Europe is the same corrupted, or possibly even more. Germany can’t seem to have working military no matter how much money they pour on it, UK is one big shitshow witn monthly huge scandals, France barely managed to supress its tiniest colony, Poland armed forces are in complete shambles and it had like one single possibly successful arms contract in decades.
All that is way too much to ascribe it to mere incompetence, not everywhere on that scale.
Europe is the same corrupted, or possibly even more. Germany can’t seem to have working military no matter how much money they pour on it, UK is one big shitshow witn monthly huge scandals, France barely managed to supress its tiniest colony, Poland armed forces are in complete shambles and it had like one single possibly successful arms contract in decades.
All that is way too much to ascribe it to mere incompetence, not everywhere on that scale.
Crtitical support the the german MIC in keeping us effectively demilitarized.