Just wanted to prove that political diversity ain’t dead. Remember, don’t downvote for disagreements.

  • HelixDab2@lemm.ee
    5 days ago

    I def. agree with the issues in re: Dunbar’s number. Anarchism can, and does, work pretty well in small groups and communes. But scaling it to the size of a country… Well, that’s the hard part. But if you don’t, then authoritarian countries will eat you alive.

    Those who want the role are also those you REALLY don’t want with that power.

    That unfortunately seems to be the case with most cops as well; the ones that want to do it out of a sense of civic responsibility seem to get pushed out pretty quickly by the ones that should never have been cops in the first place. And–looping back around to anarchism–cops are a necessary evil because otherwise you quickly end up with vigilante groups that enforce a capricious set of morality and ethics.