New Zealand: 2%
the threat of the Bob Semple tank being deployed was why Hitler shot himself
Seeing how this poll changes over time is most telling. In the early post war years everyone knew the Soviets did the heavy lifting and sacrificed the most.
I’m guessing they only asked around the UK?
yeah it’s a UK poll
These same disinformed westoids are so confident in their understanding of the Ukraine proxy war and have such strong & consensual opinions about it.
Makes sense that Germany is the most correct even if only by a little.
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They remember losing, apparently
And what did the UK do during WW2? Mostly, they bombed civilians. But somehow the Soviets get solely blamed for war crimes in German lands.
And what did the UK do during WW2?
Firebombed east Germany so the future Soviet occupation zone would be as destroyed as possible
*this poll was taken in The Economist’s London headquarters
Of all the allies, imagine thinking the fucking Bri*ish did the most.
i find france having the same contribution as the soviets more disgusting.
We welcomed the Germans in our country so that they would have fewer troops on the eastern front. That was our contribution. 🙃
the french got whooped so easily that the germans got cocky
France played 8D chess.
There were so many French volunteers on the eastern front AND the French bourgeois loved the anti worker policies of the fascists. For many of them, Vichy France was pretty dope.
Sauce so I can share it?
In the west is not propaganda, its factual reporting 🤓
I wouldn’t be surprised if 40% if Britain’s contributions to the war was it’s empiral soldiers from the globe, my ethnic home region the Punjab lost many many millions to die for “freedom” only to have to fight again and be partitioned by those they fought for.
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No, civilian and military deaths account to 1.5-2.5 mill and 90k of it being military. Thing is, India was the British cash cow and we had to pay a ridiculous amount in blood, food and other supplies at the cost of our people. I think I was mistaken by thinking it was Punjab that paid 2 million deaths alone. But that’s excluding famine as the Bengal famine alone killed 3 million and then the brutal partition that Britain enforced unto us (YES, enforced they divided the religion groups to make them squabble to leave a weakened and exploitable india) The total death count from beginning of ww2 to partition is up to 10 million
Read this to understand the impact Britian had on India and it’s systemic failings that lead to over 100 million unnecessary deaths
the war (against Germany) was won in early 1943 after Stalingrad, the rest was grinding it out to that conclusion. the US invaded to prevent Soviet occupation of all of Europe in the wake of Germany’s defeat
the funny part is that the US army understands this perfectly well
Ironically british material aid, despite overall of much lesser quantity, was more of a help. Because it arrived when the soviets needed it most.
Like Gandalf, they arrive precisely when they intend to.
Lol, France.
Said it on Twitter, will repeat it here.
The 10% thinking that Belgium, Canada, Australia or New Zealand did the most contribution are truly trolling. A roadbump and a handful of remote UK puppets that only helped the main forces.
The 21% that said they had no idea at least are honest about it.
The 40% that said the UK did the most… Mentally damaged and surely voted for brexit.
france is positively wild