard in fact almost
Checks out
I get that pets can increase the amount of damage a property suffers.
I had to pay a cat deposit when I moved in and got it back when I proved I had properly cleaned the carpets.
but rent?
Oh no that’s crazy haha
You’re paying for the building. Doesn’t make any sense having a pet would increase that.
My immediate thought was that you can rent a cat if you don’t own one.
But yeah, it just looks like “there’s gonna be another tenant, pay for that” and the tenant is a cat
Which is stupid anyway, rent shouldn’t depend on the number of people in the unit, you are paying for the apartment/house/etc, not some goddam per person usage.
In fact, the wear and tear of the apartment is going to increase with the number of people, but usually it’s not taken into consideration
Oh, is that abnormal? Sorry my country opposes freedom from the capital holding class
New shit UK is trying to push too.
Pets tend to destroy a lot of stuff, intentionally or not. If you are renting out an apartment and would have to replace the sofa because a tennant’s cat doesn’t have a scratching post, versus renting out to someone who doesn’t have a cat and that problem vanishes. Pee on the floorboards can get into them and bloat (i.e. pet misses the litterbox, just wants attention or got sick). You can’t control these accidents, unless you put them in diapers, which nobody obviously does.
What is the deposit for then?
The deposit only covers so much; for example if the deposit is $1000 in damages, but what if the animals end up causing $2000? Then you only pay $1000 when the overall damage is assessed.
In Sweden we have neither deposits or pet rent
And if the human tenant causes more than $1000 in damage?
Literally no difference.
In my country and probably most of Europe this would be very illegal.
Animals can’t even be denied in a rental here, unless the place is too small for them to live comfortably.
Oh man, it’s even more common for places just to not allow pets here. Having dogs as a renter can be very difficult.
Pet’s cause damage and smells. You post a few.
Can, but dont necessarily do. That’s what the pet deposit is supposed to cover.
“Pet rent” is just a gouge.
There’s almost no tenants rights laws in most of America. Gouging for every last little necessity is very standard. In fact, most places will try to charge you to apply to rent the place, and will try to refuse to show you the full lease terms until you pay for that. I’ve chosen not to rent many places just because they didn’t want to show me the full terms before I gave them $25 for an application fee.
$25 may not be that much, as they always say, but usually I’m looking at 20+ apartments. That shit adds up fast.
Not sure why they needed to say “2 pet limit” at the bottom, they already clarified that with “Cat Cat”.
What if somebody bread their catdogs and ended up with a litter of catcats and dogdogs?
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Awww, nice. I was going to suggest a puma.
I thought I told you to stop making up animals.
I only drink the blood of my enemies! …and the occasional strawberry yoohoo.
Thank you both. I was afraid my puma reference would go unnoticed.
And, Chupathingy.
(Arnold Accent) It’s not a puma!
Finally a home, that doesn’t discriminate against imsorryjon levels of cat
Cant live without my lovecraftian horror
Always a concern after they tie their life force to yours. It makes moving so inconvenient.
I guess they occasionally have someone bringing in a cougar or something
Nobody told me my girlfriend couldn’t stay over.
I’m talking about cougar, not cougar.
Hey man, age is just a number okay?
Cat cat.
Up to two.
So a cat cat and a cat cat.
There’s for sure a story about somebody trying to have a cat-panther so they need to make sure.
It’s about 90.7 kg.
How many stone?
Like one real big one
That’s fucked up to charge both a deposit and “monthly pet rent”
Oh lawd, he coming
Had problems with fucking tigers before.
I’d like to see you not have problems fucking a tiger, buddy
A mid sized mountain lion would satisfy those requirements. Just saying…
Release it into the landlords room while they’re in bed sleeping, save at least a couple of months of rent.
Plus the free room and board in the clink
Well well well, folks. Looks like we have a landlord… release the mountain lion.
What are they going to do, fingerprint dust the mountain lion?
It’s the purrfect crime!
So is the 200 lb limit per cat? Or a total?
Also how much does a Tiger weigh?
The three major types are Bengal, Siberian, and Sumatran tigers. For an adult tiger, Wikipedia says 165 to 675 lbs (75 to 300 kg) depending on type.
TL;DR: Female Sumatran tigers are allowed.
The monthly pet rent is outrageous
Which pets do they have to rent?
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