The president’s executive order also cuts future funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which provides aid to Palestinians.
The president’s executive order also cuts future funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which provides aid to Palestinians.
Thank you for pointing out my excessive pessimism. I often forget the whole “optimism of the soul” portion of the quote which is ever so important. I think my proximity to my field of study has definitely shaped my perception of Nuclear Armageddon as an ever increasing likelihood, when I ought to hold a bit more trust in its avoidance.
I should also mention that these bouts of frustration don’t deter my support for the PRC, or diminish my thoughts on the eventual victory of the people, but they are still concerns I voice from time to time due to fear of nuclear war. I’ve been particularly unenthused since the fall of Syria and am still yet to process all my greif on the matter. Though ironically enough I think it’s been improved slightly by a well-formatted scientific article concerning the core mechanics of a Pebble Bed Reactor designed at Tsinghua University I read about a week ago. It was published a couple years ago, but I was impressed by it and it’s somewhat made me feel more firm in the People’s Republic’s capabilities.
Apologies if that seems odd, or if my pessimism crossed the threshold that is acceptable.
May I ask what your field of study is?
I’m glad that your frustration doesn’t massively deter your support for the PRC.
I understand greatly how you feel. Just please always keep in mind, that you are human. Don’t beat yourself up too much. That’s a problem I have to.
For me personally, I don’t think grief can ever be fully processed. It’s just something to live with.
It’s also always reasonable to be skeptical and criticize the PRC, but they have been doing stuff like this for the better part of a century. I’m sure they know what they are doing, for the most part.
I like how you phrased your cynicism, but as with everything in life, I think it’s more about shades rather than threshholds.
I’m studying Nuclear Engineering, and it’s a field that is both lovely in its opportunity yet utterly demoralizing to be around people who hold passion for it. My mood can swing quite rapidly depending on the information available to me and I generally dislike holding on for optimistic outcomes, it feels self-important to believe that things can work out without strife, so I generally just attempt to do my best and hope that results in getting through whatever struggle is put before me.
It’s worked so far. Though I still do ponder what needs to be done in my portion if the empire to savatoge its capability at destroying the world. I’m better about methodical action over innovative new forms of struggle, but I’m trying to improve the latter.
I find nuclear related stuff to be fascinating. The promise of nearly infinite energy, possibly the ability to synthesize any material, substance or particle in the distant future.
I have a cocktail of mental disorders, namely BPD, Bipolar 2, OCD, impulse control disorder, I’m on the autistic spectrum as well.
I know what it’s like to have “mood swings” or intense moments, as I call them.
I relate alot to you.
Ever since I was a little kid, while I always liked happy, sunshine and rainbows type of explanations and actions, and I liked the belief that everything mostly works out in the long run, what interested me the most was science and reasoning.
I feel that science is the most important tool of humanity, and that the “darkness” and “coldness” of science can shine a light on the atrocities, flaws, and toxic optimism of reality, that most people gloss over or don’t think too hard about.
I’m not trying to brag about this, since I think it probably is a serious problem, but I don’t like to feel happy or content or satisfied.
I’m not sure if you can relate, but it sounds like you might.
I’ve always thought that happiness and optimism are very vague, immaterial, very fleeting, temporary and dangerous feelings.
I feel if I allow myself to be happy or content, then I will slack off, grow complacent, make mistakes or forget something, and someone could end up getting hurt or something could go wrong.
I’m never content to rest on my laurels, and I hate the idea of relaxing or pushing problems or future concerns to the side, even when I should breathe and take inventory, I’m always pushing to the next challenge, in a practically pathological manner. I have a very high standard for myself, and even though I’m only human, I almost never purposefully allow myself to just sit and relax and enjoy things.
Sorry if I rambled.
I figure someone always has to worry or think ahead, and since I can only barely trust myself, and not anyone else, that person should be me.