Happy Monday, tabletoppers!

What games did you get up to in the last ~7 days? Feel free to share any stories, anecdotes, thoughts, and opinions about your game sessions. And don’t forget to discuss others’ games too, of course!

Bonus question of the week: What game do you introduce/recommend to almost everyone?

  • TheCalzoneMan@beehaw.orgM
    2 years ago

    My week was pretty limited. I was extremely busy IRL last week, but I did find time for a few things.

    Magic: the Gathering: Thursday saw me at my LGS doing a bit of Magic. The games went okay, but I’ve come to expect very little in the way of enjoyable/interesting fights so I may not be going back for a while. Someone pulled out a Kingmaker deck right at the end too, so there was basically no reason for other people to play. sigh

    D&D 5E: The four of us (1 DM 3 players) actually managed to get together to play some of our Dragonlance campaign, which went very well! We’d split the party in the previous session, which involved my main character hiring a couple people (the other players) to track down the Dragon Army and go with him, whilst my side character is leading the other two to Mount Nevermind to go save her sister. We played out the Dragon Army-tracking this week, and ran into a town situated on the back of a skeletal dragon. Now we have some answers on how their leadership works, and can prepare for a second invasion of Kalaman. I tend to play more NPC-style characters, so I was loving it! It helps that I’m the only one besides the DM who likes roleplaying, which means I tend to take a more active role in shaping the story then the other two players.

    Mini Wargaming: I painted up a bunch of army dudes for Bolt Action, on commission, and they came out great. Can’t wait to do the rest of the guys; it’s only a small platoon of 25 plus an armored half-track, but even still I haven’t been able to paint in a while due to college so I’ll take what I can get. I’ve never had to do camo before, so I’m experimenting with new techniques.

    Wushu: Finally, Wushu. This is a two-player version, but we went all-out on the terrible Ramen Oni and his Noodly Apendages™! He attacked us with his cultist-ninjas at the tea-house we were staying at and escaped with the magical flower from an ancient tree there. Hijinks ensued when we followed him to his hidden temple, where we were nearly sucked into the Ramen Realm and had to tear out his “heart.” He made us promise to save his family, then collapsed into a pile of noodles. Very enjoyable, no DM needed, would recommend.

    Bonus Question: I have been desperately searching for a copy of Betrayal Legacy. All of the haunts in Betrayal are fun and pretty easy to understand, but the game still grows as you play.

    • Foon@beehaw.orgOPM
      2 years ago

      I painted up a bunch of army dudes for Bolt Action, on commission, and they came out great.

      Ooh you paint miniatures? Do share! I’d love to see more painted minis.