Poor fella was so close to getting some, but he used papyrus 😔
It’s a screening tool to filter for crystal hoes
Exact reason why white knights and nice guys exist. They’re there for that.
The sad part is some of the nice guys actually read it because it is interesting. I was a former nice guy decades ago. I loved my women’s studies in school because most of my classmates were 50+ year old women so just listening to their perspective as a 18 year old guy on things was so different from what I normally experienced. I learned a lot.
I had a similar experience working alongside women that age (or older) in a grocery store deli counter. Perspective is a good thing, it can improve empathy.
Any feminist literature to suggest? Audiobooks preferred
I recently read (listened to) The Will to Change by bell hooks and Whipping Girl by Julia Serano, and I found them both pretty good
Love me some bell hooks
Hope it’s not a “know your enemy” situation
oki but cud u mayb plees mark as adult content? Thadt be supr nice <3
Ngl dieses RP ist schon heftig cringe, schreib doch einfach normal inshallah
actulii whadduyoumean? i rlli like - actually dunno what u mean.
like - i thinks that corppd corn shud be censrd for — u kno? for work. like - actual work. i sit at work tabl at my actul real work an then i watch the blahaj zon posts an they r vrri comfi, but dis!! mek me uncomfi. i dun wana see this kind of thing at work.
so yes, by
adult content
i meannsfw
, in case that was the thing u askd for.alsuu what is inshallah? i kno germn but littrlli what is that?
alsu no! i will not stop typin!!! >;(
if u dun lik my typin style, jus block me.
no harsh feelings, jus do it if u dun like it <3
stfu they cute af