Can you imagine the fever dream propaganda that would have dripped out of that man’s mouth if instead of Chinese Muslims, it was about Chinese Jews?
“They’re forced to work on the Sabbath because the CCP doesn’t believe in Sundays”
“The CCP reverses circumcisions on the poor Kaifeng Jewish diaspora”
(The sabbath is saturday)
Doesn’t it start at sunset on a Friday and go until sunset on a Saturday?
That’s basically Saturday in secular society
Orthodox Jews would still probably observe the Sabbath over the two calendar days, I’d imagine? But yeah fair enough. I’m not Jewish so can’t speak to that.
You’re right, not just Orthodox Jews. I remember having Shabbat dinner on Friday nights when I visited Jewish friends in high school. But probably only seriously matters to Orthodox Jews since they have broader interpretation of what you can’t do during.
No, it matters to anyone who observes it. Which I don’t, but plenty of my family does.
The Jewish Sabbath and Holidays start at Sundown the evening before, and end at Dark (about an hour after Sundown). The origin for this practice is in Genesis where the text says “and it was evening, and it was morning, the 1st day,” etc.
I doubt Zenz would know that before saying it and having the Victims of Communism repeat it verbatim