Or if you live in a place that still gets snow, but less, and more intense for shorter periods of time, they just point at the snow and go “what climate change” as if measuring temperature is a concept beyond their understanding.
Isn’t the whole major factor of climate change being that the atmosphere is able to retain more moisture? I may be wrong but I thought I read an article about this. A major shift being a lot of dry periods in regions followed by very wet periods. Essentially the atmosphere can hold more moisture so it has longer dry periods and then much more intense rain and floods. Which would obviously be similar for snowfall.
One big change that’s noticeable in many countries in the northern hemisphere is the disruption of the (northern) polar jet stream. The previous effects of the jet stream include a relative stability of (cold) weather in winter. Due to climate change, the jet stream becomes increasingly unstable, leading to winters with a back-and-forth between warmer periods and frequent “cold snaps”. It’s the latter that people point to, when they say “See? Climate change isn’t real”. The former is what people refer to when they say “There’s no snow anymore like there used to be”.
Can’t get snakes from chicken eggs. It’s nice to be able to simplify the truth for the sake of your audience’s understanding, but there’s a floor to how simple you can be while still presenting correct information. If you’re willing to lie, there’s no floor to how simple the argument can be.
LOL, there will be plenty of snow as the polar vortex destabilizes. My town just scored the all-time state record for snow at 10". IN FLORIDA.
i luv the cold! i cn wear all the fluff comf clothing and look at the bluish global lighting and yellowish sun doin fancy reflections.
i luv the feels of bein cold outside cuz im not actually col, im jus col in face ~
also snow i supr nice and it sounds nice and it makes everything sound all like it’s dampened and like - it looks so nice ~ ~ ~ <3
alsoalso snow is like - glistening like lil sparkles an an and it s so magical feelin and also peeps looks more comfy in snow then when sweating evily and sadly in hot climate ;( they look so uncomfy in hot climate where uncomfy sweaty ewewewew not nice at all. but snow + sunny + comf clothes!!! that’s it, it’s amazing.
O shit teh Penguin of Doom is still alive after all these years.
It’s -4 here rn (standard international units). Just a little bit of snow yesterday tho
I miss snowman.
You can have mine I’m waiting for it to melt right now.
This just seems like a musk level propaganda post to shame people who ask for sources in debates. The people who most consistently post source free content are Fox News victims and anti-vaxxers. This meme is exactly what rational debate looks like to them.
No, it’s making fun of people who can’t have a simple conversation without trying to discredit the other person by piling on an undue expectation of justification with regards to things that should be generally accepted fact and logic.
I can’t be expected to write a research paper every time I make a statement. If the other party wasn’t willing to google it themselves, then they were never going to change their mind in the first place.
I’ve quite literally been asked [citation needed] on the fact that people tend not to want to live in places where it’s extremely hot or extremely cold. Asking that on trivially obvious facts is not any kind of good faith debate.
Edit: I forgot the most dumb [citation needed] I ever got: a guy asked for a citation that manufacturing a bike has less CO2 output than manufacturing a car. Just, like, fucking look at them side by side.
It’s -25C where I am right now. Bring on 2034.
Yes, nothing bad will happen to those who live in the new temperate climates while potential billions become displaced climate refugees.
-40 checking in…
You’re also asking for famine.
I’ve already shoveled twice this winter. I don’t mind less snow as I get older.
Internet arguments in 2025:
Come to africa
Aren’t you suppose to be in Flordia? oh wait.